blob: e2bf68728d6417ebc952803988c28a2a52874f9d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "CSSSelector.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "ElementRuleCollector.h"
#include "InspectorCSSOMWrappers.h"
#include "MatchedDeclarationsCache.h"
#include "MediaQueryEvaluator.h"
#include "RenderStyle.h"
#include "RuleSet.h"
#include "StyleBuilderState.h"
#include "StyleScopeRuleSets.h"
#include <memory>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/text/AtomStringHash.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringHash.h>
namespace WebCore {
class CSSStyleSheet;
class Document;
class Element;
class KeyframeList;
class KeyframeValue;
class RuleData;
class RuleSet;
class SelectorFilter;
class Settings;
class StyleRuleKeyframe;
class StyleProperties;
class StyleRule;
class StyleRuleKeyframes;
class StyleRulePage;
class StyleSheet;
class StyleSheetList;
class ViewportStyleResolver;
// MatchOnlyUserAgentRules is used in media queries, where relative units
// are interpreted according to the document root element style, and styled only
// from the User Agent Stylesheet rules.
enum class RuleMatchingBehavior: uint8_t {
namespace Style {
struct SelectorMatchingState;
struct ElementStyle {
ElementStyle(std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> renderStyle, std::unique_ptr<Relations> relations = { })
: renderStyle(WTFMove(renderStyle))
, relations(WTFMove(relations))
{ }
std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> renderStyle;
std::unique_ptr<Relations> relations;
struct ResolutionContext {
const RenderStyle* parentStyle;
const RenderStyle* parentBoxStyle { nullptr };
// This needs to be provided during style resolution when up-to-date document element style is not available via DOM.
const RenderStyle* documentElementStyle { nullptr };
SelectorMatchingState* selectorMatchingState { nullptr };
class Resolver : public RefCounted<Resolver> {
static Ref<Resolver> create(Document&);
ElementStyle styleForElement(const Element&, const ResolutionContext&, RuleMatchingBehavior = RuleMatchingBehavior::MatchAllRules);
void keyframeStylesForAnimation(const Element&, const RenderStyle& elementStyle, const ResolutionContext&, KeyframeList&);
WEBCORE_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> pseudoStyleForElement(const Element&, const PseudoElementRequest&, const ResolutionContext&);
std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> styleForPage(int pageIndex);
std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> defaultStyleForElement(const Element*);
Document& document() { return m_document; }
const Document& document() const { return m_document; }
const Settings& settings() const { return m_document.settings(); }
void appendAuthorStyleSheets(const Vector<RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet>>&);
ScopeRuleSets& ruleSets() { return m_ruleSets; }
const ScopeRuleSets& ruleSets() const { return m_ruleSets; }
const MediaQueryEvaluator& mediaQueryEvaluator() const { return m_mediaQueryEvaluator; }
void addCurrentSVGFontFaceRules();
std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> styleForKeyframe(const Element&, const RenderStyle& elementStyle, const ResolutionContext&, const StyleRuleKeyframe&, KeyframeValue&);
bool isAnimationNameValid(const String&);
// These methods will give back the set of rules that matched for a given element (or a pseudo-element).
enum CSSRuleFilter {
UAAndUserCSSRules = 1 << 1,
AuthorCSSRules = 1 << 2,
EmptyCSSRules = 1 << 3,
AllButEmptyCSSRules = UAAndUserCSSRules | AuthorCSSRules,
AllCSSRules = AllButEmptyCSSRules | EmptyCSSRules,
Vector<RefPtr<const StyleRule>> styleRulesForElement(const Element*, unsigned rulesToInclude = AllButEmptyCSSRules);
Vector<RefPtr<const StyleRule>> pseudoStyleRulesForElement(const Element*, PseudoId, unsigned rulesToInclude = AllButEmptyCSSRules);
bool hasSelectorForId(const AtomString&) const;
bool hasSelectorForAttribute(const Element&, const AtomString&) const;
bool hasViewportDependentMediaQueries() const;
std::optional<DynamicMediaQueryEvaluationChanges> evaluateDynamicMediaQueries();
void addKeyframeStyle(Ref<StyleRuleKeyframes>&&);
Vector<Ref<StyleRuleKeyframe>> keyframeRulesForName(const AtomString&) const;
bool usesFirstLineRules() const { return m_ruleSets.features().usesFirstLineRules; }
bool usesFirstLetterRules() const { return m_ruleSets.features().usesFirstLetterRules; }
void invalidateMatchedDeclarationsCache();
void clearCachedDeclarationsAffectedByViewportUnits();
InspectorCSSOMWrappers& inspectorCSSOMWrappers() { return m_inspectorCSSOMWrappers; }
bool isSharedBetweenShadowTrees() const { return m_isSharedBetweenShadowTrees; }
void setSharedBetweenShadowTrees() { m_isSharedBetweenShadowTrees = true; }
class State;
BuilderContext builderContext(const State&);
void applyMatchedProperties(State&, const MatchResult&);
ScopeRuleSets m_ruleSets;
typedef HashMap<AtomString, RefPtr<StyleRuleKeyframes>> KeyframesRuleMap;
KeyframesRuleMap m_keyframesRuleMap;
MediaQueryEvaluator m_mediaQueryEvaluator;
std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> m_rootDefaultStyle;
Document& m_document;
InspectorCSSOMWrappers m_inspectorCSSOMWrappers;
MatchedDeclarationsCache m_matchedDeclarationsCache;
bool m_matchAuthorAndUserStyles { true };
bool m_isSharedBetweenShadowTrees { false };
inline bool Resolver::hasSelectorForAttribute(const Element& element, const AtomString &attributeName) const
if (element.isHTMLElement())
return m_ruleSets.features().attributeCanonicalLocalNamesInRules.contains(attributeName);
return m_ruleSets.features().attributeLocalNamesInRules.contains(attributeName);
inline bool Resolver::hasSelectorForId(const AtomString& idValue) const
return m_ruleSets.features().idsInRules.contains(idValue);
} // namespace Style
} // namespace WebCore