blob: bc1df6ff64dde91c505e46bc9eda9850cbd1be19 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Property text-decoration-color has initial value rgba(2, 3, 4, 0.5)
PASS Property text-decoration-color does not inherit
PASS Property text-decoration-line has initial value none
PASS Property text-decoration-line does not inherit
PASS Property text-decoration-style has initial value solid
PASS Property text-decoration-style does not inherit
PASS Property text-emphasis-color has initial value rgba(2, 3, 4, 0.5)
PASS Property text-emphasis-color inherits
PASS Property text-emphasis-position has initial value over right
PASS Property text-emphasis-position inherits
PASS Property text-emphasis-style has initial value none
FAIL Property text-emphasis-style inherits assert_equals: expected "triangle" but got "filled triangle"
PASS Property text-shadow has initial value none
PASS Property text-shadow inherits
PASS Property text-underline-position has initial value auto
PASS Property text-underline-position inherits
FAIL Property text-decoration-skip-ink has initial value auto assert_true: text-decoration-skip-ink doesn't seem to be supported in the computed style expected true got false
FAIL Property text-decoration-skip-ink inherits assert_true: text-decoration-skip-ink doesn't seem to be supported in the computed style expected true got false