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| This tests that HTML5 elements which have implicit landmark and related semantics are not ignored if their render objects have block render objects children. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS test.childrenCount is 7 |
| PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" |
| PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXLandmarkBanner" |
| PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" |
| PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXLandmarkComplementary" |
| PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" |
| PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXLandmarkContentInfo" |
| PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" |
| PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXLandmarkMain" |
| PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" |
| PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXLandmarkNavigation" |
| PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" |
| PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: AXDocumentArticle" |
| PASS el.role is "AXRole: AXGroup" |
| PASS el.subrole is "AXSubrole: " |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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