| <html> |
| <head> |
| <link rel="stylesheet" href="data:text/css,#test-element{text-decoration:line-through}"> |
| <script src="../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <script> |
| description( |
| 'This tests enumerating the elements of DOM lists.' |
| ); |
| |
| if (window.testRunner) |
| testRunner.dumpAsText(); |
| |
| // Create a testing environment that can be cleanup up easily. |
| var testingGround = document.createElement('div'); |
| document.body.appendChild(testingGround); |
| |
| function createFromMarkup(markup) |
| { |
| var range = document.createRange(); |
| var fragmentContainer = document.createElement("div"); |
| range.selectNodeContents(fragmentContainer); |
| testingGround.appendChild(fragmentContainer); |
| var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(markup); |
| fragmentContainer.appendChild(fragment); |
| return fragmentContainer.firstChild; |
| } |
| |
| function setup() |
| { |
| var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; |
| |
| // 2 additional <style>s needed for StyleSheetList test (one is included in the template). |
| // 3 rules needed in the first addtional <style> for the CSSRuleList test. |
| // 3 declarations needed in the first rule needed for the CSSStyleDeclaration test. |
| // @media rule in the second addtional <style> for the MediaList test. |
| head.appendChild(createFromMarkup("<style> ol { width: 100px; height: 100px; color: green; } ol { } ol { } </style>")); |
| head.appendChild(createFromMarkup("<style> @media screen, projector, printer { ol { } } </style>")); |
| |
| // 3 <ol>s for NodeList test. |
| // 3 attributes in the first <ol> for the NamedNodeMap test. |
| testingGround.appendChild(createFromMarkup("<ol class='foo' id='bar' name='baz'></ol>")); |
| testingGround.appendChild(document.createElement('ol')); |
| testingGround.appendChild(document.createElement('ol')); |
| |
| // 3 <form>s for forms for HTMLCollection test. |
| var form = document.createElement('form'); |
| testingGround.appendChild(form); |
| testingGround.appendChild(document.createElement('form')); |
| testingGround.appendChild(document.createElement('form')); |
| |
| // 3 <select>s for HTMLFormElement test. |
| var select = document.createElement('select'); |
| form.appendChild(select); |
| form.appendChild(document.createElement('select')); |
| form.appendChild(document.createElement('select')); |
| |
| // 3 <option>s for HTMLSelectElement test. |
| select.appendChild(document.createElement('option')); |
| select.appendChild(document.createElement('option')); |
| select.appendChild(document.createElement('option')); |
| |
| document.body.appendChild(testingGround); |
| } |
| |
| function iterateList(list) |
| { |
| debug(""); |
| debug(Object.prototype.toString.call(list)); |
| var temp = new Array(); |
| for (var i in list) { |
| temp.push(i); |
| } |
| temp.sort(); |
| |
| var a = new Array(); |
| for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; ++i) { |
| a.push({"i" : temp[i], "item" : list[temp[i]]}); |
| } |
| return a; |
| } |
| |
| // ** Firefox DOES include the indexGetter results in enumeration ** |
| // NodeList |
| // HTMLCollection |
| // CSSRuleList |
| // CSSStyleDeclaration |
| // CSSValueList |
| // StyleSheetList |
| // MediaList |
| // NamedNodeMap |
| // HTMLFormElement |
| // HTMLSelectElement |
| |
| // ** Firefox DOESN'T include the indexGetter results in enumeration ** |
| // Window |
| |
| setup(); |
| |
| var resultArray = new Array(); |
| |
| // NodeList |
| var nodeList = testingGround.childNodes; |
| resultArray = iterateList(nodeList); |
| |
| shouldBe("resultArray.length", "15"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].i", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].item", "nodeList.item(0)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].i", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].item", "nodeList.item(1)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].i", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].item", "nodeList.item(2)"); |
| |
| // HTMLCollection |
| var htmlCollection = document.forms; |
| resultArray = iterateList(htmlCollection); |
| shouldBe("resultArray.length", "6"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].i", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].item", "htmlCollection.item(0)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].i", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].item", "htmlCollection.item(1)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].i", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].item", "htmlCollection.item(2)"); |
| |
| // NamedNodeMap |
| var namedNodeMap = document.getElementsByTagName('ol')[0].attributes; |
| resultArray = iterateList(namedNodeMap); |
| shouldBe("resultArray.length", "11"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].i", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].item", "namedNodeMap.item(0)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].i", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].item", "namedNodeMap.item(1)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].i", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].item", "namedNodeMap.item(2)"); |
| |
| // HTMLFormElement |
| var htmlFormElement = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0]; |
| resultArray = iterateList(htmlFormElement); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].i", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].item", "document.getElementsByTagName('select')[0]"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].i", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].item", "document.getElementsByTagName('select')[1]"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].i", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].item", "document.getElementsByTagName('select')[2]"); |
| |
| // HTMLSelectElement |
| var htmlSelectElement = document.getElementsByTagName('select')[0]; |
| resultArray = iterateList(htmlSelectElement); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].i", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].item", "document.getElementsByTagName('option')[0]"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].i", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].item", "document.getElementsByTagName('option')[1]"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].i", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].item", "document.getElementsByTagName('option')[2]"); |
| |
| // StyleSheetList |
| var styleSheetList = document.styleSheets; |
| resultArray = iterateList(styleSheetList); |
| shouldBe("resultArray.length", "6"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].i", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].item", "styleSheetList.item(0)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].i", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].item", "styleSheetList.item(1)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].i", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].item", "styleSheetList.item(2)"); |
| |
| // CSSRuleList |
| var cssRuleList = document.styleSheets[1].cssRules; |
| resultArray = iterateList(cssRuleList); |
| shouldBe("resultArray.length", "5"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].i", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].item", "cssRuleList.item(0)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].i", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].item", "cssRuleList.item(1)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].i", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].item", "cssRuleList.item(2)"); |
| |
| // CSSValueList |
| var cssValueList = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementsByTagName('ol')[0]).getPropertyCSSValue('border-spacing'); |
| resultArray = iterateList(cssValueList); |
| shouldBe("resultArray.length", "10"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].i", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].item", "cssValueList.item(0)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].i", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].item", "cssValueList.item(1)"); |
| |
| // MediaList |
| var mediaList = document.styleSheets[3].cssRules[0].media; |
| resultArray = iterateList(mediaList); |
| shouldBe("resultArray.length", "9"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].i", "'0'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[0].item", "mediaList.item(0)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].i", "'1'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[1].item", "mediaList.item(1)"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].i", "'2'"); |
| shouldBe("resultArray[2].item", "mediaList.item(2)"); |
| |
| debug(""); |
| |
| document.body.removeChild(testingGround); |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |