blob: 6a3f2979592fb975b16776c7a45583b9c702a6f9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Eazel, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc.
# prepare-ChangeLog is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# prepare-ChangeLog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Perl script to create a ChangeLog entry with names of files
# and functions from a diff.
# Darin Adler <>, started 20 April 2000
# Java support added by Maciej Stachowiak <>
# Objective-C, C++ and Objective-C++ support added by Maciej Stachowiak <>
# Git support added by Adam Roben <>
# List functions that have been removed too.
# Decide what a good logical order is for the changed files
# other than a normal text "sort" (top level first?)
# (group directories?) (.h before .c?)
# Handle yacc source files too (other languages?).
# Help merge when there are ChangeLog conflicts or if there's
# already a partly written ChangeLog entry.
# Add command line option to put the ChangeLog into a separate
# file or just spew it out stdout.
# Add SVN version numbers for commit (can't do that until
# the changes are checked in, though).
# Work around diff stupidity where deleting a function that starts
# with a comment makes diff think that the following function
# has been changed (if the following function starts with a comment
# with the same first line, such as /**)
# Work around diff stupidity where deleting an entire function and
# the blank lines before it makes diff think you've changed the
# previous function.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use FindBin;
use Getopt::Long;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use VCSUtils;
sub changeLogDate($);
sub firstDirectoryOrCwd();
sub diffFromToString();
sub diffCommand(@);
sub statusCommand(@);
sub createPatchCommand($);
sub diffHeaderFormat();
sub findOriginalFileFromSvn($);
sub generateFileList(\@\@\%);
sub gitConfig($);
sub isModifiedStatus($);
sub isAddedStatus($);
sub isConflictStatus($);
sub statusDescription($$);
sub extractLineRange($);
sub canonicalizePath($);
sub testListForChangeLog(@);
sub get_function_line_ranges($$);
sub get_function_line_ranges_for_c($$);
sub get_function_line_ranges_for_java($$);
sub method_decl_to_selector($);
sub processPaths(\@);
sub reviewerAndDescriptionForGitCommit($);
# Project time zone for Cupertino, CA, US
my $changeLogTimeZone = "PST8PDT";
my $gitCommit = 0;
my $gitReviewer = "";
my $openChangeLogs = 0;
my $showHelp = 0;
my $updateChangeLogs = 1;
my $parseOptionsResult =
GetOptions("diff|d!" => \$spewDiff,
"git-commit:s" => \$gitCommit,
"git-reviewer:s" => \$gitReviewer,
"help|h!" => \$showHelp,
"open|o!" => \$openChangeLogs,
"update!" => \$updateChangeLogs);
if (!$parseOptionsResult || $showHelp) {
print STDERR basename($0) . " [-d|--diff] [-h|--help] [-o|--open] [--git-commit=<committish>] [--git-reviewer=<name>] [svndir1 [svndir2 ...]]\n";
print STDERR " -d|--diff Spew diff to stdout when running\n";
print STDERR " --git-commit Populate the ChangeLogs from the specified git commit\n";
print STDERR " --git-reviewer When populating the ChangeLogs from a git commit claim that the spcified name reviewed the change.\n";
print STDERR " This option is useful when the git commit lacks a Signed-Off-By: line\n";
print STDERR " -h|--help Show this help message\n";
print STDERR " -o|--open Open ChangeLogs in an editor when done\n";
print STDERR " --[no-]update Update ChangeLogs from svn before adding entry (default: update)\n";
exit 1;
my %paths = processPaths(@ARGV);
my $isGit = isGitDirectory(firstDirectoryOrCwd());
my $isSVN = isSVNDirectory(firstDirectoryOrCwd());
$isSVN || $isGit || die "Couldn't determine your version control system.";
# Find the list of modified files
my @changed_files;
my $changed_files_string;
my %changed_line_ranges;
my %function_lists;
my @conflict_files;
my $SVN = "svn";
my $GIT = "git";
my %supportedTestExtensions = map { $_ => 1 } qw(html shtml svg xml xhtml pl php);
my @addedRegressionTests = ();
my $didChangeRegressionTests = 0;
generateFileList(@changed_files, @conflict_files, %function_lists);
if (!@changed_files && !@conflict_files || !%function_lists) {
print STDERR " No changes found.\n";
exit 1;
if (@conflict_files) {
print STDERR " The following files have conflicts. Run prepare-ChangeLog again after fixing the conflicts:\n";
print STDERR join("\n", @conflict_files), "\n";
exit 1;
if (@changed_files) {
$changed_files_string = "'" . join ("' '", @changed_files) . "'";
# For each file, build a list of modified lines.
# Use line numbers from the "after" side of each diff.
print STDERR " Reviewing diff to determine which lines changed.\n";
my $file;
open DIFF, "-|", diffCommand(@changed_files) or die "The diff failed: $!.\n";
while (<DIFF>) {
$file = makeFilePathRelative($1) if $_ =~ diffHeaderFormat();
if (defined $file) {
my ($start, $end) = extractLineRange($_);
if ($start >= 0 && $end >= 0) {
push @{$changed_line_ranges{$file}}, [ $start, $end ];
} elsif (/DO_NOT_COMMIT/) {
print STDERR "WARNING: file $file contains the string DO_NOT_COMMIT, line $.\n";
close DIFF;
# For each source file, convert line range to function list.
if (%changed_line_ranges) {
print STDERR " Extracting affected function names from source files.\n";
foreach my $file (keys %changed_line_ranges) {
# Only look for function names in .c files.
next unless $file =~ /\.(c|cpp|m|mm|h|java)/;
# Find all the functions in the file.
open SOURCE, $file or next;
my @function_ranges = get_function_line_ranges(\*SOURCE, $file);
close SOURCE;
# Find all the modified functions.
my @functions;
my %saw_function;
my @change_ranges = (@{$changed_line_ranges{$file}}, []);
my @change_range = (0, 0);
FUNCTION: foreach my $function_range_ref (@function_ranges) {
my @function_range = @$function_range_ref;
# Advance to successive change ranges.
for (;; @change_range = @{shift @change_ranges}) {
last FUNCTION unless @change_range;
# If past this function, move on to the next one.
next FUNCTION if $change_range[0] > $function_range[1];
# If an overlap with this function range, record the function name.
if ($change_range[1] >= $function_range[0]
and $change_range[0] <= $function_range[1]) {
if (!$saw_function{$function_range[2]}) {
$saw_function{$function_range[2]} = 1;
push @functions, $function_range[2];
# Format the list of functions now.
if (@functions) {
$function_lists{$file} = "" if !defined $function_lists{$file};
$function_lists{$file} .= "\n (" . join("):\n (", @functions) . "):";
# Get some parameters for the ChangeLog we are about to write.
my $date = changeLogDate($changeLogTimeZone);
my $name = $ENV{CHANGE_LOG_NAME}
|| gitConfig("")
|| (split /\s*,\s*/, (getpwuid $<)[6])[0]
|| "set REAL_NAME environment variable";
my $email_address = $ENV{CHANGE_LOG_EMAIL_ADDRESS}
|| gitConfig("")
|| "set EMAIL_ADDRESS environment variable";
if ($gitCommit) {
$name = `$GIT log --max-count=1 --pretty=\"format:%an\" \"$gitCommit\"`;
$email_address = `$GIT log --max-count=1 --pretty=\"format:%ae\" \"$gitCommit\"`;
# Remove trailing parenthesized notes from user name (bit of hack).
$name =~ s/\(.*?\)\s*$//g;
# Find the change logs.
my %has_log;
my %files;
foreach my $file (sort keys %function_lists) {
my $prefix = $file;
my $has_log = 0;
while ($prefix) {
$prefix =~ s-/[^/]+/?$-/- or $prefix = "";
$has_log = $has_log{$prefix};
if (!defined $has_log) {
$has_log = -f "${prefix}ChangeLog";
$has_log{$prefix} = $has_log;
last if $has_log;
if (!$has_log) {
print STDERR "No ChangeLog found for $file.\n";
} else {
push @{$files{$prefix}}, $file;
# Get the latest ChangeLog files from svn.
my $logs = "";
foreach my $prefix (sort keys %files) {
$logs .= " ${prefix}ChangeLog";
if ($logs && $updateChangeLogs && $isSVN) {
print STDERR " Running 'svn update' to update ChangeLog files.\n";
open ERRORS, "$SVN update -q$logs |" or die "The svn update of ChangeLog files failed: $!.\n";
print STDERR " $_" while <ERRORS>;
close ERRORS;
# Write out a new ChangeLog file.
foreach my $prefix (sort keys %files) {
print STDERR " Editing the ${prefix}ChangeLog file.\n";
open OLD_CHANGE_LOG, "${prefix}ChangeLog" or die "Could not open ${prefix}ChangeLog file: $!.\n";
# It's less efficient to read the whole thing into memory than it would be
# to read it while we prepend to it later, but I like doing this part first.
my @old_change_log = <OLD_CHANGE_LOG>;
open CHANGE_LOG, "> ${prefix}ChangeLog" or die "Could not write ${prefix}ChangeLog\n.";
print CHANGE_LOG "$date $name <$email_address>\n\n";
my ($reviewer, $description) = reviewerAndDescriptionForGitCommit($gitCommit) if $gitCommit;
$reviewer = "NOBODY (OO" . "PS!)" if !$reviewer;
print CHANGE_LOG " Reviewed by $reviewer.\n\n";
print CHANGE_LOG $description . "\n" if $description;
if ($prefix =~ m/WebCore/ || `pwd` =~ m/WebCore/) {
if ($didChangeRegressionTests) {
print CHANGE_LOG testListForChangeLog(sort @addedRegressionTests);
} else {
foreach my $file (sort @{$files{$prefix}}) {
my $file_stem = substr $file, length $prefix;
print CHANGE_LOG " * $file_stem:$function_lists{$file}\n";
print CHANGE_LOG "\n", @old_change_log;
# Write out another diff.
if ($spewDiff && @changed_files) {
print STDERR " Running diff to help you write the ChangeLog entries.\n";
local $/ = undef; # local slurp mode
open DIFF, "-|", createPatchCommand($changed_files_string) or die "The diff failed: $!.\n";
print <DIFF>;
close DIFF;
# Open ChangeLogs.
if ($openChangeLogs && $logs) {
print STDERR " Opening the edited ChangeLog files.\n";
if ($editor) {
system "open -a '$editor'$logs";
} else {
system "open -e$logs";
# Done.
sub canonicalizePath($)
my ($file) = @_;
# Remove extra slashes and '.' directories in path
$file = File::Spec->canonpath($file);
# Remove '..' directories in path
my @dirs = ();
foreach my $dir (File::Spec->splitdir($file)) {
if ($dir eq '..' && $#dirs >= 0 && $dirs[$#dirs] ne '..') {
} else {
push(@dirs, $dir);
return ($#dirs >= 0) ? File::Spec->catdir(@dirs) : ".";
sub changeLogDate($)
my ($timeZone) = @_;
my $savedTimeZone = $ENV{'TZ'};
# Set TZ temporarily so that localtime() is in that time zone
$ENV{'TZ'} = $timeZone;
my $date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime());
if (defined $savedTimeZone) {
$ENV{'TZ'} = $savedTimeZone;
} else {
delete $ENV{'TZ'};
return $date;
sub get_function_line_ranges($$)
my ($file_handle, $file_name) = @_;
if ($file_name =~ /\.(c|cpp|m|mm|h)$/) {
return get_function_line_ranges_for_c ($file_handle, $file_name);
} elsif ($file_name =~ /\.java$/) {
return get_function_line_ranges_for_java ($file_handle, $file_name);
return ();
sub method_decl_to_selector($)
(my $method_decl) = @_;
$_ = $method_decl;
if ((my $comment_stripped) = m-([^/]*)(//|/*).*-) {
$_ = $comment_stripped;
if (/:/) {
my @components = split /:/;
pop @components if (scalar @components > 1);
$_ = (join ':', map {s/.*[^[:word:]]//; scalar $_;} @components) . ':';
} else {
return $_;
# Read a file and get all the line ranges of the things that look like C functions.
# A function name is the last word before an open parenthesis before the outer
# level open brace. A function starts at the first character after the last close
# brace or semicolon before the function name and ends at the close brace.
# Comment handling is simple-minded but will work for all but pathological cases.
# Result is a list of triples: [ start_line, end_line, function_name ].
sub get_function_line_ranges_for_c($$)
my ($file_handle, $file_name) = @_;
my @ranges;
my $in_comment = 0;
my $in_macro = 0;
my $in_method_declaration = 0;
my $in_parentheses = 0;
my $in_braces = 0;
my $brace_start = 0;
my $brace_end = 0;
my $skip_til_brace_or_semicolon = 0;
my $word = "";
my $interface_name = "";
my $potential_method_char = "";
my $potential_method_spec = "";
my $potential_start = 0;
my $potential_name = "";
my $start = 0;
my $name = "";
my $next_word_could_be_namespace = 0;
my $potential_namespace = "";
my @namespaces;
while (<$file_handle>) {
# Handle continued multi-line comment.
if ($in_comment) {
next unless s-.*\*/--;
$in_comment = 0;
# Handle continued macro.
if ($in_macro) {
$in_macro = 0 unless /\\$/;
# Handle start of macro (or any preprocessor directive).
if (/^\s*\#/) {
$in_macro = 1 if /^([^\\]|\\.)*\\$/;
# Handle comments and quoted text.
while (m-(/\*|//|\'|\")-) { # \' and \" keep emacs perl mode happy
my $match = $1;
if ($match eq "/*") {
if (!s-/\*.*?\*/--) {
$in_comment = 1;
} elsif ($match eq "//") {
} else { # ' or "
if (!s-$match([^\\]|\\.)*?$match--) {
warn "mismatched quotes at line $. in $file_name\n";
# continued method declaration
if ($in_method_declaration) {
my $original = $_;
my $method_cont = $_;
chomp $method_cont;
$method_cont =~ s/[;\{].*//;
$potential_method_spec = "${potential_method_spec} ${method_cont}";
$_ = $original;
if (/;/) {
$potential_start = 0;
$potential_method_spec = "";
$potential_method_char = "";
$in_method_declaration = 0;
} elsif (/{/) {
my $selector = method_decl_to_selector ($potential_method_spec);
$potential_name = "${potential_method_char}\[${interface_name} ${selector}\]";
$potential_method_spec = "";
$potential_method_char = "";
$in_method_declaration = 0;
$_ = $original;
} elsif (/\@end/) {
$in_method_declaration = 0;
$interface_name = "";
$_ = $original;
} else {
# start of method declaration
if ((my $method_char, my $method_spec) = m&^([-+])([^0-9;][^;]*);?$&) {
my $original = $_;
if ($interface_name) {
chomp $method_spec;
$method_spec =~ s/\{.*//;
$potential_method_char = $method_char;
$potential_method_spec = $method_spec;
$potential_start = $.;
$in_method_declaration = 1;
} else {
warn "declaring a method but don't have interface on line $. in $file_name\n";
$_ = $original;
if (/\{/) {
my $selector = method_decl_to_selector ($potential_method_spec);
$potential_name = "${potential_method_char}\[${interface_name} ${selector}\]";
$potential_method_spec = "";
$potential_method_char = "";
$in_method_declaration = 0;
$_ = $original;
} elsif (/\@end/) {
$in_method_declaration = 0;
$interface_name = "";
$_ = $original;
} else {
# Find function, interface and method names.
while (m&((?:[[:word:]]+::)*operator(?:[ \t]*\(\)|[^()]*)|[[:word:]:~]+|[(){}:;])|\@(?:implementation|interface|protocol)\s+(\w+)[^{]*&g) {
# interface name
if ($2) {
$interface_name = $2;
# Open parenthesis.
if ($1 eq "(") {
$potential_name = $word unless $in_parentheses || $skip_til_brace_or_semicolon;
# Close parenthesis.
if ($1 eq ")") {
# C++ constructor initializers
if ($1 eq ":") {
$skip_til_brace_or_semicolon = 1 unless ($in_parentheses || $in_braces);
# Open brace.
if ($1 eq "{") {
$skip_til_brace_or_semicolon = 0;
if ($potential_namespace) {
push @namespaces, $potential_namespace;
$potential_namespace = "";
# Promote potential name to real function name at the
# start of the outer level set of braces (function body?).
if (!$in_braces and $potential_start) {
$start = $potential_start;
$name = $potential_name;
if (@namespaces && (length($name) < 2 || substr($name,1,1) ne "[")) {
$name = join ('::', @namespaces, $name);
$in_method_declaration = 0;
$brace_start = $. if (!$in_braces);
# Close brace.
if ($1 eq "}") {
if (!$in_braces && @namespaces) {
pop @namespaces;
$brace_end = $. if (!$in_braces);
# End of an outer level set of braces.
# This could be a function body.
if (!$in_braces and $name) {
push @ranges, [ $start, $., $name ];
$name = "";
$potential_start = 0;
$potential_name = "";
# Semicolon.
if ($1 eq ";") {
$skip_til_brace_or_semicolon = 0;
$potential_start = 0;
$potential_name = "";
$in_method_declaration = 0;
# Ignore "const" method qualifier.
if ($1 eq "const") {
if ($1 eq "namespace" || $1 eq "class" || $1 eq "struct") {
$next_word_could_be_namespace = 1;
# Word.
$word = $1;
if (!$skip_til_brace_or_semicolon) {
if ($next_word_could_be_namespace) {
$potential_namespace = $word;
$next_word_could_be_namespace = 0;
} elsif ($potential_namespace) {
$potential_namespace = "";
if (!$in_parentheses) {
$potential_start = 0;
$potential_name = "";
if (!$potential_start) {
$potential_start = $.;
$potential_name = "";
warn "missing close braces in $file_name (probable start at $brace_start)\n" if ($in_braces > 0);
warn "too many close braces in $file_name (probable start at $brace_end)\n" if ($in_braces < 0);
warn "mismatched parentheses in $file_name\n" if $in_parentheses;
return @ranges;
# Read a file and get all the line ranges of the things that look like Java
# classes, interfaces and methods.
# A class or interface name is the word that immediately follows
# `class' or `interface' when followed by an open curly brace and not
# a semicolon. It can appear at the top level, or inside another class
# or interface block, but not inside a function block
# A class or interface starts at the first character after the first close
# brace or after the function name and ends at the close brace.
# A function name is the last word before an open parenthesis before
# an open brace rather than a semicolon. It can appear at top level or
# inside a class or interface block, but not inside a function block.
# A function starts at the first character after the first close
# brace or after the function name and ends at the close brace.
# Comment handling is simple-minded but will work for all but pathological cases.
# Result is a list of triples: [ start_line, end_line, function_name ].
sub get_function_line_ranges_for_java($$)
my ($file_handle, $file_name) = @_;
my @current_scopes;
my @ranges;
my $in_comment = 0;
my $in_macro = 0;
my $in_parentheses = 0;
my $in_braces = 0;
my $in_non_block_braces = 0;
my $class_or_interface_just_seen = 0;
my $word = "";
my $potential_start = 0;
my $potential_name = "";
my $potential_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;
my $start = 0;
my $name = "";
my $current_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;
while (<$file_handle>) {
# Handle continued multi-line comment.
if ($in_comment) {
next unless s-.*\*/--;
$in_comment = 0;
# Handle continued macro.
if ($in_macro) {
$in_macro = 0 unless /\\$/;
# Handle start of macro (or any preprocessor directive).
if (/^\s*\#/) {
$in_macro = 1 if /^([^\\]|\\.)*\\$/;
# Handle comments and quoted text.
while (m-(/\*|//|\'|\")-) { # \' and \" keep emacs perl mode happy
my $match = $1;
if ($match eq "/*") {
if (!s-/\*.*?\*/--) {
$in_comment = 1;
} elsif ($match eq "//") {
} else { # ' or "
if (!s-$match([^\\]|\\.)*?$match--) {
warn "mismatched quotes at line $. in $file_name\n";
# Find function names.
while (m-(\w+|[(){};])-g) {
# Open parenthesis.
if ($1 eq "(") {
if (!$in_parentheses) {
$potential_name = $word;
$potential_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;
# Close parenthesis.
if ($1 eq ")") {
# Open brace.
if ($1 eq "{") {
# Promote potential name to real function name at the
# start of the outer level set of braces (function/class/interface body?).
if (!$in_non_block_braces
and (!$in_braces or $current_name_is_class_or_interface)
and $potential_start) {
if ($name) {
push @ranges, [ $start, ($. - 1),
join ('.', @current_scopes) ];
$current_name_is_class_or_interface = $potential_name_is_class_or_interface;
$start = $potential_start;
$name = $potential_name;
push (@current_scopes, $name);
} else {
$potential_name = "";
$potential_start = 0;
# Close brace.
if ($1 eq "}") {
# End of an outer level set of braces.
# This could be a function body.
if (!$in_non_block_braces) {
if ($name) {
push @ranges, [ $start, $.,
join ('.', @current_scopes) ];
pop (@current_scopes);
if (@current_scopes) {
$current_name_is_class_or_interface = 1;
$start = $. + 1;
$name = $current_scopes[$#current_scopes-1];
} else {
$current_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;
$start = 0;
$name = "";
} else {
$in_non_block_braces-- if $in_non_block_braces;
$potential_start = 0;
$potential_name = "";
# Semicolon.
if ($1 eq ";") {
$potential_start = 0;
$potential_name = "";
if ($1 eq "class" or $1 eq "interface") {
$class_or_interface_just_seen = 1;
# Word.
$word = $1;
if (!$in_parentheses) {
if ($class_or_interface_just_seen) {
$potential_name = $word;
$potential_start = $.;
$class_or_interface_just_seen = 0;
$potential_name_is_class_or_interface = 1;
if (!$potential_start) {
$potential_start = $.;
$potential_name = "";
$class_or_interface_just_seen = 0;
warn "mismatched braces in $file_name\n" if $in_braces;
warn "mismatched parentheses in $file_name\n" if $in_parentheses;
return @ranges;
sub processPaths(\@)
my ($paths) = @_;
return ("." => 1) if (!@{$paths});
my %result = ();
for my $file (@{$paths}) {
die "can't handle absolute paths like \"$file\"\n" if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($file);
die "can't handle empty string path\n" if $file eq "";
die "can't handle path with single quote in the name like \"$file\"\n" if $file =~ /'/; # ' (keep Xcode syntax highlighting happy)
my $untouchedFile = $file;
$file = canonicalizePath($file);
die "can't handle paths with .. like \"$untouchedFile\"\n" if $file =~ m|/\.\./|;
$result{$file} = 1;
return ("." => 1) if ($result{"."});
# Remove any paths that also have a parent listed.
for my $path (keys %result) {
for (my $parent = dirname($path); $parent ne '.'; $parent = dirname($parent)) {
if ($result{$parent}) {
delete $result{$path};
return %result;
sub diffFromToString()
return "" if $isSVN;
return $gitCommit if $gitCommit =~ m/.+\.\..+/;
return "\"$gitCommit^\" \"$gitCommit\"" if $gitCommit;
return "HEAD" if $isGit;
sub diffCommand(@)
my @paths = @_;
my $pathsString = "'" . join("' '", @paths) . "'";
my $command;
if ($isSVN) {
$command = "$SVN diff --diff-cmd diff -x -N $pathsString";
} elsif ($isGit) {
$command = "$GIT diff " . diffFromToString();
$command .= " -- $pathsString" unless $gitCommit;
return $command;
sub statusCommand(@)
my @files = @_;
my $filesString = "'" . join ("' '", @files) . "'";
my $command;
if ($isSVN) {
$command = "$SVN stat $filesString";
} elsif ($isGit) {
$command = "$GIT diff -r --name-status -C -C -M " . diffFromToString();
$command .= " -- $filesString" unless $gitCommit;
return "$command 2>&1";
sub createPatchCommand($)
my ($changedFilesString) = @_;
my $command;
if ($isSVN) {
$command = "'$FindBin::Bin/svn-create-patch' $changedFilesString";
} elsif ($isGit) {
$command = "$GIT diff -C -C -M " . diffFromToString();
$command .= " -- $changedFilesString" unless $gitCommit;
return $command;
sub diffHeaderFormat()
return qr/^Index: (\S+)$/ if $isSVN;
return qr/^diff --git a\/.+ b\/(.+)$/ if $isGit;
sub findOriginalFileFromSvn($)
my ($file) = @_;
my $baseUrl;
open INFO, "$SVN info . |" or die;
while (<INFO>) {
if (/^URL: (.+)/) {
$baseUrl = $1;
close INFO;
my $sourceFile;
open INFO, "$SVN info '$file' |" or die;
while (<INFO>) {
if (/^Copied From URL: (.+)/) {
$sourceFile = File::Spec->abs2rel($1, $baseUrl);
close INFO;
return $sourceFile;
sub generateFileList(\@\@\%)
my ($changedFiles, $conflictFiles, $functionLists) = @_;
print STDERR " Running status to find changed, added, or removed files.\n";
open STAT, "-|", statusCommand(keys %paths) or die "The status failed: $!.\n";
my $inGitCommitSection = 0;
while (<STAT>) {
my $status;
my $original;
my $file;
if ($isSVN) {
if (/^([ACDMR]).{5} (.+)$/) {
$status = $1;
$file = $2;
$original = findOriginalFileFromSvn($file) if substr($_, 3, 1) eq "+";
} else {
print; # error output from svn stat
} elsif ($isGit) {
if (/^([ADM])\t(.+)$/) {
$status = $1;
$file = $2;
} elsif (/^([CR])[0-9]{1,3}\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t\n]+)$/) { # for example: R90% newfile oldfile
$status = $1;
$original = $2;
$file = $3;
} else {
print; # error output from git diff
next unless $status;
$file = makeFilePathRelative($file);
if (isModifiedStatus($status) || isAddedStatus($status)) {
my @components = File::Spec->splitdir($file);
if ($components[0] eq "LayoutTests") {
$didChangeRegressionTests = 1;
push @addedRegressionTests, $file
if isAddedStatus($status)
&& $file =~ /\.([a-zA-Z]+)$/
&& $supportedTestExtensions{lc($1)}
&& !scalar(grep(/^resources$/i, @components));
push @{$changedFiles}, $file if $components[$#components] ne "ChangeLog";
} elsif (isConflictStatus($status)) {
push @{$conflictFiles}, $file;
my $description = statusDescription($status, $original);
$functionLists->{$file} = $description if defined $description;
close STAT;
sub gitConfig($)
return unless $isGit;
my ($config) = @_;
my $result = `$GIT config $config`;
chomp $result;
return $result;
sub isModifiedStatus($)
my ($status) = @_;
my %statusCodes = (
"M" => 1,
return $statusCodes{$status};
sub isAddedStatus($)
my ($status) = @_;
my %statusCodes = (
"A" => 1,
"C" => $isGit,
"R" => 1,
return $statusCodes{$status};
sub isConflictStatus($)
my ($status) = @_;
my %svn = (
"C" => 1,
my %git = (
"U" => 1,
return 0 if $gitCommit; # an existing commit cannot have conflicts
return $svn{$status} if $isSVN;
return $git{$status} if $isGit;
sub statusDescription($$)
my ($status, $original) = @_;
my %svn = (
"A" => defined $original ? " Copied from \%s." : " Added.",
"D" => " Removed.",
"M" => "",
"R" => defined $original ? " Replaced with \%s." : " Replaced.",
my %git = %svn;
$git{"A"} = " Added.";
$git{"C"} = " Copied from \%s.";
$git{"R"} = " Renamed from \%s.";
return sprintf($svn{$status}, $original) if $isSVN && exists $svn{$status};
return sprintf($git{$status}, $original) if $isGit && exists $git{$status};
return undef;
sub extractLineRange($)
my ($string) = @_;
my ($start, $end) = (-1, -1);
if ($isSVN && $string =~ /^\d+(,\d+)?[acd](\d+)(,(\d+))?/) {
$start = $2;
$end = $4 || $2;
} elsif ($isGit && $string =~ /^@@ -\d+,\d+ \+(\d+),(\d+) @@/) {
$start = $1;
$end = $1 + $2 - 1;
# git-diff shows 3 lines of context above and below the actual changes,
# so we need to subtract that context to find the actual changed range.
# FIXME: This won't work if there's a change at the very beginning or
# very end of a file.
$start += 3;
$end -= 6;
return ($start, $end);
sub firstDirectoryOrCwd()
my $dir = ".";
my @dirs = keys(%paths);
$dir = -d $dirs[0] ? $dirs[0] : dirname($dirs[0]) if @dirs;
return $dir;
sub testListForChangeLog(@)
my (@tests) = @_;
return "" unless @tests;
my $leadString = " Test" . (@tests == 1 ? "" : "s") . ": ";
my $list = $leadString;
foreach my $i (0..$#tests) {
$list .= " " x length($leadString) if $i;
my $test = $tests[$i];
$test =~ s/^LayoutTests\///;
$list .= "$test\n";
$list .= "\n";
return $list;
sub reviewerAndDescriptionForGitCommit($)
my ($commit) = @_;
my $description = '';
my $reviewer;
my @args = qw(rev-list --pretty);
push @args, '-1' if $commit !~ m/.+\.\..+/;
my $gitLog;
local $/ = undef;
open(GIT, "-|", $GIT, @args, $commit) || die;
$gitLog = <GIT>;
my @commitLogs = split(/^[Cc]ommit [a-f0-9]{40}/m, $gitLog);
shift @commitLogs; # Remove initial blank commit log
my $commitLogCount = 0;
foreach my $commitLog (@commitLogs) {
$description .= "\n" if $commitLogCount;
my $inHeader = 1;
my @lines = split(/\n/, $commitLog);
shift @lines; # Remove initial blank line
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($inHeader) {
if (!$line) {
$inHeader = 0;
} elsif ($line =~ /[Ss]igned-[Oo]ff-[Bb]y: (.+)/) {
if (!$reviewer) {
$reviewer = $1;
} else {
$reviewer .= ", " . $1;
} elsif (length $line == 0) {
$description = $description . "\n";
} else {
$line =~ s/^\s*//;
$description = $description . " " . $line . "\n";
if (!$reviewer) {
$reviewer = $gitReviewer;
return ($reviewer, $description);