blob: 891906c48cc51f4e92a640f81400e9418c27dbec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* (C) 2006 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (
* (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2011-2012. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderImage.h"
#include "BitmapImage.h"
#include "CachedImage.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "FontCache.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameSelection.h"
#include "GraphicsContext.h"
#include "HTMLAreaElement.h"
#include "HTMLImageElement.h"
#include "HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "HTMLMapElement.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "HitTestResult.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "PaintInfo.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include "SVGImage.h"
#include <wtf/StackStats.h>
#include "LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches.h"
#include "SelectionRect.h"
namespace WebCore {
// FIXME: This doesn't behave correctly for floating or positioned images, but WebCore doesn't handle those well
// during selection creation yet anyway.
// FIXME: We can't tell whether or not we contain the start or end of the selected Range using only the offsets
// of the start and end, we need to know the whole Position.
void RenderImage::collectSelectionRects(Vector<SelectionRect>& rects, unsigned, unsigned)
RenderBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
IntRect imageRect;
// FIXME: It doesn't make sense to package line bounds into SelectionRects. We should find
// the right and left extent of the selection once for the entire selected Range, perhaps
// using the Range's common ancestor.
IntRect lineExtentRect;
bool isFirstOnLine = false;
bool isLastOnLine = false;
InlineBox* inlineBox = inlineBoxWrapper();
if (!inlineBox) {
// This is a block image.
imageRect = IntRect(0, 0, width(), height());
isFirstOnLine = true;
isLastOnLine = true;
lineExtentRect = imageRect;
if (containingBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
} else {
} else {
LayoutUnit selectionTop = !containingBlock->style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? inlineBox->root().selectionTop() - logicalTop() : logicalBottom() - inlineBox->root().selectionBottom();
imageRect = IntRect(0, selectionTop, logicalWidth(), inlineBox->root().selectionHeight());
isFirstOnLine = !inlineBox->previousOnLineExists();
isLastOnLine = !inlineBox->nextOnLineExists();
LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches cache(*containingBlock);
LayoutUnit leftOffset = containingBlock->logicalLeftSelectionOffset(*containingBlock, inlineBox->logicalTop(), cache);
LayoutUnit rightOffset = containingBlock->logicalRightSelectionOffset(*containingBlock, inlineBox->logicalTop(), cache);
lineExtentRect = IntRect(leftOffset - logicalLeft(), imageRect.y(), rightOffset - leftOffset, imageRect.height());
if (!inlineBox->isHorizontal()) {
imageRect = imageRect.transposedRect();
lineExtentRect = lineExtentRect.transposedRect();
bool isFixed = false;
IntRect absoluteBounds = localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(imageRect), false, &isFixed).enclosingBoundingBox();
IntRect lineExtentBounds = localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(lineExtentRect)).enclosingBoundingBox();
if (!containingBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode())
lineExtentBounds = lineExtentBounds.transposedRect();
// FIXME: We should consider either making SelectionRect a struct or better organize its optional fields into
// an auxiliary struct to simplify its initialization.
rects.append(SelectionRect(absoluteBounds, containingBlock->style().direction(), lineExtentBounds.x(), lineExtentBounds.maxX(), lineExtentBounds.maxY(), 0, false /* line break */, isFirstOnLine, isLastOnLine, false /* contains start */, false /* contains end */, containingBlock->style().isHorizontalWritingMode(), isFixed, false /* ruby text */, columnNumberForOffset(absoluteBounds.x())));
using namespace HTMLNames;
RenderImage::RenderImage(Element& element, PassRef<RenderStyle> style)
: RenderReplaced(element, std::move(style), IntSize())
, m_needsToSetSizeForAltText(false)
, m_didIncrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount(false)
, m_isGeneratedContent(false)
RenderImage::RenderImage(Document& document, PassRef<RenderStyle> style)
: RenderReplaced(document, std::move(style), IntSize())
, m_needsToSetSizeForAltText(false)
, m_didIncrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount(false)
, m_isGeneratedContent(false)
PassRef<RenderStyle> RenderImage::createStyleInheritingFromPseudoStyle(const RenderStyle& pseudoStyle)
ASSERT(pseudoStyle.styleType() == BEFORE || pseudoStyle.styleType() == AFTER);
// Images are special and must inherit the pseudoStyle so the width and height of
// the pseudo element doesn't change the size of the image. In all other cases we
// can just share the style.
auto style = RenderStyle::create();
return style;
void RenderImage::setImageResource(PassOwnPtr<RenderImageResource> imageResource)
m_imageResource = imageResource;
// If we'll be displaying either alt text or an image, add some padding.
static const unsigned short paddingWidth = 4;
static const unsigned short paddingHeight = 4;
// Alt text is restricted to this maximum size, in pixels. These are
// signed integers because they are compared with other signed values.
static const float maxAltTextWidth = 1024;
static const int maxAltTextHeight = 256;
IntSize RenderImage::imageSizeForError(CachedImage* newImage) const
ASSERT_ARG(newImage, newImage);
ASSERT_ARG(newImage, newImage->imageForRenderer(this));
IntSize imageSize;
if (newImage->willPaintBrokenImage()) {
float deviceScaleFactor = WebCore::deviceScaleFactor(&frame());
std::pair<Image*, float> brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor = newImage->brokenImage(deviceScaleFactor);
imageSize = brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.first->size();
imageSize.scale(1 / brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.second);
} else
imageSize = newImage->imageForRenderer(this)->size();
// imageSize() returns 0 for the error image. We need the true size of the
// error image, so we have to get it by grabbing image() directly.
return IntSize(paddingWidth + imageSize.width() * style().effectiveZoom(), paddingHeight + imageSize.height() * style().effectiveZoom());
// Sets the image height and width to fit the alt text. Returns true if the
// image size changed.
bool RenderImage::setImageSizeForAltText(CachedImage* newImage /* = 0 */)
IntSize imageSize;
if (newImage && newImage->imageForRenderer(this))
imageSize = imageSizeForError(newImage);
else if (!m_altText.isEmpty() || newImage) {
// If we'll be displaying either text or an image, add a little padding.
imageSize = IntSize(paddingWidth, paddingHeight);
// we have an alt and the user meant it (its not a text we invented)
if (!m_altText.isEmpty()) {
FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
const Font& font = style().font();
IntSize paddedTextSize(paddingWidth + std::min(ceilf(font.width(RenderBlock::constructTextRun(this, font, m_altText, style()))), maxAltTextWidth), paddingHeight + std::min(font.fontMetrics().height(), maxAltTextHeight));
imageSize = imageSize.expandedTo(paddedTextSize);
if (imageSize == intrinsicSize())
return false;
return true;
void RenderImage::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
RenderReplaced::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
if (m_needsToSetSizeForAltText) {
if (!m_altText.isEmpty() && setImageSizeForAltText(m_imageResource->cachedImage()))
imageDimensionsChanged(true /* imageSizeChanged */);
m_needsToSetSizeForAltText = false;
if (diff == StyleDifferenceLayout && oldStyle->imageOrientation() != style().imageOrientation())
return imageDimensionsChanged(true /* imageSizeChanged */);
if (diff == StyleDifferenceLayout
&& (oldStyle->imageResolution() != style().imageResolution()
|| oldStyle->imageResolutionSnap() != style().imageResolutionSnap()
|| oldStyle->imageResolutionSource() != style().imageResolutionSource()))
imageDimensionsChanged(true /* imageSizeChanged */);
void RenderImage::imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr newImage, const IntRect* rect)
// FIXME (86669): Instead of the RenderImage determining whether its document is in the page
// cache, the RenderImage should remove itself as a client when its document is put into the
// page cache.
if (documentBeingDestroyed() || document().inPageCache())
if (hasBoxDecorations() || hasMask())
RenderReplaced::imageChanged(newImage, rect);
if (!m_imageResource)
if (newImage != m_imageResource->imagePtr() || !newImage)
if (!m_didIncrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount) {
// At a zoom level of 1 the image is guaranteed to have an integer size.
m_didIncrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount = true;
bool imageSizeChanged = false;
// Set image dimensions, taking into account the size of the alt text.
if (m_imageResource->errorOccurred()) {
if (!m_altText.isEmpty() && document().hasPendingStyleRecalc()) {
if (element()) {
m_needsToSetSizeForAltText = true;
imageSizeChanged = setImageSizeForAltText(m_imageResource->cachedImage());
imageDimensionsChanged(imageSizeChanged, rect);
bool RenderImage::updateIntrinsicSizeIfNeeded(const LayoutSize& newSize, bool imageSizeChanged)
if (newSize == intrinsicSize() && !imageSizeChanged)
return false;
if (m_imageResource->errorOccurred())
return imageSizeChanged;
return true;
void RenderImage::updateInnerContentRect()
// Propagate container size to image resource.
LayoutRect paintRect = replacedContentRect(intrinsicSize());
IntSize containerSize(paintRect.width(), paintRect.height());
if (!containerSize.isEmpty())
void RenderImage::imageDimensionsChanged(bool imageSizeChanged, const IntRect* rect)
double scale = style().imageResolution();
if (style().imageResolutionSnap() == ImageResolutionSnapPixels)
scale = roundForImpreciseConversion<int>(scale);
if (scale <= 0)
scale = 1;
bool intrinsicSizeChanged = updateIntrinsicSizeIfNeeded(m_imageResource->intrinsicSize(style().effectiveZoom() / scale), imageSizeChanged);
bool intrinsicSizeChanged = updateIntrinsicSizeIfNeeded(m_imageResource->intrinsicSize(style().effectiveZoom()), imageSizeChanged);
// In the case of generated image content using :before/:after/content, we might not be
// in the render tree yet. In that case, we just need to update our intrinsic size.
// layout() will be called after we are inserted in the tree which will take care of
// what we are doing here.
if (!containingBlock())
bool shouldRepaint = true;
if (intrinsicSizeChanged) {
if (!preferredLogicalWidthsDirty())
bool hasOverrideSize = hasOverrideHeight() || hasOverrideWidth();
if (!hasOverrideSize && !imageSizeChanged) {
LogicalExtentComputedValues computedValues;
LayoutUnit newWidth = computedValues.m_extent;
computeLogicalHeight(height(), 0, computedValues);
LayoutUnit newHeight = computedValues.m_extent;
imageSizeChanged = width() != newWidth || height() != newHeight;
// FIXME: We only need to recompute the containing block's preferred size
// if the containing block's size depends on the image's size (i.e., the container uses shrink-to-fit sizing).
// There's no easy way to detect that shrink-to-fit is needed, always force a layout.
bool containingBlockNeedsToRecomputePreferredSize =
|| style().logicalMaxWidth().isPercent()
|| style().logicalMinWidth().isPercent();
if (imageSizeChanged || hasOverrideSize || containingBlockNeedsToRecomputePreferredSize) {
shouldRepaint = false;
if (!selfNeedsLayout())
if (everHadLayout() && !selfNeedsLayout()) {
// The inner content rectangle is calculated during layout, but may need an update now
// (unless the box has already been scheduled for layout). In order to calculate it, we
// may need values from the containing block, though, so make sure that we're not too
// early. It may be that layout hasn't even taken place once yet.
// FIXME: we should not have to trigger another call to setContainerSizeForRenderer()
// from here, since it's already being done during layout.
if (shouldRepaint) {
LayoutRect repaintRect;
if (rect) {
// The image changed rect is in source image coordinates (pre-zooming),
// so map from the bounds of the image to the contentsBox.
repaintRect = enclosingIntRect(mapRect(*rect, FloatRect(FloatPoint(), m_imageResource->imageSize(1.0f)), contentBoxRect()));
// Guard against too-large changed rects.
} else
repaintRect = contentBoxRect();
// Tell any potential compositing layers that the image needs updating.
void RenderImage::notifyFinished(CachedResource* newImage)
if (!m_imageResource)
if (documentBeingDestroyed())
if (newImage == m_imageResource->cachedImage()) {
// tell any potential compositing layers
// that the image is done and they can reference it directly.
void RenderImage::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
LayoutUnit leftBorder = borderLeft();
LayoutUnit topBorder = borderTop();
LayoutUnit leftPad = paddingLeft();
LayoutUnit topPad = paddingTop();
GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
Page* page = frame().page();
if (!m_imageResource->hasImage() || m_imageResource->errorOccurred()) {
if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)
if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());
if (cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2) {
const int borderWidth = 1;
// Draw an outline rect where the image should be.
context->setStrokeColor(Color::lightGray, style().colorSpace());
context->setFillColor(Color::transparent, style().colorSpace());
context->drawRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + leftBorder + leftPad, paintOffset.y() + topBorder + topPad, cWidth, cHeight)));
bool errorPictureDrawn = false;
LayoutSize imageOffset;
// When calculating the usable dimensions, exclude the pixels of
// the ouline rect so the error image/alt text doesn't draw on it.
LayoutUnit usableWidth = cWidth - 2 * borderWidth;
LayoutUnit usableHeight = cHeight - 2 * borderWidth;
RefPtr<Image> image = m_imageResource->image();
if (m_imageResource->errorOccurred() && !image->isNull() && usableWidth >= image->width() && usableHeight >= image->height()) {
float deviceScaleFactor = WebCore::deviceScaleFactor(&frame());
// Call brokenImage() explicitly to ensure we get the broken image icon at the appropriate resolution.
std::pair<Image*, float> brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor = m_imageResource->cachedImage()->brokenImage(deviceScaleFactor);
image = brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.first;
IntSize imageSize = image->size();
imageSize.scale(1 / brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.second);
// Center the error image, accounting for border and padding.
LayoutUnit centerX = (usableWidth - imageSize.width()) / 2;
if (centerX < 0)
centerX = 0;
LayoutUnit centerY = (usableHeight - imageSize.height()) / 2;
if (centerY < 0)
centerY = 0;
imageOffset = LayoutSize(leftBorder + leftPad + centerX + borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + centerY + borderWidth);
ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription(shouldRespectImageOrientation());
context->drawImage(image.get(), style().colorSpace(), pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset + imageOffset, imageSize)), CompositeSourceOver, orientationDescription);
errorPictureDrawn = true;
if (!m_altText.isEmpty()) {
String text = document().displayStringModifiedByEncoding(m_altText);
context->setFillColor(style().visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), style().colorSpace());
const Font& font = style().font();
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics();
LayoutUnit ascent = fontMetrics.ascent();
LayoutPoint altTextOffset = paintOffset;
altTextOffset.move(leftBorder + leftPad + (paddingWidth / 2) - borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + ascent + (paddingHeight / 2) - borderWidth);
// Only draw the alt text if it'll fit within the content box,
// and only if it fits above the error image.
TextRun textRun = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(this, font, text, style());
LayoutUnit textWidth = font.width(textRun);
if (errorPictureDrawn) {
if (usableWidth >= textWidth && fontMetrics.height() <= imageOffset.height())
context->drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
} else if (usableWidth >= textWidth && usableHeight >= fontMetrics.height())
context->drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
} else if (m_imageResource->hasImage() && cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
RefPtr<Image> img = m_imageResource->image(cWidth, cHeight);
if (!img || img->isNull()) {
if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());
if (style().highlight() != nullAtom && !paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())
paintCustomHighlight(toPoint(paintOffset - location()), style().highlight(), true);
LayoutRect contentRect = contentBoxRect();
LayoutRect paintRect = replacedContentRect(intrinsicSize());
bool clip = !contentRect.contains(paintRect);
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context, clip);
if (clip)
paintIntoRect(context, paintRect);
if (cachedImage() && page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
// For now, count images as unpainted if they are still progressively loading. We may want
// to refine this in the future to account for the portion of the image that has painted.
LayoutRect visibleRect = intersection(paintRect, contentRect);
if (cachedImage()->isLoading())
page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visibleRect);
page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visibleRect);
void RenderImage::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
RenderReplaced::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);
if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline)
void RenderImage::paintAreaElementFocusRing(PaintInfo& paintInfo)
if (document().printing() || !frame().selection().isFocusedAndActive())
if (paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled() && !paintInfo.context->updatingControlTints())
Element* focusedElement = document().focusedElement();
if (!focusedElement || !isHTMLAreaElement(focusedElement))
HTMLAreaElement* areaElement = toHTMLAreaElement(focusedElement);
if (areaElement->imageElement() != element())
// Even if the theme handles focus ring drawing for entire elements, it won't do it for
// an area within an image, so we don't call RenderTheme::supportsFocusRing here.
Path path = areaElement->computePath(this);
if (path.isEmpty())
// FIXME: Do we need additional code to clip the path to the image's bounding box?
RenderStyle* areaElementStyle = areaElement->computedStyle();
unsigned short outlineWidth = areaElementStyle->outlineWidth();
if (!outlineWidth)
paintInfo.context->drawFocusRing(path, outlineWidth,
void RenderImage::areaElementFocusChanged(HTMLAreaElement* element)
ASSERT_UNUSED(element, element->imageElement() == this->element());
// It would be more efficient to only repaint the focus ring rectangle
// for the passed-in area element. That would require adding functions
// to the area element class.
void RenderImage::paintIntoRect(GraphicsContext* context, const LayoutRect& rect)
IntRect alignedRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(rect);
if (!m_imageResource->hasImage() || m_imageResource->errorOccurred() || alignedRect.width() <= 0 || alignedRect.height() <= 0)
RefPtr<Image> img = m_imageResource->image(alignedRect.width(), alignedRect.height());
if (!img || img->isNull())
HTMLImageElement* imageElt = (element() && isHTMLImageElement(element())) ? toHTMLImageElement(element()) : 0;
CompositeOperator compositeOperator = imageElt ? imageElt->compositeOperator() : CompositeSourceOver;
Image* image = m_imageResource->image().get();
bool useLowQualityScaling = shouldPaintAtLowQuality(context, image, image, alignedRect.size());
ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription(shouldRespectImageOrientation());
context->drawImage(m_imageResource->image(alignedRect.width(), alignedRect.height()).get(), style().colorSpace(), alignedRect, compositeOperator, orientationDescription, useLowQualityScaling);
bool RenderImage::boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox*) const
if (!RenderBoxModelObject::boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(bleedAvoidance))
return false;
return !const_cast<RenderImage*>(this)->backgroundIsKnownToBeObscured();
bool RenderImage::foregroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect& localRect, unsigned maxDepthToTest) const
if (!m_imageResource->hasImage() || m_imageResource->errorOccurred())
return false;
if (m_imageResource->cachedImage() && !m_imageResource->cachedImage()->isLoaded())
return false;
if (!contentBoxRect().contains(localRect))
return false;
EFillBox backgroundClip = style().backgroundClip();
// Background paints under borders.
if (backgroundClip == BorderFillBox && style().hasBorder() && !borderObscuresBackground())
return false;
// Background shows in padding area.
if ((backgroundClip == BorderFillBox || backgroundClip == PaddingFillBox) && style().hasPadding())
return false;
// Object-fit may leave parts of the content box empty.
ObjectFit objectFit = style().objectFit();
if (objectFit != ObjectFitFill && objectFit != ObjectFitCover)
return false;
// Check for image with alpha.
return m_imageResource->cachedImage() && m_imageResource->cachedImage()->currentFrameKnownToBeOpaque(this);
bool RenderImage::computeBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured()
if (!hasBackground())
return false;
LayoutRect paintedExtent;
if (!getBackgroundPaintedExtent(paintedExtent))
return false;
return foregroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(paintedExtent, 0);
LayoutUnit RenderImage::minimumReplacedHeight() const
return m_imageResource->errorOccurred() ? intrinsicSize().height() : LayoutUnit();
HTMLMapElement* RenderImage::imageMap() const
HTMLImageElement* i = element() && isHTMLImageElement(element()) ? toHTMLImageElement(element()) : 0;
return i ? i->treeScope().getImageMap(i->fastGetAttribute(usemapAttr)) : 0;
bool RenderImage::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
HitTestResult tempResult(result.hitTestLocation());
bool inside = RenderReplaced::nodeAtPoint(request, tempResult, locationInContainer, accumulatedOffset, hitTestAction);
if (tempResult.innerNode() && element()) {
if (HTMLMapElement* map = imageMap()) {
LayoutRect contentBox = contentBoxRect();
float scaleFactor = 1 / style().effectiveZoom();
LayoutPoint mapLocation = locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset) - locationOffset() - toLayoutSize(contentBox.location());
mapLocation.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
if (map->mapMouseEvent(mapLocation, contentBox.size(), tempResult))
if (!inside && result.isRectBasedTest())
if (inside)
result = tempResult;
return inside;
void RenderImage::updateAltText()
if (!element())
if (isHTMLInputElement(element()))
m_altText = toHTMLInputElement(element())->altText();
else if (isHTMLImageElement(element()))
m_altText = toHTMLImageElement(element())->altText();
void RenderImage::layout()
StackStats::LayoutCheckPoint layoutCheckPoint;
void RenderImage::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(FloatSize& intrinsicSize, double& intrinsicRatio, bool& isPercentageIntrinsicSize) const
RenderReplaced::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio, isPercentageIntrinsicSize);
// Our intrinsicSize is empty if we're rendering generated images with relative width/height. Figure out the right intrinsic size to use.
if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty() && (m_imageResource->imageHasRelativeWidth() || m_imageResource->imageHasRelativeHeight())) {
RenderObject* containingBlock = isOutOfFlowPositioned() ? container() : this->containingBlock();
if (containingBlock->isBox()) {
RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(containingBlock);
// Don't compute an intrinsic ratio to preserve historical WebKit behavior if we're painting alt text and/or a broken image.
if (m_imageResource && m_imageResource->errorOccurred()) {
intrinsicRatio = 1;
bool RenderImage::needsPreferredWidthsRecalculation() const
if (RenderReplaced::needsPreferredWidthsRecalculation())
return true;
return embeddedContentBox();
RenderBox* RenderImage::embeddedContentBox() const
if (!m_imageResource)
return 0;
CachedImage* cachedImage = m_imageResource->cachedImage();
if (cachedImage && cachedImage->image() && cachedImage->image()->isSVGImage())
return static_cast<SVGImage*>(cachedImage->image())->embeddedContentBox();
return 0;
} // namespace WebCore