| <tr><td>URL: <td width=100%><input style="width:100%"></tr> |
| <tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor=red>Alongwordtogiveyouanicebigminwidth. |
| <table border=2 bgcolor=red height=100 width=100><tr><td></tr></table> |
| <table height=120 border=2> |
| <tr><td height=100%><textarea style="height:100%"></textarea> |
| <tr><td width=100 nowrap>I should wrap and not have nowrap. I really should. |
| <tr><td width=100 nowrap><div>I should wrap and not have nowrap. I really should.</div> |
| <tr><td width=100 style="white-space:nowrap">I should have nowrap. I really should. Definitely. Should. |
| <tr><td width=100 style="white-space:nowrap"><div>I should have nowrap. I really should. Definitely. Should.</div> |