| Test the basic behaviors of String.codePointAt |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS String.codePointAt is undefined |
| PASS typeof String.prototype.codePointAt is "function" |
| PASS String.prototype.codePointAt.length is 1 |
| PASS String.prototype.codePointAt.name is "codePointAt" |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "codePointAt").configurable is true |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "codePointAt").enumerable is false |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "codePointAt").writable is true |
| PASS "foo".hasOwnProperty("codePointAt") is false |
| PASS (new String("bar")).hasOwnProperty("codePointAt") is false |
| PASS "".codePointAt(0) is undefined |
| PASS "".codePointAt(1) is undefined |
| PASS "Été".codePointAt(0) is 201 |
| PASS "Été".codePointAt(1) is 116 |
| PASS "Été".codePointAt(2) is 233 |
| PASS "Été".codePointAt(3) is undefined |
| PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(0) is 12454 |
| PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(1) is 12455 |
| PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(2) is 12502 |
| PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(3) is 12461 |
| PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(4) is 12483 |
| PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(5) is 12488 |
| PASS "ウェブキット".codePointAt(6) is undefined |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(null, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(undefined, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(0, 0) is 48 |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(Math.PI, 0) is 51 |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(Math.PI, 1) is 46 |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(Math.PI, 3) is 52 |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(true, 3) is 101 |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(false, 3) is 115 |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(new Object, 3) is 106 |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(Symbol("WebKit"), 3) threw exception TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a string. |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(objectWithCustomToString, 0) is 248 |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(objectThrowingOnToString, 0) threw exception Hehe. |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(objectCountingToString, 0) is 49 |
| PASS objectCountingToString.counter is 1 |
| PASS "abcde".codePointAt(objectWithCustomValueOf) is 98 |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(null, objectRecordsValueOf) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(undefined, objectRecordsValueOf) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(Symbol("WebKit"), objectRecordsValueOf) threw exception TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a string. |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(objectThrowingOnToString, objectRecordsValueOf) threw exception Hehe. |
| PASS objectRecordsValueOf.valueOfEvaluated is false |
| PASS "".codePointAt.call(evaluationOrderRecorder, evaluationOrderRecorder) is 114 |
| PASS evaluationOrderRecorder.methodsCalled.toString() is "toString,valueOf" |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(NaN) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(-0) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(-0.0) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(-0.05) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(-0.999) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(0.4) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(0.9) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(2.9999) is 99 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(-1) is undefined |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(4) is undefined |
| PASS var str = "abc"; str.codePointAt(str.length) is undefined |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(4.1) is undefined |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) is undefined |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) is undefined |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(null) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(undefined) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt("") is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt("WebKit!") is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(new Object) is 97 |
| PASS "abc".codePointAt(Symbol("WebKit")) threw exception TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a number. |
| PASS testLeadSurrogateOutOfBounds() is true |
| PASS testLeadSurrogateAsLastCharacter() is true |
| PASS testTrailSurrogateOutOfbounds() is true |
| PASS testAccessNullInString() is true |
| PASS testNormalCombinationOfSurrogates() is true |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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