blob: 5b86d1d71efc7f691395fc0f9f890bb01b8cb634 [file] [log] [blame]
Make sure that we correctly handle octal literals
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS 0o0 is 0
PASS 0o1 is 1
PASS 0O1 is 1
PASS 0o000000000000 is 0
PASS 0O8 threw exception SyntaxError: No octal digits after '0o'.
PASS 0oa threw exception SyntaxError: No octal digits after '0o'.
PASS 0o0.0 threw exception SyntaxError: Unexpected number '.0'. Parse error..
PASS x=0o1y=42 threw exception SyntaxError: No space between octal literal and identifier.
PASS 0o12 is 0xa
PASS 0o110642547 is 0x01234567
PASS 0o21152746757 is 0x89abcdef
FAIL 0o70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 should be 3.00300673152188e+256. Was 3.2737636676212225e+50.
PASS 0o377777777777777776 is 9007199254740990
PASS 0o377777777777777777 is 9007199254740991
PASS 0o777777777777777776 is 18014398509481982
PASS 0o777777777777777777 is 18014398509481984
PASS !!0o1 is true
PASS !!0o0 is false
PASS Number('0o0') is 0
PASS Number('0o1') is 1
PASS Number('0O1') is 1
PASS Number('0o00000000000000000') is 0
PASS Number('0O8') is NaN
PASS Number('0oa') is NaN
PASS Number('0o0.0') is NaN
PASS Number('0o77') is 0x3f
PASS Number('0o110642547') is 0x01234567
PASS Number('0o21152746757') is 0x89abcdef
PASS Number('0o377777777777777776') is 9007199254740990
PASS Number('0o377777777777777777') is 9007199254740991
PASS Number('0o777777777777777776') is 18014398509481982
PASS Number('0o777777777777777777') is 18014398509481984
PASS !!Number('0o1') is true
PASS !!Number('0o0') is false
PASS successfullyParsed is true