| Test the basic behaviors of Math.clz32() |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS Math.hasOwnProperty("clz32") is true |
| PASS typeof Math.clz32 is "function" |
| PASS Object.getPrototypeOf(Math).clz32 is undefined |
| PASS Math.clz32.length is 1 |
| PASS Math.clz32.name is "clz32" |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Math, "clz32").configurable is true |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Math, "clz32").enumerable is false |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Math, "clz32").writable is true |
| PASS Math.clz32(0) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(-0) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(1) is 31 |
| PASS Math.clz32(-1) is 0 |
| PASS Math.clz32(42) is 26 |
| PASS Math.clz32(-2147483648) is 0 |
| PASS Math.clz32(2147483647) is 1 |
| PASS Math.clz32(Number.MAX_VALUE) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(Number.MIN_VALUE) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) is 0 |
| PASS Math.clz32(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) is 31 |
| PASS Math.clz32(Math.PI) is 30 |
| PASS Math.clz32(Math.E) is 30 |
| PASS Math.clz32(NaN) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32() is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(undefined) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(null) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32("WebKit") is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(Symbol("WebKit")) threw exception TypeError: Cannot convert a symbol to a number. |
| PASS Math.clz32({ webkit: "awesome" }) is 32 |
| PASS Math.clz32(objectConvertToString) is 25 |
| PASS Math.clz32(objectRecordToStringCall) is 28 |
| PASS objectRecordToStringCall.toStringCallCount is 1 |
| PASS Math.clz32(objectThrowOnToString) threw exception No!. |
| PASS Math.clz32(objectWithValueOf) is 15 |
| PASS Math.clz32(objectThrowOnValueOf) threw exception Nope!. |
| PASS Math.clz32(objectRecordValueOfCall) is 23 |
| PASS objectRecordValueOfCall.valueOfCallCount is 1 |
| PASS Math.clz32(objectRecordConversionCalls) is 15 |
| PASS objectRecordConversionCalls.callList.toString() is "valueOf" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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