| This test verifies that keywords and reserved words match those specified in ES5 section 7.6. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS classifyIdentifier("x") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("id") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("identifier") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("keyword") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("strict") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("use") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("abstract") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("boolean") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("byte") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("char") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("double") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("final") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("float") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("goto") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("int") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("long") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("native") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("short") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("synchronized") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("throws") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("transient") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("volatile") is "identifier" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("break") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("case") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("catch") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("continue") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("debugger") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("default") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("delete") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("do") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("else") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("finally") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("for") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("function") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("if") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("in") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("instanceof") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("new") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("return") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("switch") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("this") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("throw") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("try") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("typeof") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("var") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("void") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("while") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("with") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("class") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("const") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("enum") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("export") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("extends") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("import") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("super") is "keyword" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("implements") is "strict" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("interface") is "strict" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("package") is "strict" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("private") is "strict" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("protected") is "strict" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("public") is "strict" |
| PASS classifyIdentifier("static") is "strict" |
| PASS isKeyword("let") is false |
| PASS isStrictKeyword("let") is true |
| PASS isKeyword("yield") is false |
| PASS isStrictKeyword("yield") is true |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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