| |
| FAIL domain assert_equals: expected (undefined) undefined but got (string) "localhost" |
| PASS documentURI |
| PASS baseURI |
| PASS referrer |
| PASS title |
| PASS contentType |
| FAIL readyState assert_equals: expected "complete" but got "interactive" |
| PASS location |
| PASS defaultView |
| PASS body |
| PASS doctype |
| FAIL all assert_equals: expected undefined but got [object HTMLAllCollection] |
| PASS cookie |
| PASS Test document URL properties after redirect |
| PASS Test document URL properties of document with <base> after redirect |
| PASS lastModified set to time of response if no HTTP header provided |
| PASS lastModified set to related HTTP header if provided |
| PASS cookie (after setting it) |
| PASS styleSheets should be an object |
| PASS implementation should be an object |
| PASS images should be an object |
| PASS forms should be an object |
| PASS links should be an object |
| |