blob: 6f439ec61a372bc1202f226a3b4e3f41509d5f60 [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
import time
class TimeoutException(Exception):
def wait(session, condition, message,
interval=0.1, timeout=5, ignored_exceptions=Exception):
""" Poll a condition until it's true or the timeout ellapses.
:param session: WebDriver session to use with `condition`
:param condition: function that accepts a WebDriver session and returns a boolean
:param message: failure description to display in case the timeout is reached
:param interval: seconds between each call to `condition`. Default: 0.1
:param timeout: seconds until we stop polling. Default: 5
:param ignored_exceptions: Exceptions that are expected and can be ignored.
Default: Exception
start = time.time()
end = start + timeout
while not (time.time() >= end):
next_step = time.time() + interval
success = condition(session)
except ignored_exceptions:
last_exc = sys.exc_info()[0]
success = False
next_interval = max(next_step - time.time(), 0)
if not success:
return success
raise TimeoutException("Timed out after %d seconds: %s" % (timeout, message))