blob: ae2d0a37c03ae42cb6a296f8c1414cae73a73a7b [file] [log] [blame]
if (window.testRunner) {
function runTest() {
if (!window.testRunner) {
log("This test can only be run under WebKit's testRunner environment");
testRunner.evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorld(0, " \
function test(msg, expected) \
{ \
var console = document.getElementById('console'); \
var span = document.createElement('span'); \
if (msg == undefined) \
msg = 'undefined'; \
else \
msg = msg.toString(); \
span.innerHTML = msg == expected ? 'PASS<br>' : 'FAIL - <br>(' + msg + ') but expected <br>(' + expected + ')<br>'; \
console.appendChild(span); \
} \
pluginEmbed = document.getElementById('plugin-embed'); \
test('madeUpProperty' in pluginEmbed, 'true'); \
test(typeof pluginEmbed.madeUpProperty, 'string'); \
test(pluginEmbed.madeUpProperty, 'My name is madeUpProperty'); \
test('getAttribute' in pluginEmbed, 'true'); \
test(typeof pluginEmbed.getAttribute, 'function'); \
test(pluginEmbed.getAttribute, 'function getAttribute() {\\n [native code]\\n}'); \
test(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(pluginEmbed, 'madeUpProperty'), '[object Object]'); \
test(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(pluginEmbed, 'getAttribute'), 'undefined'); \
pluginObject = document.getElementById('plugin-object'); \
test('madeUpProperty' in pluginObject, 'true'); \
test(typeof pluginObject.madeUpProperty, 'string'); \
test(pluginObject.madeUpProperty, 'My name is madeUpProperty'); \
test('getAttribute' in pluginObject, 'true'); \
test(typeof pluginObject.getAttribute, 'function'); \
test(pluginObject.getAttribute, 'function getAttribute() {\\n [native code]\\n}'); \
test(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(pluginObject, 'madeUpProperty'), '[object Object]'); \
test(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(pluginObject, 'getAttribute'), 'undefined'); \
if (window.testRunner)
<body onLoad="runTest()">
<embed id="plugin-embed" type="application/x-webkit-test-netscape" test="plugin-scriptable-object-overrides-all-properties"></embed><br>
<object id="plugin-object" type="application/x-webkit-test-netscape" test="plugin-scriptable-object-overrides-all-properties"></object><br>
Test that the plugin script object - in a non-standard world - can override any property on its owning node *except* for the properties that are built in to the node or its constructor/prototype chain.<br>
For example, it can override "madeUpProperty" but cannot override "getAttribute" or "className".<br>
<div id="console"></div>