blob: 00600d3955c1cbd70c60939505fcf0040809c70a [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Set cookie with invalid attribute
PASS Set cookie ending with invalid attribute.
PASS Set cookie ending with quoted invalid attribute.
PASS Set cookie ending with double-quoted invalid attribute.
PASS Set cookie ending with invalid attribute equals.
PASS Set cookie with two invalid attributes (lol="aaa and bbb).
PASS Set cookie ending with two invalid attributes (lol="aaa and bbb).
PASS Set cookie for quoted Secure attribute
PASS Set cookie for Secure qux
PASS Ignore invalid attribute name with comma
PASS Ignore invalid attribute value with comma
PASS Set cookie ignoring multiple invalid attributes, whitespace, and semicolons
PASS Set cookie with multiple '='s in its value, ignoring multiple invalid attributes, whitespace, and semicolons
PASS Set cookie with (invalid) version=1 attribute
PASS Set cookie with (invalid) version=1000 attribute
PASS Set cookie ignoring anything after ; (which looks like an invalid attribute)
PASS Set cookie ignoring anything after ; (which looks like an invalid attribute, with no trailing semicolon)
PASS Ignore keys after semicolon
PASS Ignore attributes after semicolon
PASS Ignore `Set-Cookie: =`
PASS Ignore empty cookie string
PASS Ignore `Set-Cookie: =` with other `Set-Cookie` headers
PASS Ignore name- and value-less `Set-Cookie: ; bar`
PASS Ignore name- and value-less `Set-Cookie: `
PASS Ignore name- and value-less `Set-Cookie: \t`
PASS Ignore cookie with domain that won't domain match (along with other invalid noise)