blob: f21c9cc1e8cfceb7776df52dbb7aa3ed796d0f97 [file] [log] [blame]
This tests that persistent notifications created by a service worker are visible to getNotifications() even after Notification objects are stopped
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS Notification.permission is "granted"
Got notifications
There are 0 notifications
Notification was shown
Notification was shown
Notification was shown
Got notifications
There are 3 notifications
Title: Hello
Body: Body1
Tag: tag-a
Data: null
Title: There
Body: Body2
Tag: tag-b
Data: null
Title: Buddy
Body: Body3
Tag: tag-b
Data: Data3
Got notifications
There are 1 notifications
Title: Hello
Body: Body1
Tag: tag-a
Data: null
Got notifications
There are 2 notifications
Title: There
Body: Body2
Tag: tag-b
Data: null
Title: Buddy
Body: Body3
Tag: tag-b
Data: Data3
Loading iframe
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Remove iframes to stop notifications
Retrieving notifications from page registration object - 3
Notification: Hello / Body1 / tag-a / null
Notification: There / Body2 / tag-b / null
Notification: Buddy / Body3 / tag-b / Data3
Retrieving notifications from page registration object - end
PASS successfullyParsed is true