blob: d7df7b84c3c5d13eaa0f6d1c683e946704f6bfda [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Can construct a payment request (smoke test).
PASS PaymentResponse.prototype must have a retry() function (smoke test).
PASS A completed payment request cannot be retried.
PASS Calling retry() more than once yield a rejected promise, but the retryPromise resolves independently.
PASS Calling complete() while a retry() is in progress results in an InvalidStateError.
PASS Trying to abort() via PaymentRequest is not possible.
PASS It's possible to retry() multiple times and eventually complete(). After complete(), however, retry() rejects with an InvalidStateError.
PASS The user aborting retrying a payment causes the retryPromise to reject with AbortError. Aborting a payment is causes it complete.
PASS When retrying, the user is shown error fields to fix.
PASS When "abort the update" occurs because of an update error, the `retryPromise` is rejected and response.[[complete]] becomes true.
PASS Calling retry() multiple times is always a new object.
PASS When retrying without errors, the user is shown an `unknown` error.
PASS response.details should be updated after the user accepts a retry.