CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 33: <link rel=preload> must have a valid `as` value | |
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 34: <link rel=preload> must have a valid `as` value | |
PASS successfullyParsed is true | |
PASS styleLoaded is true | |
PASS scriptLoaded is true | |
PASS imageLoaded is true | |
PASS fontLoaded is true | |
PASS mediaLoaded is true | |
PASS trackLoaded is true | |
PASS gibberishLoaded is false | |
PASS gibberishErrored is true | |
PASS xsltLoaded is false | |
PASS xsltErrored is true | |
PASS noTypeLoaded is true | |
PASS emptyTypeLoaded is true | |
This test makes sure that link preload events are fired |