blob: db388bbca0a2beacd11af1083cdf0cba76e5e9d8 [file] [log] [blame]
import copy
import functools
import imp
import io
import os
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from mozlog import reader
from mozlog.formatters import JSONFormatter
from mozlog.handlers import BaseHandler, StreamHandler, LogLevelFilter
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
localpaths = imp.load_source("localpaths", os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, os.pardir, os.pardir, "")))
from wpt.markdown import markdown_adjust, table
# If a test takes more than (FLAKY_THRESHOLD*timeout) and does not consistently
# time out, it is considered slow (potentially flaky).
class LogActionFilter(BaseHandler):
"""Handler that filters out messages not of a given set of actions.
Subclasses BaseHandler.
:param inner: Handler to use for messages that pass this filter
:param actions: List of actions for which to fire the handler
def __init__(self, inner, actions):
"""Extend BaseHandler and set inner and actions props on self."""
BaseHandler.__init__(self, inner)
self.inner = inner
self.actions = actions
def __call__(self, item):
"""Invoke handler if action is in list passed as constructor param."""
if item["action"] in self.actions:
return self.inner(item)
class LogHandler(reader.LogHandler):
"""Handle updating test and subtest status in log.
Subclasses reader.LogHandler.
def __init__(self):
self.results = OrderedDict()
def find_or_create_test(self, data):
test_name = data["test"]
if self.results.get(test_name):
return self.results[test_name]
test = {
"subtests": OrderedDict(),
"status": defaultdict(int),
"longest_duration": defaultdict(float),
self.results[test_name] = test
return test
def find_or_create_subtest(self, data):
test = self.find_or_create_test(data)
subtest_name = data["subtest"]
if test["subtests"].get(subtest_name):
return test["subtests"][subtest_name]
subtest = {
"status": defaultdict(int),
"messages": set()
test["subtests"][subtest_name] = subtest
return subtest
def test_start(self, data):
test = self.find_or_create_test(data)
test["start_time"] = data["time"]
def test_status(self, data):
subtest = self.find_or_create_subtest(data)
subtest["status"][data["status"]] += 1
if data.get("message"):
def test_end(self, data):
test = self.find_or_create_test(data)
test["status"][data["status"]] += 1
# Timestamps are in ms since epoch.
duration = data["time"] - test.pop("start_time")
test["longest_duration"][data["status"]] = max(
duration, test["longest_duration"][data["status"]])
# test_timeout is in seconds; convert it to ms.
test["timeout"] = data["extra"]["test_timeout"] * 1000
except KeyError:
# If a test is skipped, it won't have extra info.
def is_inconsistent(results_dict, iterations):
"""Return whether or not a single test is inconsistent."""
if 'SKIP' in results_dict:
return False
return len(results_dict) > 1 or sum(results_dict.values()) != iterations
def find_slow_status(test):
"""Check if a single test almost times out.
We are interested in tests that almost time out (i.e. likely to be flaky).
Therefore, timeout statuses are ignored, including (EXTERNAL-)TIMEOUT.
CRASH & ERROR are also ignored because the they override TIMEOUT; a test
that both crashes and times out is marked as CRASH, so it won't be flaky.
A result status produced by a run that almost times out; None, if no
runs almost time out.
if "timeout" not in test:
return None
threshold = test["timeout"] * FLAKY_THRESHOLD
for status in ['PASS', 'FAIL', 'OK']:
if (status in test["longest_duration"] and
test["longest_duration"][status] > threshold):
return status
return None
def process_results(log, iterations):
"""Process test log and return overall results and list of inconsistent tests."""
inconsistent = []
slow = []
handler = LogHandler()
reader.handle_log(, handler)
results = handler.results
for test_name, test in results.iteritems():
if is_inconsistent(test["status"], iterations):
inconsistent.append((test_name, None, test["status"], []))
for subtest_name, subtest in test["subtests"].iteritems():
if is_inconsistent(subtest["status"], iterations):
inconsistent.append((test_name, subtest_name, subtest["status"], subtest["messages"]))
slow_status = find_slow_status(test)
if slow_status is not None:
return results, inconsistent, slow
def err_string(results_dict, iterations):
"""Create and return string with errors from test run."""
rv = []
total_results = sum(results_dict.values())
for key, value in sorted(results_dict.items()):
rv.append("%s%s" %
(key, ": %s/%s" % (value, iterations) if value != iterations else ""))
if total_results < iterations:
rv.append("MISSING: %s/%s" % (iterations - total_results, iterations))
rv = ", ".join(rv)
if is_inconsistent(results_dict, iterations):
rv = "**%s**" % rv
return rv
def write_inconsistent(log, inconsistent, iterations):
"""Output inconsistent tests to logger.error."""
log("## Unstable results ##\n")
strings = [(
"`%s`" % markdown_adjust(test),
("`%s`" % markdown_adjust(subtest)) if subtest else "",
err_string(results, iterations),
("`%s`" % markdown_adjust(";".join(messages))) if len(messages) else "")
for test, subtest, results, messages in inconsistent]
table(["Test", "Subtest", "Results", "Messages"], strings, log)
def write_slow_tests(log, slow):
log("## Slow tests ##\n")
strings = [(
"`%s`" % markdown_adjust(test),
"`%s`" % status,
"`%.0f`" % duration,
"`%.0f`" % timeout)
for test, status, duration, timeout in slow]
table(["Test", "Result", "Longest duration (ms)", "Timeout (ms)"], strings, log)
def write_results(log, results, iterations, pr_number=None, use_details=False):
log("## All results ##\n")
if use_details:
log("<summary>%i %s ran</summary>\n\n" % (len(results),
"tests" if len(results) > 1
else "test"))
for test_name, test in results.iteritems():
baseurl = ""
if "https" in os.path.splitext(test_name)[0].split(".")[1:]:
baseurl = ""
title = test_name
if use_details:
if pr_number:
title = "<a href=\"%s/%s%s\">%s</a>" % (baseurl, pr_number, test_name, title)
log('<summary>%s</summary>\n\n' % title)
log("### %s ###" % title)
strings = [("", err_string(test["status"], iterations), "")]
("`%s`" % markdown_adjust(subtest_name)) if subtest else "",
err_string(subtest["status"], iterations),
("`%s`" % markdown_adjust(';'.join(subtest["messages"]))) if len(subtest["messages"]) else "")
for subtest_name, subtest in test["subtests"].items()))
table(["Subtest", "Results", "Messages"], strings, log)
if use_details:
if use_details:
def run_step(logger, iterations, restart_after_iteration, kwargs_extras, **kwargs):
import wptrunner
kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
if restart_after_iteration:
kwargs["repeat"] = iterations
kwargs["rerun"] = iterations
kwargs["pause_after_test"] = False
def wrap_handler(x):
if not kwargs["verify_log_full"]:
x = LogLevelFilter(x, "WARNING")
x = LogActionFilter(x, ["log", "process_output"])
return x
initial_handlers = logger._state.handlers
logger._state.handlers = [wrap_handler(handler)
for handler in initial_handlers]
log = io.BytesIO()
# Setup logging for wptrunner that keeps process output and
# warning+ level logs only
logger.add_handler(StreamHandler(log, JSONFormatter()))
logger._state.handlers = initial_handlers
logger._state.running_tests = set()
logger._state.suite_started = False
results, inconsistent, slow = process_results(log, iterations)
return results, inconsistent, slow, iterations
def get_steps(logger, repeat_loop, repeat_restart, kwargs_extras):
steps = []
for kwargs_extra in kwargs_extras:
if kwargs_extra:
flags_string = " with flags %s" % " ".join(
"%s=%s" % item for item in kwargs_extra.iteritems())
flags_string = ""
if repeat_loop:
desc = "Running tests in a loop %d times%s" % (repeat_loop,
steps.append((desc, functools.partial(run_step, logger, repeat_loop, False, kwargs_extra)))
if repeat_restart:
desc = "Running tests in a loop with restarts %s times%s" % (repeat_restart,
steps.append((desc, functools.partial(run_step, logger, repeat_restart, True, kwargs_extra)))
return steps
def write_summary(logger, step_results, final_result):
for desc, result in step_results:'::: %s : %s' % (desc, result))':::')
if final_result == "PASS":
log =
elif final_result == "TIMEOUT":
log = logger.warning
log = logger.error
log('::: Test verification %s' % final_result)':::')
def check_stability(logger, repeat_loop=10, repeat_restart=5, chaos_mode=True, max_time=None,
output_results=True, **kwargs):
kwargs_extras = [{}]
if chaos_mode and kwargs["product"] == "firefox":
kwargs_extras.append({"chaos_mode_flags": 3})
steps = get_steps(logger, repeat_loop, repeat_restart, kwargs_extras)
start_time =
step_results = []
for desc, step_func in steps:
if max_time and - start_time > max_time:"::: Test verification is taking too long: Giving up!")"::: So far, all checks passed, but not all checks were run.")
write_summary(logger, step_results, "TIMEOUT")
return 2':::')'::: Running test verification step "%s"...' % desc)':::')
results, inconsistent, slow, iterations = step_func(**kwargs)
if output_results:
write_results(, results, iterations)
if inconsistent:
step_results.append((desc, "FAIL"))
write_inconsistent(, inconsistent, iterations)
write_summary(logger, step_results, "FAIL")
return 1
if slow:
step_results.append((desc, "FAIL"))
write_slow_tests(, slow)
write_summary(logger, step_results, "FAIL")
return 1
step_results.append((desc, "PASS"))
write_summary(logger, step_results, "PASS")