blob: 784413ef162c194d181e71aefee37056ef2f1858 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Precise_test.cpp:
// Test that precise produces the right number of NoContraction decorations in the generated
// SPIR-V.
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "common/spirv/spirv_instruction_parser_autogen.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace spirv = angle::spirv;
class PreciseTest : public testing::TestWithParam<bool>
void SetUp() override
std::map<ShShaderOutput, std::string> shaderOutputList = {
void TearDown() override
for (auto shaderOutputType : mShaderOutputList)
void Initialize(std::map<ShShaderOutput, std::string> &shaderOutputList)
mShaderOutputList = std::move(shaderOutputList);
for (auto shaderOutputType : mShaderOutputList)
mCompilerList[shaderOutputType.first] = nullptr;
void DestroyCompiler(ShShaderOutput shaderOutputType)
if (mCompilerList[shaderOutputType])
mCompilerList[shaderOutputType] = nullptr;
void InitializeCompiler()
for (auto shaderOutputType : mShaderOutputList)
void InitializeCompiler(ShShaderOutput shaderOutputType)
mCompilerList[shaderOutputType] = sh::ConstructCompiler(
GL_VERTEX_SHADER, SH_GLES3_2_SPEC, shaderOutputType, &mResourceList[shaderOutputType]);
ASSERT_TRUE(mCompilerList[shaderOutputType] != nullptr)
<< "Compiler for " << mShaderOutputList[shaderOutputType]
<< " could not be constructed.";
testing::AssertionResult TestShaderCompile(ShShaderOutput shaderOutputType,
const char *shaderSource)
const char *shaderStrings[] = {shaderSource};
const ShCompileOptions options = SH_VARIABLES | SH_OBJECT_CODE;
bool success = sh::Compile(mCompilerList[shaderOutputType], shaderStrings, 1, options);
if (success)
return ::testing::AssertionSuccess()
<< "Compilation success(" << mShaderOutputList[shaderOutputType] << ")";
return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << sh::GetInfoLog(mCompilerList[shaderOutputType]);
void TestShaderCompile(const char *shaderSource, size_t expectedNoContractionDecorationCount)
for (auto shaderOutputType : mShaderOutputList)
EXPECT_TRUE(TestShaderCompile(shaderOutputType.first, shaderSource));
const spirv::Blob &blob =
ValidateDecorations(blob, expectedNoContractionDecorationCount);
void ValidateDecorations(const spirv::Blob &blob, size_t expectedNoContractionDecorationCount);
std::map<ShShaderOutput, std::string> mShaderOutputList;
std::map<ShShaderOutput, ShHandle> mCompilerList;
std::map<ShShaderOutput, ShBuiltInResources> mResourceList;
// Parse the SPIR-V and verify that there are as many NoContraction decorations as expected.
void PreciseTest::ValidateDecorations(const spirv::Blob &blob,
size_t expectedNoContractionDecorationCount)
size_t currentWord = spirv::kHeaderIndexInstructions;
size_t noContractionDecorationCount = 0;
while (currentWord < blob.size())
uint32_t wordCount;
spv::Op opCode;
const uint32_t *instruction = &blob[currentWord];
spirv::GetInstructionOpAndLength(instruction, &opCode, &wordCount);
currentWord += wordCount;
// Early out when the decorations section is visited.
if (opCode == spv::OpTypeVoid || opCode == spv::OpTypeInt || opCode == spv::OpTypeFloat ||
opCode == spv::OpTypeBool)
if (opCode == spv::OpMemberDecorate)
spirv::IdRef type;
spirv::LiteralInteger member;
spv::Decoration decoration;
spirv::ParseMemberDecorate(instruction, &type, &member, &decoration, nullptr);
// NoContraction should be applied to arithmetic instructions, and should not be seen on
// block members.
EXPECT_NE(decoration, spv::DecorationNoContraction);
else if (opCode == spv::OpDecorate)
spirv::IdRef target;
spv::Decoration decoration;
spirv::ParseDecorate(instruction, &target, &decoration, nullptr);
if (decoration == spv::DecorationNoContraction)
EXPECT_EQ(noContractionDecorationCount, expectedNoContractionDecorationCount);
// Test that precise on a local variable works.
TEST_F(PreciseTest, LocalVariable)
constexpr char kVS[] = R"(#version 320 es
uniform float u;
void main()
float f1 = u, f2 = u; // f1 is precise, but f2 isn't.
f1 += 1.0; // NoContraction
f2 += 1.0;
float f3 = f1 * f1; // NoContraction
f3 /= 2.0; // NoContraction
int i1 = int(f3); // i1 is precise
++i1; // NoContraction
--i1; // NoContraction
i1++; // NoContraction
i1--; // NoContraction
int i2 = i1 % 3;
f2 -= float(i2);
precise float p = float(i1) / 1.5; // NoContraction
gl_Position = vec4(p, f2, 0, 0);
TestShaderCompile(kVS, 8);
// Test that precise on gl_Position works.
TEST_F(PreciseTest, Position)
constexpr char kVS[] = R"(#version 320 es
uniform float u;
out float o;
precise gl_Position;
void main()
mat4 m1 = mat4(u); // m1 is precise, even if not all components are used to determine the
// gl_Position.
vec4 v1 = vec4(u); // v1 is precise
vec4 v2 = m1 * v1;
v1 *= m1; // NoContraction
m1 *= m1; // NoContraction
m1 *= u; // NoContraction
v1 *= u; // NoContraction
float f1 = dot(v1, v1);
float f2 = dot(v1, v1); // NoContraction
gl_Position = vec4(m1[0][0], v1[0], f2, 0);
o = f1;
TestShaderCompile(kVS, 5);
// Test that precise on struct member works.
TEST_F(PreciseTest, StructMember)
constexpr char kVS[] = R"(#version 320 es
uniform float u;
struct S1
precise float f;
int i;
struct S2
float f;
struct S3
precise uint u;
S1 s1[2];
precise S2 s2;
layout(std430) buffer B
S3 o1;
S3 o2;
S3 o3;
void main()
S2 a = S2(u), b = S2(u), c = S2(u); // a and c are precise
++a.f; // NoContraction
o1.s2 = a;
c.f += a.f; // NoContraction
o2.s1[0].i = int(a.f);
o2.s1[0].i *= 2;
o2.s1[0].i /= int(b.f);
o1.s1[1].i = int(u);
--o1.s1[1].i; // NoContraction
o2.s1[0].f = c.f;
o3.u = o1.u + uint(o1.s1[1].i); // NoContraction
TestShaderCompile(kVS, 4);
// Test that precise on function parameters and return value works.
TEST_F(PreciseTest, Functions)
constexpr char kVS[] = R"(#version 320 es
uniform float u;
struct S1
float f;
int i;
precise float f1(S1 s, out int io)
float f = s.f; // f is precise
f *= float(s.i); // NoContraction
io = s.i;
return s.f / f; // NoContraction
void f2(S1 s, precise out S1 so)
float f = s.f; // f is precise
f /= float(s.i); // NoContraction
int i = s.i; // i is precise
++i; // NoContraction
so = S1(f, i);
void main()
precise S1 s1;
S1 s2;
int i;
float f = f1(s1, i); // f1's return value being precise doesn't affect f
f2(s1, s2); // f2's out parameter being precise doesn't affect s2
i /= 2;
f *= 2.0;
s2.f += float(s2.i);
gl_Position = vec4(s1.f);
TestShaderCompile(kVS, 4);
// Test that struct constructors only apply precise to the precise fields.
TEST_F(PreciseTest, StructConstructor)
constexpr char kVS[] = R"(#version 320 es
uniform float u;
struct S1
precise float f;
int i;
precise vec4 v;
mat4 m;
void main()
float f = u; // f is precise
int i = int(u);
vec4 v1 = vec4(u); // v1 is precise
vec4 v2 = vec4(u);
f += 1.0; // NoContraction
v1 *= 2.0; // NoContraction
v1 *= 2.0; // NoContraction
v1 *= 2.0; // NoContraction
v1 *= 2.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0;
v2 /= 3.0;
v2 /= 3.0;
v2 /= 3.0;
v2 /= 3.0;
v2 /= 3.0;
v2 /= 3.0;
v2 /= 3.0;
v2 /= 3.0;
S1 s = S1(f, i, v1, mat4(v2, v2, v2, v2));
gl_Position = vec4(s.f, float(s.i), s.v[0], s.m[0][0]);
TestShaderCompile(kVS, 5);
// Test that function call arguments become precise when the return value is assigned to a precise
// object.
TEST_F(PreciseTest, FunctionParams)
constexpr char kVS[] = R"(#version 320 es
uniform float u;
struct S1
precise float f;
int i;
precise vec4 v;
mat4 m;
S1 func(float f, int i, vec4 v, mat4 m)
m /= f;
v *= m;
return S1(f, i, v, m);
void main()
float f = u; // f is precise
int i = int(u); // i is precise
vec4 v1 = vec4(u); // v1 is precise
vec4 v2 = vec4(u); // v2 is precise
f += 1.0; // NoContraction
i--; // NoContraction
i--; // NoContraction
v1 *= 2.0; // NoContraction
v1 *= 2.0; // NoContraction
v1 *= 2.0; // NoContraction
v1 *= 2.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0; // NoContraction
v2 /= 3.0; // NoContraction
// s.f and s.v1 are precise, but to calculate them, all parameters of the function must be made
// precise.
S1 s = func(f, i, v1, mat4(v2, v2, v2, v2));
gl_Position = vec4(s.f, float(s.i), s.v[0], s.m[0][0]);
TestShaderCompile(kVS, 16);
} // anonymous namespace