blob: 0e4b75e9d440899ae5318d37e122eb18f06cca39 [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL slotchange event must not fire synchronously. tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign(tTree.c1)', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)
FAIL slotchange event should not fire when assignments do not change assignedNodes. tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign()', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)
FAIL slotchange event should not fire when same node is assigned. tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign(tTree.c1, tTree.c2)', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)
FAIL Fire slotchange event when slot's assigned nodes changes. tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign(tTree.c1)', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)
FAIL Fire slotchange event on previous slot and new slot when node is reassigned. tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign(tTree.c1)', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)
FAIL Fire slotchange event on node assignment and when assigned node is removed. tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign(tTree.c1)', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)
FAIL Fire slotchange event when order of assigned nodes changes. tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign(tTree.c1, tTree.c2)', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)
FAIL Fire slotchange event when assigned node is removed. tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign(tTree.c1)', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)
FAIL Fire slotchange event when removing a slot from Shadows Root that changes its assigned nodes. tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign(tTree.c1)', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)
FAIL No slotchange event when adding or removing an empty slot. assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1
FAIL No slotchange event when adding another slotable. assert_equals: expected 0 but got 1
FAIL Fire slotchange event when assign node to nested slot, ensure event bubbles ups. tTree.s3.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s3.assign(tTree.s1)', 'tTree.s3.assign' is undefined)
FAIL Signal a slot change should be done in tree order. promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: tTree.s1.assign is not a function. (In 'tTree.s1.assign(tTree.c1)', 'tTree.s1.assign' is undefined)"