blob: d30d988bda36efe6f0862a77a5f0297340607cf6 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus, all tabindex=0
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus & tabindex =-1, all other tabindex=0
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus & no tabindex, all other tabindex=0
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus & tabindex = 0, all other tabindex=-1
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus, all without tabindex
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus, all tabindex=-1
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus & tabindex=0, #belowSlots with tabindex=0
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus & tabindex=0, #outside with tabindex=0
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus & tabindex=0, #aboveSlots and #belowSlots with tabindex=0
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus & tabindex=0, #aboveSlots with tabindex=0 and #belowSlots with tabindex=1
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus & tabindex=0, #slottedToFirstSlot, #slottedToSecondSlot, #belowSlots with tabindex=0
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus and already-focused non-first shadow descendant
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus with another host with no delegatesFocus and a focusable child
PASS focus() on host with delegatesFocus with another host with delegatesFocus and a focusable child