blob: 15990142fed1d2540ed60cdf4900e74fcca41a43 [file] [log] [blame]
Pointer Events Capture Test - capture should not be lost early
Test Description: This test checks if setCapture/pointerup functions works properly. Complete the following actions:
Put your mouse over the red box
Press and hold left mouse button. Box will call setPointerCapture
Press right button and release
Pointer capture should not be lost
Press right button again and release
Pointer capture should not be lost
Release left mouse button. lostpointercapture is called
Test passes if the proper behavior of the events is observed.
Test Passed!
PASS Pointer Events Capture Test - capture not lost due to chorded buttons interaction
PASS Pointer Events Capture Test - capture not lost due to combination of left and right chorded buttons interaction.
Test Passed!