blob: 9857aadc0dc4219ed36f1ec54e8fd1f8b6bc146b [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Adding missing children to mfrac
PASS Removing child from valid mfrac
FAIL Adding child to valid mfrac assert_approx_equals: block position (child 1) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 12.375
PASS Removing extra child from mfrac
PASS Adding missing children to munder
PASS Removing child from valid munder
FAIL Adding child to valid munder assert_approx_equals: block position (child 1) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 12.390625
PASS Removing extra child from munder
PASS Adding missing children to mover
FAIL Removing child from valid mover assert_approx_equals: block position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 23.1875
FAIL Adding child to valid mover assert_approx_equals: block position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 23.1875
PASS Removing extra child from mover
PASS Adding missing children to munderover
FAIL Removing child from valid munderover assert_approx_equals: block position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 33.1875
FAIL Adding child to valid munderover assert_approx_equals: block position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 33.1875
PASS Removing extra child from munderover
PASS Adding missing children to msub
PASS Removing child from valid msub
FAIL Adding child to valid msub assert_approx_equals: inline position (child 1) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 10
PASS Removing extra child from msub
PASS Adding missing children to msup
FAIL Removing child from valid msup assert_approx_equals: block position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 17.1875
FAIL Adding child to valid msup assert_approx_equals: block position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 17.1875
PASS Removing extra child from msup
PASS Adding missing children to msubsup
FAIL Removing child from valid msubsup assert_approx_equals: block position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 27.1875
FAIL Adding child to valid msubsup assert_approx_equals: block position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 27.1875
PASS Removing extra child from msubsup
PASS Adding missing children to mroot
FAIL Removing child from valid mroot assert_approx_equals: inline position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 20.40625
FAIL Adding child to valid mroot assert_approx_equals: inline position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 20.40625
PASS Removing extra child from mroot
FAIL Removing children from msqrt assert_approx_equals: block size expected 19.71875 +/- 1 but got 31.765625
PASS Adding children to msqrt
PASS Removing children from mpadded
PASS Adding children to mpadded
PASS Removing children from mspace
PASS Adding children to mspace
PASS multiscripts child count from 3 to 0
PASS multiscripts child count from 3 to 1
FAIL multiscripts child count from 3 to 2 assert_approx_equals: block position (child 0) expected 0 +/- 1 but got 27.1875
PASS multiscripts child count from 0 to 3
PASS multiscripts child count from 3 to 6
PASS multiscripts child count from 3 to 8