blob: 74fd5037ca6e52731417b29599825c234a637747 [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL width and height properties on maction assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on maction assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
PASS width and height properties on menclose
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on menclose
FAIL width and height properties on merror assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on merror assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
PASS width and height properties on mfrac
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on mfrac
FAIL width and height properties on mi assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 500
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on mi assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 500
PASS width and height properties on mmultiscripts
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on mmultiscripts
FAIL width and height properties on mn assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 500
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on mn assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 500
FAIL width and height properties on mo assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 491.125
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on mo assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 491.125
PASS width and height properties on mover
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on mover
PASS width and height properties on mpadded
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on mpadded
FAIL width and height properties on mphantom assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on mphantom assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
PASS width and height properties on mroot
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on mroot
FAIL width and height properties on mrow assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on mrow assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
FAIL width and height properties on ms assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 500
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on ms assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 500
PASS width and height properties on mspace
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on mspace
PASS width and height properties on msqrt
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on msqrt
FAIL width and height properties on mstyle assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on mstyle assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
PASS width and height properties on msub
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on msub
PASS width and height properties on msubsup
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on msubsup
PASS width and height properties on msup
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on msup
FAIL width and height properties on mtext assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 500
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on mtext assert_approx_equals: width expected 0 +/- 1 but got 500
PASS width and height properties on munder
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on munder
PASS width and height properties on munderover
PASS inline-size and block-size properties on munderover
FAIL width and height properties on semantics assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400
FAIL inline-size and block-size properties on semantics assert_approx_equals: height expected 0 +/- 1 but got 400