blob: ee4db5de867db548122075b1ece76bc42c106811 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS a code point split between chunks should not be emitted until all bytes are available; split point = 2
PASS a code point split between chunks should not be emitted until all bytes are available; split point = 3
PASS a code point split between chunks should not be emitted until all bytes are available; split point = 4
PASS a code point split between chunks should not be emitted until all bytes are available; split point = 5
PASS a code point should be emitted as soon as all bytes are available
PASS an empty chunk inside a code point split between chunks should not change the output; split point = 1
PASS an empty chunk inside a code point split between chunks should not change the output; split point = 2
PASS an empty chunk inside a code point split between chunks should not change the output; split point = 3
PASS an empty chunk inside a code point split between chunks should not change the output; split point = 4
PASS an empty chunk inside a code point split between chunks should not change the output; split point = 5
PASS an empty chunk inside a code point split between chunks should not change the output; split point = 6