blob: 0d8f95b5aa98336e3837f2222e82545bf9b24ad5 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to decode UTF-16BE
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to decode invalid sequences in UTF-16BE
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to reject invalid sequences in UTF-16BE
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to decode UTF-16LE
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to decode invalid sequences in UTF-16LE
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to reject invalid sequences in UTF-16LE
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to decode Shift_JIS
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to decode invalid sequences in Shift_JIS
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to reject invalid sequences in Shift_JIS
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to decode ISO-2022-JP
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to decode invalid sequences in ISO-2022-JP
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to reject invalid sequences in ISO-2022-JP
PASS TextDecoderStream should be able to decode ISO-8859-14