blob: 65e4c39bbe7b05c72fce65c8b2fbe8cc0de23f19 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Passing a detached element from the main document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Passing a non-detached element from the main document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Calling removeChild on a element from the main document with no children should throw NOT_FOUND_ERR.
PASS Passing a detached text from the main document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Passing a non-detached text from the main document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Calling removeChild on a text from the main document with no children should throw NOT_FOUND_ERR.
PASS Passing a detached comment from the main document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Passing a non-detached comment from the main document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Calling removeChild on a comment from the main document with no children should throw NOT_FOUND_ERR.
PASS Passing a detached element from a frame document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Passing a non-detached element from a frame document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Calling removeChild on a element from a frame document with no children should throw NOT_FOUND_ERR.
PASS Passing a detached text from a frame document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Passing a non-detached text from a frame document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Calling removeChild on a text from a frame document with no children should throw NOT_FOUND_ERR.
PASS Passing a detached comment from a frame document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Passing a non-detached comment from a frame document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Calling removeChild on a comment from a frame document with no children should throw NOT_FOUND_ERR.
PASS Passing a detached element from a synthetic document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Passing a non-detached element from a synthetic document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Calling removeChild on a element from a synthetic document with no children should throw NOT_FOUND_ERR.
PASS Passing a detached text from a synthetic document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Passing a non-detached text from a synthetic document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Calling removeChild on a text from a synthetic document with no children should throw NOT_FOUND_ERR.
PASS Passing a detached comment from a synthetic document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Passing a non-detached comment from a synthetic document to removeChild should not affect it.
PASS Calling removeChild on a comment from a synthetic document with no children should throw NOT_FOUND_ERR.
PASS Passing a value that is not a Node reference to removeChild should throw TypeError.
test b