| Test IndexedDB transaction basics. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| indexedDB = self.indexedDB || self.webkitIndexedDB || self.mozIndexedDB || self.msIndexedDB || self.OIndexedDB; |
| |
| indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbname) |
| indexedDB.open(dbname) |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames is [] |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.length is 0 |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is false |
| request = newConnection() |
| indexedDB.open(dbname, 2) |
| addRemoveIDBObjects(): |
| trans = event.target.transaction |
| PASS trans is non-null. |
| store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null) |
| index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x') |
| db.deleteObjectStore('storeFail') |
| Expecting exception from store.deleteIndex('indexFail') |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR |
| PASS ename is 'InvalidStateError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'deleteIndex' on 'IDBObjectStore': The object store has been deleted. |
| |
| testSetVersionAbort2(): |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames is [] |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.length is 0 |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is false |
| request = newConnection() |
| indexedDB.open(dbname, 3) |
| addRemoveAddIDBObjects(): |
| trans = event.target.transaction |
| PASS trans is non-null. |
| store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null) |
| index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x') |
| db.deleteObjectStore('storeFail') |
| Expecting exception from store.deleteIndex('indexFail') |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR |
| PASS ename is 'InvalidStateError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'deleteIndex' on 'IDBObjectStore': The object store has been deleted. |
| store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null) |
| index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x') |
| |
| testSetVersionAbort3(): |
| PASS event.cancelable is false |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames is [] |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.length is 0 |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is false |
| request = newConnection() |
| indexedDB.open(dbname, 4) |
| addIDBObjects(): |
| PASS event.cancelable is false |
| trans = event.target.transaction |
| PASS trans is non-null. |
| store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null) |
| index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x') |
| |
| testInactiveAbortedTransaction(): |
| Expecting exception from index.openCursor() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'openCursor' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from index.openKeyCursor() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'openKeyCursor' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from index.get(0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'get' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from index.getKey(0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'getKey' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from index.count() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'count' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.put(0, 0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.add(0, 0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.delete(0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'delete' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.clear() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'clear' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.get(0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'get' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.openCursor() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'openCursor' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| |
| testSetVersionAbort4(): |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames is [] |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.length is 0 |
| PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is false |
| request = newConnection() |
| indexedDB.open(dbname, 5) |
| addIDBObjectsAndCommit(): |
| trans = event.target.transaction |
| PASS trans is non-null. |
| store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null) |
| index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x') |
| |
| testInactiveCompletedTransaction(): |
| Expecting exception from index.openCursor() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'openCursor' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from index.openKeyCursor() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'openKeyCursor' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from index.get(0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'get' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from index.getKey(0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'getKey' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from index.count() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'count' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.put(0, 0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.add(0, 0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.delete(0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'delete' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.clear() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'clear' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.get(0) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'get' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| Expecting exception from store.openCursor() |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is 0 |
| PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'openCursor' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished. |
| |
| testSetVersionAbort5(): |
| PASS db.objectStoreNames is ['storeFail'] |
| PASS db.objectStoreNames.length is 1 |
| PASS db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is true |
| request = newConnection() |
| indexedDB.open(dbname, 6) |
| removeIDBObjects(): |
| trans = event.target.transaction |
| PASS trans is non-null. |
| store = trans.objectStore('storeFail') |
| store.deleteIndex('indexFail') |
| db.deleteObjectStore('storeFail') |
| |
| testSetVersionAbort6(): |
| PASS db.objectStoreNames is ['storeFail'] |
| PASS db.objectStoreNames.length is 1 |
| PASS db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is true |
| request = newConnection() |
| indexedDB.open(dbname, 7) |
| |
| setVersionSuccess(): |
| trans = event.target.transaction |
| PASS trans is non-null. |
| Deleted all object stores. |
| db.createObjectStore('storeName', null) |
| |
| completeCallback(): |
| PASS event.cancelable is false |
| PASS complete event fired |
| db.transaction(['storeName']) |
| store = transaction.objectStore('storeName') |
| PASS store.name is "storeName" |
| PASS complete event fired |
| |
| Verifying DOMStringList works as argument for IDBDatabase.transaction() |
| db.objectStoreNames is [object DOMStringList] |
| ... which contains: ["storeName"] |
| transaction = db.transaction(db.objectStoreNames) |
| PASS no exception thrown |
| PASS transaction.objectStore("storeName") is non-null. |
| PASS all stores present in transaction |
| |
| Verify that specifying an invalid mode raises an exception |
| Expecting TypeError exception from db.transaction(['storeName'], 'lsakjdf') |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS db.transaction(['storeName'], 'lsakjdf') threw TypeError: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': The mode provided ('lsakjdf') is not one of 'readonly' or 'readwrite'. |
| |
| Test that null and undefined are treated as strings |
| Expecting exception from db.transaction(null) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR |
| PASS ename is 'NotFoundError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found. |
| Expecting exception from db.transaction(undefined) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR |
| PASS ename is 'NotFoundError' |
| Exception message: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found. |
| request = newConnection() |
| indexedDB.open(dbname, 8) |
| db.createObjectStore('null') |
| db.createObjectStore('undefined') |
| PASS transaction = db.transaction(null) did not throw exception. |
| PASS transaction.objectStore('null') is non-null. |
| PASS transaction = db.transaction(undefined) did not throw exception. |
| PASS transaction.objectStore('undefined') is non-null. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |