blob: 861a23b16d34235517dd1dc6bac9efbd69a89300 [file] [log] [blame]
Test IndexedDB transaction basics.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
indexedDB = self.indexedDB || self.webkitIndexedDB || self.mozIndexedDB || self.msIndexedDB || self.OIndexedDB;
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames is []
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.length is 0
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is false
request = newConnection(), 2)
trans =
PASS trans is non-null.
store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null)
index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x')
Expecting exception from store.deleteIndex('indexFail')
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS ename is 'InvalidStateError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'deleteIndex' on 'IDBObjectStore': The object store has been deleted.
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames is []
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.length is 0
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is false
request = newConnection(), 3)
trans =
PASS trans is non-null.
store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null)
index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x')
Expecting exception from store.deleteIndex('indexFail')
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS ename is 'InvalidStateError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'deleteIndex' on 'IDBObjectStore': The object store has been deleted.
store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null)
index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x')
PASS event.cancelable is false
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames is []
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.length is 0
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is false
request = newConnection(), 4)
PASS event.cancelable is false
trans =
PASS trans is non-null.
store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null)
index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x')
Expecting exception from index.openCursor()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'openCursor' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from index.openKeyCursor()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'openKeyCursor' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from index.get(0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'get' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from index.getKey(0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'getKey' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from index.count()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'count' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.put(0, 0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.add(0, 0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.delete(0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'delete' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.clear()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'clear' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.get(0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'get' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.openCursor()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'openCursor' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished.
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames is []
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.length is 0
PASS self.db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is false
request = newConnection(), 5)
trans =
PASS trans is non-null.
store = db.createObjectStore('storeFail', null)
index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x')
Expecting exception from index.openCursor()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'openCursor' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from index.openKeyCursor()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'openKeyCursor' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from index.get(0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'get' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from index.getKey(0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'getKey' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from index.count()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'count' on 'IDBIndex': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.put(0, 0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.add(0, 0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.delete(0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'delete' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.clear()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'clear' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.get(0)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'get' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished.
Expecting exception from store.openCursor()
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is 0
PASS ename is 'TransactionInactiveError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'openCursor' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished.
PASS db.objectStoreNames is ['storeFail']
PASS db.objectStoreNames.length is 1
PASS db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is true
request = newConnection(), 6)
trans =
PASS trans is non-null.
store = trans.objectStore('storeFail')
PASS db.objectStoreNames is ['storeFail']
PASS db.objectStoreNames.length is 1
PASS db.objectStoreNames.contains('storeFail') is true
request = newConnection(), 7)
trans =
PASS trans is non-null.
Deleted all object stores.
db.createObjectStore('storeName', null)
PASS event.cancelable is false
PASS complete event fired
store = transaction.objectStore('storeName')
PASS is "storeName"
PASS complete event fired
Verifying DOMStringList works as argument for IDBDatabase.transaction()
db.objectStoreNames is [object DOMStringList]
... which contains: ["storeName"]
transaction = db.transaction(db.objectStoreNames)
PASS no exception thrown
PASS transaction.objectStore("storeName") is non-null.
PASS all stores present in transaction
Verify that specifying an invalid mode raises an exception
Expecting TypeError exception from db.transaction(['storeName'], 'lsakjdf')
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS db.transaction(['storeName'], 'lsakjdf') threw TypeError: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': The mode provided ('lsakjdf') is not one of 'readonly' or 'readwrite'.
Test that null and undefined are treated as strings
Expecting exception from db.transaction(null)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR
PASS ename is 'NotFoundError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found.
Expecting exception from db.transaction(undefined)
PASS Exception was thrown.
PASS code is DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR
PASS ename is 'NotFoundError'
Exception message: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found.
request = newConnection(), 8)
PASS transaction = db.transaction(null) did not throw exception.
PASS transaction.objectStore('null') is non-null.
PASS transaction = db.transaction(undefined) did not throw exception.
PASS transaction.objectStore('undefined') is non-null.
PASS successfullyParsed is true