| Bugzilla's templates can be localized, although it's a `big job |
| <https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:L10n:Guide>`_. If you have |
| a localized set of templates for your version of Bugzilla, Bugzilla can |
| support multiple languages at once. In that case, Bugzilla honours the user's |
| ``Accept-Language`` HTTP header when deciding which language to serve. If |
| multiple languages are installed, a menu will display in the header allowing |
| the user to manually select a different language. If they do this, their |
| choice will override the ``Accept-Language`` header. |
| Many language templates can be obtained from |
| `the localization section of the Bugzilla website |
| <http://www.bugzilla.org/download.html#localizations>`_. Instructions |
| for submitting new languages are also available from that location. There's |
| also a `list of localization teams |
| <https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:L10n:Localization_Teams>`_; you might |
| want to contact someone to ask about the status of their localization. |