| Here are some sample commands you could use to backup |
| your database, depending on what database system you're |
| using. You may have to modify these commands for your |
| particular setup. Replace the $VARIABLEs with appropriate values for your |
| :command:`mysqldump --max-allowed-packet=32M -u $USERNAME -p $DATABASENAME > backup.sql` |
| The value for :command:`max-allowed-packet` should be the value you've set in |
| your :ref:`MySQL configuration file <mysql>`, and should be larger than the |
| largest attachment in your database. See the |
| `mysqldump documentation <http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/mysqldump.html>`_ |
| for more information on :file:`mysqldump`. |
| :command:`pg_dump --no-privileges --no-owner -h localhost -U $USERNAME > bugs.sql` |
| The Bugzilla directory contains some data files and configuration files which |
| you would want to retain. A simple recursive copy will do the job here. |
| :command:`cp -rp $BUGZILLA_HOME /var/backups/bugzilla` |