blob: e17507c33b802c6ad805db28e79279696ae05e29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef Page_h
#define Page_h
#include "FrameLoaderTypes.h"
#include "PlatformString.h"
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/Noncopyable.h>
#include "SchedulePair.h"
namespace JSC {
class Debugger;
namespace WebCore {
class BackForwardController;
class BackForwardList;
class Chrome;
class ChromeClient;
class ContextMenuClient;
class ContextMenuController;
class DeviceOrientation;
class DeviceOrientationClient;
class Document;
class DragClient;
class DragController;
class EditorClient;
class FocusController;
class Frame;
class GeolocationController;
class GeolocationControllerClient;
class HaltablePlugin;
class HistoryItem;
class InspectorClient;
class InspectorController;
class InspectorTimelineAgent;
class MediaCanStartListener;
class Node;
class PageGroup;
class PluginData;
class PluginHalter;
class PluginHalterClient;
class ProgressTracker;
class RenderTheme;
class VisibleSelection;
class SelectionController;
class Settings;
class StorageNamespace;
class NotificationPresenter;
class WMLPageState;
typedef uint64_t LinkHash;
enum FindDirection { FindDirectionForward, FindDirectionBackward };
class Page : public Noncopyable {
static void setNeedsReapplyStyles();
Page(ChromeClient*, ContextMenuClient*, EditorClient*, DragClient*, InspectorClient*, PluginHalterClient*, GeolocationControllerClient*, DeviceOrientationClient*);
RenderTheme* theme() const { return m_theme.get(); };
static void refreshPlugins(bool reload);
PluginData* pluginData() const;
void setCanStartMedia(bool);
bool canStartMedia() const { return m_canStartMedia; }
EditorClient* editorClient() const { return m_editorClient; }
void setMainFrame(PassRefPtr<Frame>);
Frame* mainFrame() const { return m_mainFrame.get(); }
bool openedByDOM() const;
void setOpenedByDOM();
BackForwardList* backForwardList() const;
// FIXME: The following three methods don't fall under the responsibilities of the Page object
// They seem to fit a hypothetical Page-controller object that would be akin to the
// Frame-FrameLoader relationship. They have to live here now, but should move somewhere that
// makes more sense when that class exists.
bool goBack();
bool goForward();
bool canGoBackOrForward(int distance) const;
void goBackOrForward(int distance);
void goToItem(HistoryItem*, FrameLoadType);
int getHistoryLength();
HistoryItem* globalHistoryItem() const { return m_globalHistoryItem.get(); }
void setGlobalHistoryItem(HistoryItem*);
void setGroupName(const String&);
const String& groupName() const;
PageGroup& group() { if (!m_group) initGroup(); return *m_group; }
PageGroup* groupPtr() { return m_group; } // can return 0
void incrementFrameCount() { ++m_frameCount; }
void decrementFrameCount() { ASSERT(m_frameCount); --m_frameCount; }
int frameCount() const { checkFrameCountConsistency(); return m_frameCount; }
Chrome* chrome() const { return m_chrome.get(); }
SelectionController* dragCaretController() const { return m_dragCaretController.get(); }
DragController* dragController() const { return m_dragController.get(); }
FocusController* focusController() const { return m_focusController.get(); }
ContextMenuController* contextMenuController() const { return m_contextMenuController.get(); }
InspectorController* inspectorController() const { return m_inspectorController.get(); }
GeolocationController* geolocationController() const { return m_geolocationController.get(); }
DeviceOrientation* deviceOrientation() const { return m_deviceOrientation.get(); }
Settings* settings() const { return m_settings.get(); }
ProgressTracker* progress() const { return m_progress.get(); }
void setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(bool b) { m_tabKeyCyclesThroughElements = b; }
bool tabKeyCyclesThroughElements() const { return m_tabKeyCyclesThroughElements; }
bool findString(const String&, TextCaseSensitivity, FindDirection, bool shouldWrap);
unsigned int markAllMatchesForText(const String&, TextCaseSensitivity, bool shouldHighlight, unsigned);
void unmarkAllTextMatches();
void addSchedulePair(PassRefPtr<SchedulePair>);
void removeSchedulePair(PassRefPtr<SchedulePair>);
SchedulePairHashSet* scheduledRunLoopPairs() { return m_scheduledRunLoopPairs.get(); }
OwnPtr<SchedulePairHashSet> m_scheduledRunLoopPairs;
const VisibleSelection& selection() const;
void setDefersLoading(bool);
bool defersLoading() const { return m_defersLoading; }
void clearUndoRedoOperations();
bool inLowQualityImageInterpolationMode() const;
void setInLowQualityImageInterpolationMode(bool = true);
bool cookieEnabled() const { return m_cookieEnabled; }
void setCookieEnabled(bool enabled) { m_cookieEnabled = enabled; }
float mediaVolume() const { return m_mediaVolume; }
void setMediaVolume(float volume);
// Notifications when the Page starts and stops being presented via a native window.
void didMoveOnscreen();
void willMoveOffscreen();
void userStyleSheetLocationChanged();
const String& userStyleSheet() const;
void privateBrowsingStateChanged();
void didStartPlugin(HaltablePlugin*);
void didStopPlugin(HaltablePlugin*);
void pluginAllowedRunTimeChanged();
static void setDebuggerForAllPages(JSC::Debugger*);
void setDebugger(JSC::Debugger*);
JSC::Debugger* debugger() const { return m_debugger; }
static void removeAllVisitedLinks();
static void allVisitedStateChanged(PageGroup*);
static void visitedStateChanged(PageGroup*, LinkHash visitedHash);
StorageNamespace* sessionStorage(bool optionalCreate = true);
void setSessionStorage(PassRefPtr<StorageNamespace>);
WMLPageState* wmlPageState();
void setCustomHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay(double);
bool hasCustomHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay() const { return m_customHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay != -1; }
double customHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay() const { ASSERT(m_customHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay != -1); return m_customHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay; }
void setCustomHTMLTokenizerChunkSize(int);
bool hasCustomHTMLTokenizerChunkSize() const { return m_customHTMLTokenizerChunkSize != -1; }
int customHTMLTokenizerChunkSize() const { ASSERT(m_customHTMLTokenizerChunkSize != -1); return m_customHTMLTokenizerChunkSize; }
void setMemoryCacheClientCallsEnabled(bool);
bool areMemoryCacheClientCallsEnabled() const { return m_areMemoryCacheClientCallsEnabled; }
void setJavaScriptURLsAreAllowed(bool);
bool javaScriptURLsAreAllowed() const;
InspectorTimelineAgent* inspectorTimelineAgent() const;
// Don't allow more than a certain number of frames in a page.
// This seems like a reasonable upper bound, and otherwise mutually
// recursive frameset pages can quickly bring the program to its knees
// with exponential growth in the number of frames.
static const int maxNumberOfFrames = 1000;
void initGroup();
void checkFrameCountConsistency() const { }
void checkFrameCountConsistency() const;
MediaCanStartListener* takeAnyMediaCanStartListener();
OwnPtr<Chrome> m_chrome;
OwnPtr<SelectionController> m_dragCaretController;
OwnPtr<DragController> m_dragController;
OwnPtr<FocusController> m_focusController;
OwnPtr<ContextMenuController> m_contextMenuController;
OwnPtr<InspectorController> m_inspectorController;
OwnPtr<GeolocationController> m_geolocationController;
OwnPtr<DeviceOrientation> m_deviceOrientation;
OwnPtr<Settings> m_settings;
OwnPtr<ProgressTracker> m_progress;
OwnPtr<BackForwardController> m_backForwardController;
RefPtr<Frame> m_mainFrame;
RefPtr<HistoryItem> m_globalHistoryItem;
mutable RefPtr<PluginData> m_pluginData;
RefPtr<RenderTheme> m_theme;
EditorClient* m_editorClient;
int m_frameCount;
String m_groupName;
bool m_openedByDOM;
bool m_tabKeyCyclesThroughElements;
bool m_defersLoading;
bool m_inLowQualityInterpolationMode;
bool m_cookieEnabled;
bool m_areMemoryCacheClientCallsEnabled;
float m_mediaVolume;
bool m_javaScriptURLsAreAllowed;
String m_userStyleSheetPath;
mutable String m_userStyleSheet;
mutable bool m_didLoadUserStyleSheet;
mutable time_t m_userStyleSheetModificationTime;
OwnPtr<PageGroup> m_singlePageGroup;
PageGroup* m_group;
JSC::Debugger* m_debugger;
double m_customHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay;
int m_customHTMLTokenizerChunkSize;
bool m_canStartMedia;
OwnPtr<PluginHalter> m_pluginHalter;
RefPtr<StorageNamespace> m_sessionStorage;
OwnPtr<WMLPageState> m_wmlPageState;
NotificationPresenter* m_notificationPresenter;
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // Page_h