blob: 18bcde1c244f159154e2633142711c7c53934fb2 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Service worker test setup
PASS getReader({mode: "byob"}) throws on non-bytes streams
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source can be constructed with no errors ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL getReader({mode}) must perform ToString() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Construct and expect start and pull being called ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: No automatic pull call if start doesn't finish ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Construct with highWaterMark of 0 ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: desiredSize when closed ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: desiredSize when errored ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: getReader(), then releaseLock() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: getReader() with mode set to byob, then releaseLock() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Test that closing a stream does not release a reader automatically ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Test that closing a stream does not release a BYOB reader automatically ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Test that erroring a stream does not release a reader automatically ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Test that erroring a stream does not release a BYOB reader automatically ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: releaseLock() on ReadableStreamReader with pending read() must throw ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Automatic pull() after start() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Automatic pull() after start() and read() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: autoAllocateChunkSize ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Mix of auto allocate and BYOB ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Automatic pull() after start() and read(view) ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), getReader(), then read() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Push source that doesn't understand pull signal ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
PASS ReadableStream with byte source: pull() function is not callable
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue() with Uint16Array, getReader(), then read() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), read(view) partially, then read() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: getReader(), enqueue(), close(), then read() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), close(), getReader(), then read() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Respond to pull() by enqueue() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Respond to pull() by enqueue() asynchronously ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Respond to multiple pull() by separate enqueue() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view), then respond() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view), then respond() with a transferred ArrayBuffer ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view), then respond() with too big value ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: respond(3) to read(view) with 2 element Uint16Array enqueues the 1 byte remainder ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), getReader(), then read(view) ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), getReader(), then cancel() (mode = not BYOB) ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), getReader(), then cancel() (mode = BYOB) ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: getReader(), read(view), then cancel() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: cancel() with partially filled pending pull() request ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), getReader(), then read(view) where view.buffer is not fully covered by view ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Multiple enqueue(), getReader(), then read(view) ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), getReader(), then read(view) with a bigger view ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), getReader(), then read(view) with a smaller views ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue() 1 byte, getReader(), then read(view) with Uint16Array ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue() 3 byte, getReader(), then read(view) with 2-element Uint16Array ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view) with Uint16Array on close()-d stream with 1 byte enqueue()-d must fail ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: A stream must be errored if close()-d before fulfilling read(view) with Uint16Array ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Throw if close()-ed more than once ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Throw on enqueue() after close() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view), then respond() and close() in pull() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view) with Uint32Array, then fill it by multiple respond() calls ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read() twice, then enqueue() twice ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Multiple read(view), close() and respond() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Multiple read(view), big enqueue() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Multiple read(view) and multiple enqueue() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view) with passing undefined as view must fail ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view) with zero-length view must fail ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view) with passing an empty object as view must fail ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Even read(view) with passing ArrayBufferView like object as view must fail ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read() on an errored stream ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(), then error() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view) on an errored stream ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: read(view), then error() ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Throwing in pull function must error the stream ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Throwing in pull in response to read() must be ignored if the stream is errored in it ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Throwing in pull in response to read(view) function must error the stream ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: Throwing in pull in response to read(view) must be ignored if the stream is errored in it ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL calling respond() twice on the same byobRequest should throw ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL calling respondWithNewView() twice on the same byobRequest should throw ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL calling respond(0) twice on the same byobRequest should throw even when closed ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL pull() resolving should not make releaseLock() possible ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream with byte source: default reader + autoAllocateChunkSize + byobRequest interaction ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStreamBYOBReader can be constructed directly ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStreamBYOBReader constructor requires a ReadableStream argument ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStreamBYOBReader constructor requires an unlocked ReadableStream ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStreamBYOBReader constructor requires a ReadableStream with type "bytes" ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented
FAIL ReadableStream constructor should not accept a strategy with a size defined if type is "bytes" assert_throws: constructor should throw for size function function "() => new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes' }, {
size() {
return 1;
})" threw object "TypeError: ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented" ("TypeError") expected object "RangeError" ("RangeError")