blob: 68c5a9fe804445e6834ce14052723869d49d6814 [file] [log] [blame]
<csstest def="Attribute multivalue selector and spaces (title attribute)" module="W3C Selectors" modulename="css3-modsel" number="7c" rev="1.0" date="9-november-2005" xmlns="">
<author>Ian Hickson</author>
p { background: red; }
[title~="pass"] { background: lime; }
address { background: lime; }
[title~="fail"] { background: red; }
<!-- XML 1.0 doesn't support the characters on the lines commented out below -->
<p xmlns="" title="test&#x9;pass">This line should have a green background.</p>
<p xmlns="" title="test&#xa;pass">This line should have a green background.</p>
<p xmlns="" title="test&#xd;pass">This line should have a green background.</p>
<!-- <p xmlns="" title="test&#xc;pass">This line should have a green background.</p> -->
<p xmlns="" title="test&#x20;pass">This line should have a green background.</p>
<!-- <address xmlns="" title="test&#x1;pass">This line should have a green background.</address> -->
<!-- <address xmlns="" title="test&#xf;pass">This line should have a green background.</address> -->
<address xmlns="" title="test&#xa0;pass">This line should have a green background.</address>
<address xmlns="" title="test&#x2003;pass">This line should have a green background.</address>
<address xmlns="" title="test&#x202f;pass">This line should have a green background.</address>
<address xmlns="" title="test&#x3000;pass">This line should have a green background.</address>
<address xmlns="" title="test&#x10020;pass">This line should have a green background.</address>