blob: 4d34fc2bba21e17866b7dfb7723de8f5fb86b6d5 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS document.elementFromPoint
PASS document.elementFromPoint is a Function
PASS test some point of the element: top left corner
PASS test some point of the element: top line
FAIL test some point of the element: top right corner assert_equals: expected true but got false
PASS test some point of the element: left line
PASS test some point of the element: inside
FAIL test some point of the element: right line assert_equals: expected true but got false
FAIL test some point of the element: bottom left corner assert_equals: expected true but got false
FAIL test some point of the element: bottom line assert_equals: expected true but got false
FAIL test some point of the element: bottom right corner assert_equals: expected true but got false
PASS Point (0, 0), return root element(HTML)
PASS test negative x
PASS test negative y
PASS test outside of viewport
PASS test the top of layer