blob: b26241c7ed7880b93a78a08f42129099399d5dfb [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
// - src/dstr-binding/
// - src/dstr-binding/default/async-gen-func-expr-dflt.template
description: Reset element (identifier) does not support initializer (async generator function expression (default parameter))
esid: sec-asyncgenerator-definitions-evaluation
features: [async-iteration]
flags: [generated, async]
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
info: |
AsyncGeneratorExpression : async [no LineTerminator here] function * ( FormalParameters ) {
AsyncGeneratorBody }
3. Let closure be ! AsyncGeneratorFunctionCreate(Normal, FormalParameters,
AsyncGeneratorBody, scope, strict).
13.3.3 Destructuring Binding Patterns
ArrayBindingPattern[Yield] :
[ Elisionopt BindingRestElement[?Yield]opt ]
[ BindingElementList[?Yield] ]
[ BindingElementList[?Yield] , Elisionopt BindingRestElement[?Yield]opt ]
throw "Test262: This statement should not be evaluated.";
var callCount = 0;
var f;
f = async function*([...x = []] = []) {
callCount = callCount + 1;
f().next().then(() => {
assert.sameValue(callCount, 1, 'invoked exactly once');
}).then($DONE, $DONE);