blob: 7cb7f34851d9fe1c78d1920857bbe172c22756f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// RenderTargetVk:
// Wrapper around a Vulkan renderable resource, using an ImageView.
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "libANGLE/FramebufferAttachment.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/renderer_utils.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h"
namespace rx
namespace vk
struct Format;
class FramebufferHelper;
class ImageHelper;
class ImageView;
class CommandGraphResource;
class RenderPassDesc;
} // namespace vk
class ContextVk;
class TextureVk;
// This is a very light-weight class that does not own to the resources it points to.
// It's meant only to copy across some information from a FramebufferAttachment to the
// business rendering logic. It stores Images and ImageViews by pointer for performance.
class RenderTargetVk final : public FramebufferAttachmentRenderTarget
~RenderTargetVk() override;
// Used in std::vector initialization.
RenderTargetVk(RenderTargetVk &&other);
void init(vk::ImageHelper *image,
const vk::ImageView *imageView,
const vk::ImageView *cubeImageFetchView,
uint32_t levelIndex,
uint32_t layerIndex);
void reset();
// Note: RenderTargets should be called in order, with the depth/stencil onRender last.
angle::Result onColorDraw(ContextVk *contextVk,
vk::FramebufferHelper *framebufferVk,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result onDepthStencilDraw(ContextVk *contextVk,
vk::FramebufferHelper *framebufferVk,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
vk::ImageHelper &getImage();
const vk::ImageHelper &getImage() const;
// getImageForRead will also transition the resource to the given layout.
vk::ImageHelper *getImageForRead(vk::CommandGraphResource *readingResource,
vk::ImageLayout layout,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
vk::ImageHelper *getImageForWrite(vk::CommandGraphResource *writingResource) const;
const vk::ImageView *getDrawImageView() const;
const vk::ImageView *getReadImageView() const;
// GLSL's texelFetch() needs a 2D array view to read from cube maps. This function returns the
// same view as `getReadImageView()`, except for cubemaps, in which case it returns a 2D array
// view of it.
const vk::ImageView *getFetchImageView() const;
const vk::Format &getImageFormat() const;
gl::Extents getExtents() const;
uint32_t getLevelIndex() const { return mLevelIndex; }
uint32_t getLayerIndex() const { return mLayerIndex; }
// Special mutator for Surface RenderTargets. Allows the Framebuffer to keep a single
// RenderTargetVk pointer.
void updateSwapchainImage(vk::ImageHelper *image, const vk::ImageView *imageView);
angle::Result flushStagedUpdates(ContextVk *contextVk);
vk::ImageHelper *mImage;
// Note that the draw and read image views are the same, given the requirements of a render
// target.
const vk::ImageView *mImageView;
// For cubemaps, a 2D-array view is also created to be used with shaders that use texelFetch().
const vk::ImageView *mCubeImageFetchView;
uint32_t mLevelIndex;
uint32_t mLayerIndex;
} // namespace rx