blob: 89cd970ba60136e312a3a7fd4d23b2df8ee34af0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// CommandGraph:
// Deferred work constructed by GL calls, that will later be flushed to Vulkan.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/SecondaryCommandBuffer.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_cache_utils.h"
namespace rx
namespace vk
enum class VisitedState
enum class CommandGraphResourceType
// Transform feedback queries could be handled entirely on the CPU (if not using
// VK_EXT_transform_feedback), but still need to generate a command graph barrier node.
// Certain functionality cannot be put in secondary command buffers, so they are special-cased in
// the node.
enum class CommandGraphNodeFunction
// Receives notifications when a render pass command buffer is no longer able to record. Can be
// used with inheritance. Faster than using an interface class since it has inlined methods. Could
// be used with composition by adding a getCommandBuffer method.
class RenderPassOwner
RenderPassOwner() = default;
virtual ~RenderPassOwner() {}
ANGLE_INLINE void onRenderPassFinished() { mRenderPassCommandBuffer = nullptr; }
CommandBuffer *mRenderPassCommandBuffer = nullptr;
// Only used internally in the command graph. Kept in the header for better inlining performance.
class CommandGraphNode final : angle::NonCopyable
CommandGraphNode(CommandGraphNodeFunction function, angle::PoolAllocator *poolAllocator);
// Immutable queries for when we're walking the commands tree.
CommandBuffer *getOutsideRenderPassCommands()
return &mOutsideRenderPassCommands;
CommandBuffer *getInsideRenderPassCommands()
return &mInsideRenderPassCommands;
// For outside the render pass (copies, transitions, etc).
angle::Result beginOutsideRenderPassRecording(ContextVk *context,
const CommandPool &commandPool,
CommandBuffer **commandsOut);
// For rendering commands (draws).
angle::Result beginInsideRenderPassRecording(ContextVk *context, CommandBuffer **commandsOut);
// storeRenderPassInfo and append*RenderTarget store info relevant to the RenderPass.
void storeRenderPassInfo(const Framebuffer &framebuffer,
const gl::Rectangle renderArea,
const vk::RenderPassDesc &renderPassDesc,
const AttachmentOpsArray &renderPassAttachmentOps,
const std::vector<VkClearValue> &clearValues);
void clearRenderPassColorAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex, const VkClearColorValue &clearValue)
mRenderPassAttachmentOps[attachmentIndex].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR;
mRenderPassClearValues[attachmentIndex].color = clearValue;
void clearRenderPassDepthAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex, float depth)
mRenderPassAttachmentOps[attachmentIndex].loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR;
mRenderPassClearValues[attachmentIndex].depthStencil.depth = depth;
void clearRenderPassStencilAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex, uint32_t stencil)
mRenderPassAttachmentOps[attachmentIndex].stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR;
mRenderPassClearValues[attachmentIndex].depthStencil.stencil = stencil;
void invalidateRenderPassColorAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex)
mRenderPassAttachmentOps[attachmentIndex].storeOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE;
void invalidateRenderPassDepthAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex)
mRenderPassAttachmentOps[attachmentIndex].storeOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE;
void invalidateRenderPassStencilAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex)
mRenderPassAttachmentOps[attachmentIndex].stencilStoreOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE;
// Dependency commands order node execution in the command graph.
// Once a node has commands that must happen after it, recording is stopped and the node is
// frozen forever.
static void SetHappensBeforeDependency(CommandGraphNode *beforeNode,
CommandGraphNode *afterNode)
ASSERT(beforeNode != afterNode && !beforeNode->isChildOf(afterNode));
static void SetHappensBeforeDependencies(CommandGraphNode **beforeNodes,
size_t beforeNodesCount,
CommandGraphNode *afterNode);
static void SetHappensBeforeDependencies(CommandGraphNode *beforeNode,
CommandGraphNode **afterNodes,
size_t afterNodesCount);
bool hasParents() const;
bool hasChildren() const { return mHasChildren; }
// Commands for traversing the node on a flush operation.
VisitedState visitedState() const;
void visitParents(std::vector<CommandGraphNode *> *stack);
angle::Result visitAndExecute(Context *context,
Serial serial,
RenderPassCache *renderPassCache,
PrimaryCommandBuffer *primaryCommandBuffer);
// Only used in the command graph diagnostics.
const std::vector<CommandGraphNode *> &getParentsForDiagnostics() const;
void setDiagnosticInfo(CommandGraphResourceType resourceType, uintptr_t resourceID);
CommandGraphResourceType getResourceTypeForDiagnostics() const { return mResourceType; }
uintptr_t getResourceIDForDiagnostics() const { return mResourceID; }
bool hasDiagnosticID() const;
std::string dumpCommandsForDiagnostics(const char *separator) const;
void getMemoryUsageStatsForDiagnostics(size_t *usedMemoryOut, size_t *allocatedMemoryOut) const;
const gl::Rectangle &getRenderPassRenderArea() const { return mRenderPassRenderArea; }
CommandGraphNodeFunction getFunction() const { return mFunction; }
void setQueryPool(const QueryPool *queryPool, uint32_t queryIndex);
VkQueryPool getQueryPool() const { return mQueryPool; }
uint32_t getQueryIndex() const { return mQueryIndex; }
void setFenceSync(const vk::Event &event);
void setDebugMarker(GLenum source, std::string &&marker);
const std::string &getDebugMarker() const { return mDebugMarker; }
ANGLE_INLINE void addGlobalMemoryBarrier(VkFlags srcAccess,
VkFlags dstAccess,
VkPipelineStageFlags stages)
mGlobalMemoryBarrierSrcAccess |= srcAccess;
mGlobalMemoryBarrierDstAccess |= dstAccess;
mGlobalMemoryBarrierStages |= stages;
// This can only be set for RenderPass nodes. Each RenderPass node can have at most one owner.
void setRenderPassOwner(RenderPassOwner *owner)
ASSERT(mRenderPassOwner == nullptr);
mRenderPassOwner = owner;
ANGLE_INLINE void setHasChildren()
mHasChildren = true;
if (mRenderPassOwner)
// Used for testing only.
bool isChildOf(CommandGraphNode *parent);
// Only used if we need a RenderPass for these commands.
RenderPassDesc mRenderPassDesc;
AttachmentOpsArray mRenderPassAttachmentOps;
Framebuffer mRenderPassFramebuffer;
gl::Rectangle mRenderPassRenderArea;
gl::AttachmentArray<VkClearValue> mRenderPassClearValues;
CommandGraphNodeFunction mFunction;
angle::PoolAllocator *mPoolAllocator;
// Keep separate buffers for commands inside and outside a RenderPass.
// TODO(jmadill): We might not need inside and outside RenderPass commands separate.
CommandBuffer mOutsideRenderPassCommands;
CommandBuffer mInsideRenderPassCommands;
// Special-function additional data:
// Queries:
VkQueryPool mQueryPool;
uint32_t mQueryIndex;
// GLsync and EGLSync:
VkEvent mFenceSyncEvent;
// Debug markers:
GLenum mDebugMarkerSource;
std::string mDebugMarker;
// Parents are commands that must be submitted before 'this' CommandNode can be submitted.
std::vector<CommandGraphNode *> mParents;
// If this is true, other commands exist that must be submitted after 'this' command.
bool mHasChildren;
// Used when traversing the dependency graph.
VisitedState mVisitedState;
// Additional diagnostic information.
CommandGraphResourceType mResourceType;
uintptr_t mResourceID;
// For global memory barriers.
VkFlags mGlobalMemoryBarrierSrcAccess;
VkFlags mGlobalMemoryBarrierDstAccess;
VkPipelineStageFlags mGlobalMemoryBarrierStages;
// Render pass command buffer notifications.
RenderPassOwner *mRenderPassOwner;
// This is a helper class for back-end objects used in Vk command buffers. It records a serial
// at command recording times indicating an order in the queue. We use Fences to detect when
// commands finish, and then release any unreferenced and deleted resources based on the stored
// queue serial in a special 'garbage' queue. Resources also track current read and write
// dependencies. Only one command buffer node can be writing to the Resource at a time, but many
// can be reading from it. Together the dependencies will form a command graph at submission time.
class CommandGraphResource : angle::NonCopyable
virtual ~CommandGraphResource();
// Returns true if the resource is in use by the renderer.
bool isResourceInUse(ContextVk *context) const;
// Get the current queue serial for this resource. Used to release resources, and for
// queries, to know if the queue they are submitted on has finished execution.
Serial getStoredQueueSerial() const { return mStoredQueueSerial; }
// Sets up dependency relations. 'this' resource is the resource being written to.
void addWriteDependency(CommandGraphResource *writingResource);
// Sets up dependency relations. 'this' resource is the resource being read.
void addReadDependency(CommandGraphResource *readingResource);
// Updates the in-use serial tracked for this resource. Will clear dependencies if the resource
// was not used in this set of command nodes.
ANGLE_INLINE void updateQueueSerial(Serial queueSerial)
ASSERT(queueSerial >= mStoredQueueSerial);
if (queueSerial > mStoredQueueSerial)
mCurrentWritingNode = nullptr;
mStoredQueueSerial = queueSerial;
// Reset the current queue serial for this resource. Will clear dependencies if the resource
// was not used in this set of command nodes.
void resetQueueSerial();
// Allocates a write node via getNewWriteNode and returns a started command buffer.
// The started command buffer will render outside of a RenderPass.
// Will append to an existing command buffer/graph node if possible.
angle::Result recordCommands(ContextVk *context, CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut);
// Begins a command buffer on the current graph node for in-RenderPass rendering.
// Called from FramebufferVk::startNewRenderPass and UtilsVk functions.
angle::Result beginRenderPass(ContextVk *contextVk,
const Framebuffer &framebuffer,
const gl::Rectangle &renderArea,
const RenderPassDesc &renderPassDesc,
const AttachmentOpsArray &renderPassAttachmentOps,
const std::vector<VkClearValue> &clearValues,
CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut);
// Checks if we're in a RenderPass without children.
bool hasStartedRenderPass() const
return hasChildlessWritingNode() &&
// Checks if we're in a RenderPass that encompasses renderArea, returning true if so. Updates
// serial internally. Returns the started command buffer in commandBufferOut.
ANGLE_INLINE bool appendToStartedRenderPass(Serial currentQueueSerial,
const gl::Rectangle &renderArea,
CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut)
if (hasStartedRenderPass())
if (mCurrentWritingNode->getRenderPassRenderArea().encloses(renderArea))
*commandBufferOut = mCurrentWritingNode->getInsideRenderPassCommands();
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if the render pass is started, but there are no commands yet recorded in it.
// This is useful to know if the render pass ops can be modified.
bool renderPassStartedButEmpty() const
return hasStartedRenderPass() &&
(!vk::CommandBuffer::CanKnowIfEmpty() ||
void clearRenderPassColorAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex, const VkClearColorValue &clearValue)
mCurrentWritingNode->clearRenderPassColorAttachment(attachmentIndex, clearValue);
void clearRenderPassDepthAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex, float depth)
mCurrentWritingNode->clearRenderPassDepthAttachment(attachmentIndex, depth);
void clearRenderPassStencilAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex, uint32_t stencil)
mCurrentWritingNode->clearRenderPassStencilAttachment(attachmentIndex, stencil);
void invalidateRenderPassColorAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex)
void invalidateRenderPassDepthAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex)
void invalidateRenderPassStencilAttachment(size_t attachmentIndex)
// Accessor for RenderPass RenderArea.
const gl::Rectangle &getRenderPassRenderArea() const
return mCurrentWritingNode->getRenderPassRenderArea();
// Called when 'this' object changes, but we'd like to start a new command buffer later.
void finishCurrentCommands(ContextVk *contextVk);
// Store a deferred memory barrier. Will be recorded into a primary command buffer at submit.
void addGlobalMemoryBarrier(VkFlags srcAccess, VkFlags dstAccess, VkPipelineStageFlags stages)
mCurrentWritingNode->addGlobalMemoryBarrier(srcAccess, dstAccess, stages);
explicit CommandGraphResource(CommandGraphResourceType resourceType);
// Returns true if this node has a current writing node with no children.
ANGLE_INLINE bool hasChildlessWritingNode() const
// Note: currently, we don't have a resource that can issue both generic and special
// commands. We don't create read/write dependencies between mixed generic/special
// resources either. As such, we expect the function to always be generic here. If such a
// resource is added in the future, this can add a check for function == generic and fail if
// false.
ASSERT(mCurrentWritingNode == nullptr ||
mCurrentWritingNode->getFunction() == CommandGraphNodeFunction::Generic);
return (mCurrentWritingNode != nullptr && !mCurrentWritingNode->hasChildren());
void startNewCommands(ContextVk *contextVk);
void onWriteImpl(CommandGraphNode *writingNode, Serial currentSerial);
Serial mStoredQueueSerial;
std::vector<CommandGraphNode *> mCurrentReadingNodes;
// Current command graph writing node.
CommandGraphNode *mCurrentWritingNode;
// Additional diagnostic information.
CommandGraphResourceType mResourceType;
// Translating OpenGL commands into Vulkan and submitting them immediately loses out on some
// of the powerful flexiblity Vulkan offers in RenderPasses. Load/Store ops can automatically
// clear RenderPass attachments, or preserve the contents. RenderPass automatic layout transitions
// can improve certain performance cases. Also, we can remove redundant RenderPass Begin and Ends
// when processing interleaved draw operations on independent Framebuffers.
// ANGLE's CommandGraph (and CommandGraphNode) attempt to solve these problems using deferred
// command submission. We also sometimes call this command re-ordering. A brief summary:
// During GL command processing, we record Vulkan commands into SecondaryCommandBuffers, which
// are stored in CommandGraphNodes, and these nodes are chained together via dependencies to
// form a directed acyclic CommandGraph. When we need to submit the CommandGraph, say during a
// SwapBuffers or ReadPixels call, we begin a primary Vulkan CommandBuffer, and walk the
// CommandGraph, starting at the most senior nodes, recording SecondaryCommandBuffers inside
// and outside RenderPasses as necessary, filled with the right load/store operations. Once
// the primary CommandBuffer has recorded all of the SecondaryCommandBuffers from all the open
// CommandGraphNodes, we submit the primary CommandBuffer to the VkQueue on the device.
// The Command Graph consists of an array of open Command Graph Nodes. It supports allocating new
// nodes for the graph, which are linked via dependency relation calls in CommandGraphNode, and
// also submitting the whole command graph via submitCommands.
class CommandGraph final : angle::NonCopyable
explicit CommandGraph(bool enableGraphDiagnostics, angle::PoolAllocator *poolAllocator);
// Allocates a new CommandGraphNode and adds it to the list of current open nodes. No ordering
// relations exist in the node by default. Call CommandGraphNode::SetHappensBeforeDependency
// to set up dependency relations. If the node is a barrier, it will automatically add
// dependencies between the previous barrier, the new barrier and all nodes in between.
CommandGraphNode *allocateNode(CommandGraphNodeFunction function);
angle::Result submitCommands(ContextVk *context,
Serial serial,
RenderPassCache *renderPassCache,
PrimaryCommandBuffer *primaryCommandBuffer);
bool empty() const;
void clear();
// The following create special-function nodes that don't require a graph resource.
// Queries:
void beginQuery(const QueryPool *queryPool, uint32_t queryIndex);
void endQuery(const QueryPool *queryPool, uint32_t queryIndex);
void writeTimestamp(const QueryPool *queryPool, uint32_t queryIndex);
void beginTransformFeedbackEmulatedQuery();
void endTransformFeedbackEmulatedQuery();
// GLsync and EGLSync:
void setFenceSync(const vk::Event &event);
void waitFenceSync(const vk::Event &event);
// Memory barriers:
void memoryBarrier(VkFlags srcAccess, VkFlags dstAccess, VkPipelineStageFlags stages);
// Debug markers:
void insertDebugMarker(GLenum source, std::string &&marker);
void pushDebugMarker(GLenum source, std::string &&marker);
void popDebugMarker();
// Host-visible buffer write availability operation:
void makeHostVisibleBufferWriteAvailable();
CommandGraphNode *allocateBarrierNode(CommandGraphNodeFunction function,
CommandGraphResourceType resourceType,
uintptr_t resourceID);
void setNewBarrier(CommandGraphNode *newBarrier);
CommandGraphNode *getLastBarrierNode(size_t *indexOut);
void addDependenciesToNextBarrier(size_t begin, size_t end, CommandGraphNode *nextBarrier);
void dumpGraphDotFile(std::ostream &out) const;
void updateOverlay(ContextVk *contextVk) const;
std::vector<CommandGraphNode *> mNodes;
bool mEnableGraphDiagnostics;
angle::PoolAllocator *mPoolAllocator;
// A set of nodes (eventually) exist that act as barriers to guarantee submission order. For
// example, a glMemoryBarrier() calls would lead to such a barrier or beginning and ending a
// query. This is because the graph can reorder operations if it sees fit. Let's call a barrier
// node Bi, and the other nodes Ni. The edges between Ni don't interest us. Before a barrier is
// inserted, we have:
// N0 N1 ... Na
// \___\__/_/ (dependency egdes, which we don't care about so I'll stop drawing them.
// \/
// When the first barrier is inserted, we will have:
// ______
// / ____\
// / / \
// / / /\
// N0 N1 ... Na B0
// This makes sure all N0..Na are called before B0. From then on, B0 will be the current
// "barrier point" which extends an edge to every next node:
// ______
// / ____\
// / / \
// / / /\
// N0 N1 ... Na B0 Na+1 ... Nb
// \/ /
// \______/
// When the next barrier B1 is met, all nodes between B0 and B1 will add a depenency on B1 as
// well, and the "barrier point" is updated.
// ______
// / ____\ ______ ______
// / / \ / \ / \
// / / /\ / /\ / /\
// N0 N1 ... Na B0 Na+1 ... Nb B1 Nb+1 ... Nc B2 ...
// \/ / / \/ / /
// \______/ / \______/ /
// \_______/ \_______/
// When barrier Bi is introduced, all nodes added since Bi-1 need to add a dependency to Bi
// (including Bi-1). We therefore keep track of the node index of the last barrier that was
// issued.
static constexpr size_t kInvalidNodeIndex = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
size_t mLastBarrierIndex;
} // namespace vk
} // namespace rx