blob: dac6f523722002e019b80a5473c0fe0a4a70eb5a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Patrick Gansterer <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <wtf/text/AtomString.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <wtf/text/IntegerToStringConversion.h>
#include <wtf/dtoa.h>
namespace WTF {
template<AtomString::CaseConvertType type>
ALWAYS_INLINE AtomString AtomString::convertASCIICase() const
StringImpl* impl = this->impl();
if (UNLIKELY(!impl))
return nullAtom();
// Convert short strings without allocating a new StringImpl, since
// there's a good chance these strings are already in the atom
// string table and so no memory allocation will be required.
unsigned length;
const unsigned localBufferSize = 100;
if (impl->is8Bit() && (length = impl->length()) <= localBufferSize) {
const LChar* characters = impl->characters8();
unsigned failingIndex;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (type == CaseConvertType::Lower ? UNLIKELY(isASCIIUpper(characters[i])) : LIKELY(isASCIILower(characters[i]))) {
failingIndex = i;
goto SlowPath;
return *this;
LChar localBuffer[localBufferSize];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < failingIndex; ++i)
localBuffer[i] = characters[i];
for (unsigned i = failingIndex; i < length; ++i)
localBuffer[i] = type == CaseConvertType::Lower ? toASCIILower(characters[i]) : toASCIIUpper(characters[i]);
return AtomString(localBuffer, length);
Ref<StringImpl> convertedString = type == CaseConvertType::Lower ? impl->convertToASCIILowercase() : impl->convertToASCIIUppercase();
if (LIKELY(convertedString.ptr() == impl))
return *this;
AtomString result;
result.m_string = AtomStringImpl::add(convertedString.ptr());
return result;
AtomString AtomString::convertToASCIILowercase() const
return convertASCIICase<CaseConvertType::Lower>();
AtomString AtomString::convertToASCIIUppercase() const
return convertASCIICase<CaseConvertType::Upper>();
AtomString AtomString::number(int number)
return numberToStringSigned<AtomString>(number);
AtomString AtomString::number(unsigned number)
return numberToStringUnsigned<AtomString>(number);
AtomString AtomString::number(unsigned long number)
return numberToStringUnsigned<AtomString>(number);
AtomString AtomString::number(unsigned long long number)
return numberToStringUnsigned<AtomString>(number);
AtomString AtomString::number(float number)
NumberToStringBuffer buffer;
return numberToString(number, buffer);
AtomString AtomString::number(double number)
NumberToStringBuffer buffer;
return numberToString(number, buffer);
AtomString AtomString::fromUTF8Internal(const char* start, const char* end)
// Caller needs to handle empty string.
ASSERT(!end || end > start);
ASSERT(end || start[0]);
return AtomStringImpl::addUTF8(start, end ? end : start + std::strlen(start));
#ifndef NDEBUG
void AtomString::show() const
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE LazyNeverDestroyed<const AtomString> nullAtomData;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE LazyNeverDestroyed<const AtomString> emptyAtomData;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE MainThreadLazyNeverDestroyed<const AtomString> starAtomData;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE MainThreadLazyNeverDestroyed<const AtomString> xmlAtomData;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE MainThreadLazyNeverDestroyed<const AtomString> xmlnsAtomData;
void AtomString::init()
static std::once_flag initializeKey;
std::call_once(initializeKey, [] {
// Initialization is not thread safe, so this function must be called from the main thread first.
// When starting WebThread via StartWebThread function, we have special period between the prologue of StartWebThread and spawning WebThread actually.
// In this period, `isMainThread()` returns false even if this is called on the main thread since WebThread is now enabled and we are not taking a WebThread lock.
// This causes assertion hits in MainThreadLazyNeverDestroyed initialization only in WebThread platforms.
// We bypass this by using constructWithoutAccessCheck, which intentionally skips `isMainThread()` check for construction.
// In non WebThread environment, we do not lose the assertion coverage since we already have ASSERT(isUIThread()). And ASSERT(isUIThread()) ensures that this
// is called in system main thread in WebThread platforms.
starAtomData.constructWithoutAccessCheck("*", AtomString::ConstructFromLiteral);
xmlAtomData.constructWithoutAccessCheck("xml", AtomString::ConstructFromLiteral);
xmlnsAtomData.constructWithoutAccessCheck("xmlns", AtomString::ConstructFromLiteral);
} // namespace WTF