blob: c7f20328ee57457d76e82ccaabd85e614382dbd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GPUTestConfig.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/platform.h"
#include "common/string_utils.h"
#include "gpu_info_util/SystemInfo.h"
# include "GPUTestConfig_mac.h"
namespace angle
// Generic function call to get the OS version information from any platform
// defined below. This function will also cache the OS version info in static
// variables.
inline bool OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(int32_t *majorVersion, int32_t *minorVersion)
static int32_t sSavedMajorVersion = -1;
static int32_t sSavedMinorVersion = -1;
bool ret = false;
if (sSavedMajorVersion == -1 || sSavedMinorVersion == -1)
OSVERSIONINFOEX version_info = {};
version_info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(version_info);
::GetVersionEx(reinterpret_cast<OSVERSIONINFO *>(&version_info));
sSavedMajorVersion = version_info.dwMajorVersion;
*majorVersion = sSavedMajorVersion;
sSavedMinorVersion = version_info.dwMinorVersion;
*minorVersion = sSavedMinorVersion;
ret = true;
GetOperatingSystemVersionNumbers(&sSavedMajorVersion, &sSavedMinorVersion);
*majorVersion = sSavedMajorVersion;
*minorVersion = sSavedMinorVersion;
ret = true;
ret = false;
ret = true;
*majorVersion = sSavedMajorVersion;
*minorVersion = sSavedMinorVersion;
return ret;
// Check if the OS is any version of Windows
inline bool IsWin()
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is a specific major version of windows.
inline bool IsWinVersion(const int32_t majorVersion)
if (IsWin())
int32_t currentMajorVersion = 0;
int32_t currentMinorVersion = 0;
if (OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(&currentMajorVersion, &currentMinorVersion))
if (currentMajorVersion == majorVersion)
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is a specific major and minor version of windows.
inline bool IsWinVersion(const int32_t majorVersion, const int32_t minorVersion)
if (IsWin())
int32_t currentMajorVersion = 0;
int32_t currentMinorVersion = 0;
if (OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(&currentMajorVersion, &currentMinorVersion))
if (currentMajorVersion == majorVersion && currentMinorVersion == minorVersion)
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is Windows XP
inline bool IsWinXP()
if (IsWinVersion(5))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is Windows Vista
inline bool IsWinVista()
if (IsWinVersion(6, 0))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is Windows 7
inline bool IsWin7()
if (IsWinVersion(6, 1))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is Windows 8
inline bool IsWin8()
if (IsWinVersion(6, 2) || IsWinVersion(6, 3))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is Windows 10
inline bool IsWin10()
if (IsWinVersion(10))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is any version of OSX
inline bool IsMac()
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is a specific major and minor version of OSX
inline bool IsMacVersion(const int32_t majorVersion, const int32_t minorVersion)
if (IsMac())
int32_t currentMajorVersion = 0;
int32_t currentMinorVersion = 0;
if (OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(&currentMajorVersion, &currentMinorVersion))
if (currentMajorVersion == majorVersion && currentMinorVersion == minorVersion)
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX Leopard
inline bool IsMacLeopard()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 5))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX Snow Leopard
inline bool IsMacSnowLeopard()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 6))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX Lion
inline bool IsMacLion()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 7))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX Mountain Lion
inline bool IsMacMountainLion()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 8))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX Mavericks
inline bool IsMacMavericks()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 9))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX Yosemite
inline bool IsMacYosemite()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 10))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX El Capitan
inline bool IsMacElCapitan()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 11))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX Sierra
inline bool IsMacSierra()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 12))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX High Sierra
inline bool IsMacHighSierra()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 13))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is OSX Mojave
inline bool IsMacMojave()
if (IsMacVersion(10, 14))
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is any version of Linux
inline bool IsLinux()
return true;
return false;
// Check if the OS is any version of Android
inline bool IsAndroid()
return true;
return false;
// Generic function call to populate the SystemInfo struct. This function will
// also cache the SystemInfo struct for future calls. Returns false if the
// struct was not fully populated. Guaranteed to set sysInfo to a valid pointer
inline bool GetGPUTestSystemInfo(SystemInfo **sysInfo)
static SystemInfo *sSystemInfo = nullptr;
static bool sPopulated = false;
if (sSystemInfo == nullptr)
sSystemInfo = new SystemInfo;
if (!GetSystemInfo(sSystemInfo))
std::cout << "Error populating SystemInfo for dEQP tests." << std::endl;
// On dual-GPU Macs we want the active GPU to always appear to be the
// high-performance GPU for tests.
// We can call the generic GPU info collector which selects the
// non-Intel GPU as the active one on dual-GPU machines.
// See
if (IsMac())
sPopulated = true;
*sysInfo = sSystemInfo;
ASSERT(*sysInfo != nullptr);
return sPopulated;
// Get the active GPUDeviceInfo from the SystemInfo struct.
// Returns false if devInfo is not guaranteed to be set to the active device.
inline bool GetActiveGPU(GPUDeviceInfo **devInfo)
SystemInfo *systemInfo = nullptr;
if (systemInfo->gpus.size() <= 0)
return false;
uint32_t index = systemInfo->activeGPUIndex;
ASSERT(index < systemInfo->gpus.size());
*devInfo = &(systemInfo->gpus[index]);
return true;
// Get the vendor ID of the active GPU from the SystemInfo struct.
// Returns 0 if there is an error.
inline VendorID GetActiveGPUVendorID()
GPUDeviceInfo *activeGPU = nullptr;
if (GetActiveGPU(&activeGPU))
return activeGPU->vendorId;
return static_cast<VendorID>(0);
// Get the device ID of the active GPU from the SystemInfo struct.
// Returns 0 if there is an error.
inline DeviceID GetActiveGPUDeviceID()
GPUDeviceInfo *activeGPU = nullptr;
if (GetActiveGPU(&activeGPU))
return activeGPU->deviceId;
return static_cast<DeviceID>(0);
// Check whether the active GPU is NVIDIA.
inline bool IsNVIDIA()
return angle::IsNVIDIA(GetActiveGPUVendorID());
// Check whether the active GPU is AMD.
inline bool IsAMD()
return angle::IsAMD(GetActiveGPUVendorID());
// Check whether the active GPU is Intel.
inline bool IsIntel()
return angle::IsIntel(GetActiveGPUVendorID());
// Check whether the active GPU is VMWare.
inline bool IsVMWare()
return angle::IsVMWare(GetActiveGPUVendorID());
// Check whether this is a debug build.
inline bool IsDebug()
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
return true;
return false;
// Check whether this is a release build.
inline bool IsRelease()
return !IsDebug();
// Check whether the system is a specific Android device based on the name.
inline bool IsAndroidDevice(const std::string &deviceName)
if (!IsAndroid())
return false;
SystemInfo *systemInfo = nullptr;
if (systemInfo->machineModelName == deviceName)
return true;
return false;
// Check whether the system is a Nexus 5X device.
inline bool IsNexus5X()
return IsAndroidDevice("Nexus 5X");
// Check whether the system is a Pixel 2 device.
inline bool IsPixel2()
return IsAndroidDevice("Pixel 2");
// Check whether the system is a Pixel 2XL device.
inline bool IsPixel2XL()
return IsAndroidDevice("Pixel 2 XL");
// Check whether the active GPU is a specific device based on the string device ID.
inline bool IsDeviceIdGPU(const std::string &gpuDeviceId)
uint32_t deviceId = 0;
if (!HexStringToUInt(gpuDeviceId, &deviceId) || deviceId == 0)
// PushErrorMessage(kErrorMessage[kErrorEntryWithGpuDeviceIdConflicts], line_number);
return false;
return (deviceId == GetActiveGPUDeviceID());
// Check whether the active GPU is a NVIDIA Quadro P400
inline bool IsNVIDIAQuadroP400()
if (!IsNVIDIA())
return false;
return IsDeviceIdGPU("0x1CB3");
// Check whether the backend API has been set to D3D9 in the constructor
inline bool IsD3D9(const GPUTestConfig::API &api)
return (api == GPUTestConfig::kAPID3D9);
// Check whether the backend API has been set to D3D11 in the constructor
inline bool IsD3D11(const GPUTestConfig::API &api)
return (api == GPUTestConfig::kAPID3D11);
// Check whether the backend API has been set to OpenGL in the constructor
inline bool IsGLDesktop(const GPUTestConfig::API &api)
return (api == GPUTestConfig::kAPIGLDesktop);
// Check whether the backend API has been set to OpenGLES in the constructor
inline bool IsGLES(const GPUTestConfig::API &api)
return (api == GPUTestConfig::kAPIGLES);
// Check whether the backend API has been set to Vulkan in the constructor
inline bool IsVulkan(const GPUTestConfig::API &api)
return (api == GPUTestConfig::kAPIVulkan) || (api == GPUTestConfig::kAPISwiftShader);
inline bool IsSwiftShader(const GPUTestConfig::API &api)
return (api == GPUTestConfig::kAPISwiftShader);
// Check whether the backend API has been set to Metal in the constructor
inline bool IsMetal(const GPUTestConfig::API &api)
return (api == GPUTestConfig::kAPIMetal);
} // anonymous namespace
// Load all conditions in the constructor since this data will not change during a test set.
mConditions[kConditionNone] = false;
mConditions[kConditionWinXP] = IsWinXP();
mConditions[kConditionWinVista] = IsWinVista();
mConditions[kConditionWin7] = IsWin7();
mConditions[kConditionWin8] = IsWin8();
mConditions[kConditionWin10] = IsWin10();
mConditions[kConditionWin] = IsWin();
mConditions[kConditionMacLeopard] = IsMacLeopard();
mConditions[kConditionMacSnowLeopard] = IsMacSnowLeopard();
mConditions[kConditionMacLion] = IsMacLion();
mConditions[kConditionMacMountainLion] = IsMacMountainLion();
mConditions[kConditionMacMavericks] = IsMacMavericks();
mConditions[kConditionMacYosemite] = IsMacYosemite();
mConditions[kConditionMacElCapitan] = IsMacElCapitan();
mConditions[kConditionMacSierra] = IsMacSierra();
mConditions[kConditionMacHighSierra] = IsMacHighSierra();
mConditions[kConditionMacMojave] = IsMacMojave();
mConditions[kConditionMac] = IsMac();
mConditions[kConditionLinux] = IsLinux();
mConditions[kConditionAndroid] = IsAndroid();
mConditions[kConditionNVIDIA] = IsNVIDIA();
mConditions[kConditionAMD] = IsAMD();
mConditions[kConditionIntel] = IsIntel();
mConditions[kConditionVMWare] = IsVMWare();
mConditions[kConditionRelease] = IsRelease();
mConditions[kConditionDebug] = IsDebug();
// If no API provided, pass these conditions by default
mConditions[kConditionD3D9] = true;
mConditions[kConditionD3D11] = true;
mConditions[kConditionGLDesktop] = true;
mConditions[kConditionGLES] = true;
mConditions[kConditionVulkan] = true;
mConditions[kConditionSwiftShader] = true;
mConditions[kConditionMetal] = true;
mConditions[kConditionNexus5X] = IsNexus5X();
mConditions[kConditionPixel2OrXL] = IsPixel2() || IsPixel2XL();
mConditions[kConditionNVIDIAQuadroP400] = IsNVIDIAQuadroP400();
// If the constructor is passed an API, load those conditions as well
GPUTestConfig::GPUTestConfig(const API &api) : GPUTestConfig()
mConditions[kConditionD3D9] = IsD3D9(api);
mConditions[kConditionD3D11] = IsD3D11(api);
mConditions[kConditionGLDesktop] = IsGLDesktop(api);
mConditions[kConditionGLES] = IsGLES(api);
mConditions[kConditionVulkan] = IsVulkan(api);
mConditions[kConditionSwiftShader] = IsSwiftShader(api);
mConditions[kConditionMetal] = IsMetal(api);
// Return a const reference to the list of all pre-calculated conditions.
const GPUTestConfig::ConditionArray &GPUTestConfig::getConditions() const
return mConditions;
} // namespace angle