blob: 51c8203a97d4c0e86188ec0ccbfb0a195829f692 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Observer:
// Implements the Observer pattern for sending state change notifications
// from Subject objects to dependent Observer objects.
// See design document:
#include "common/FastVector.h"
#include "common/angleutils.h"
namespace angle
template <typename HaystackT, typename NeedleT>
bool IsInContainer(const HaystackT &haystack, const NeedleT &needle)
return std::find(haystack.begin(), haystack.end(), needle) != haystack.end();
using SubjectIndex = size_t;
// Messages are used to distinguish different Subject events that get sent to a single Observer.
// It could be possible to improve the handling by using different callback functions instead
// of a single handler function. But in some cases we want to share a single binding between
// Observer and Subject and handle different types of events.
enum class SubjectMessage
// Used by gl::VertexArray to notify gl::Context of a gl::Buffer binding count change. Triggers
// a validation cache update. Also used by gl::Texture to notify gl::Framebuffer of loops.
// Only the contents (pixels, bytes, etc) changed in this Subject. Distinct from the object
// storage.
// Sent by gl::Sampler, gl::Texture, gl::Framebuffer and others to notifiy gl::Context. This
// flag indicates to call syncState before next use.
// Generic state change message. Used in multiple places for different purposes.
// Indicates a bound gl::Buffer is now mapped or unmapped. Passed from gl::Buffer, through
// gl::VertexArray, into gl::Context. Used to track validation.
// The observing class inherits from this interface class.
class ObserverInterface
virtual ~ObserverInterface();
virtual void onSubjectStateChange(SubjectIndex index, SubjectMessage message) = 0;
class ObserverBindingBase
ObserverBindingBase(ObserverInterface *observer, SubjectIndex subjectIndex)
: mObserver(observer), mIndex(subjectIndex)
virtual ~ObserverBindingBase() {}
ObserverInterface *getObserver() const { return mObserver; }
SubjectIndex getSubjectIndex() const { return mIndex; }
virtual void onSubjectReset() {}
ObserverInterface *mObserver;
SubjectIndex mIndex;
// Maintains a list of observer bindings. Sends update messages to the observer.
class Subject : NonCopyable
virtual ~Subject();
void onStateChange(SubjectMessage message) const;
bool hasObservers() const;
void resetObservers();
ANGLE_INLINE void addObserver(ObserverBindingBase *observer)
ASSERT(!IsInContainer(mObservers, observer));
ANGLE_INLINE void removeObserver(ObserverBindingBase *observer)
ASSERT(IsInContainer(mObservers, observer));
// Keep a short list of observers so we can allocate/free them quickly. But since we support
// unlimited bindings, have a spill-over list of that uses dynamic allocation.
static constexpr size_t kMaxFixedObservers = 8;
angle::FastVector<ObserverBindingBase *, kMaxFixedObservers> mObservers;
// Keeps a binding between a Subject and Observer, with a specific subject index.
class ObserverBinding final : public ObserverBindingBase
ObserverBinding(ObserverInterface *observer, SubjectIndex index);
~ObserverBinding() override;
ObserverBinding(const ObserverBinding &other);
ObserverBinding &operator=(const ObserverBinding &other);
void bind(Subject *subject);
ANGLE_INLINE void reset() { bind(nullptr); }
void onStateChange(SubjectMessage message) const;
void onSubjectReset() override;
ANGLE_INLINE const Subject *getSubject() const { return mSubject; }
ANGLE_INLINE void assignSubject(Subject *subject) { mSubject = subject; }
Subject *mSubject;
} // namespace angle