blob: e013c56f6f2e2209a6fdc3ae3118e5f0df5d6df3 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html><!-- webkit-test-runner [ enableCSSAnimationsAndCSSTransitionsBackedByWebAnimations=true ] -->
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testcommon.js"></script>
@keyframes anim1 { }
@keyframes anim2 { }
.before::before {
animation: anim1 10s;
content: '';
.after-with-mix-anims-trans::after {
content: '';
animation: anim1 10s, anim2 10s;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
transition: all 100s;
.after-change::after {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
content: '';
<div id="log"></div>
'use strict';
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t, { class: 'before' });
var pseudoTarget = document.getAnimations()[0];
assert_equals(pseudoTarget.getAnimations().length, 1,
'Expected number of animations are returned');
assert_equals(pseudoTarget.getAnimations()[0].animationName, 'anim1',
'CSS animation name matches');
}, 'getAnimations returns CSSAnimation objects');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t, { class: 'after-with-mix-anims-trans' });
// Trigger transitions
// Create additional animation on the pseudo-element from script
var pseudoTarget = document.getAnimations()[0];
var effect = new KeyframeEffectReadOnly(pseudoTarget,
{ background: ["blue", "red"] },
3 * MS_PER_SEC);
var newAnimation = new Animation(effect, document.timeline); = 'scripted-anim';;
// Check order - the script-generated animation should appear later
var anims = pseudoTarget.getAnimations();
assert_equals(anims.length, 5,
'Got expected number of animations/trnasitions running on ' +
'::after pseudo element');
assert_equals(anims[0].transitionProperty, 'height',
'1st animation is the 1st transition sorted by name');
assert_equals(anims[1].transitionProperty, 'width',
'2nd animation is the 2nd transition sorted by name ');
assert_equals(anims[2].animationName, 'anim1',
'3rd animation is the 1st animation in animation-name list');
assert_equals(anims[3].animationName, 'anim2',
'4rd animation is the 2nd animation in animation-name list');
assert_equals(anims[4].id, 'scripted-anim',
'Animation added by script appears last');
}, 'getAnimations returns css transitions/animations, and script-generated ' +
'animations in the expected order');