blob: 5e025b610d897f9ecce07ff305d9da236b7fadb4 [file] [log] [blame]
Test the computed style of the -webkit-backdrop-filter property.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Basic reference : url('#a')
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "url(#a)"
Bare unquoted reference converting to quoted form : url(#a)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "url(#a)"
Multiple references : url('#a') url('#b')
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "url(#a)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "url(#b)"
Reference as 2nd value : grayscale(1) url('#a')
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(1)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "url(#a)"
Integer value : grayscale(1)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(1)"
Float value converts to integer : grayscale(1.0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(1)"
Zero value : grayscale(0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0)"
No values : grayscale()
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(1)"
Multiple values : grayscale(0.5) grayscale(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.25)"
Integer value : sepia(1)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "sepia(1)"
Float value converts to integer : sepia(1.0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "sepia(1)"
Zero value : sepia(0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "sepia(0)"
No values : sepia()
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "sepia(1)"
Multiple values : sepia(0.5) sepia(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "sepia(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "sepia(0.25)"
Rule combinations : sepia(0.5) grayscale(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "sepia(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.25)"
Integer value : saturate(1)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "saturate(1)"
Float value converts to integer : saturate(1.0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "saturate(1)"
Zero value : saturate(0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "saturate(0)"
No values : saturate()
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "saturate(1)"
Multiple values : saturate(0.5) saturate(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "saturate(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "saturate(0.25)"
Rule combinations : saturate(0.5) grayscale(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "saturate(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.25)"
Degrees value as integer : hue-rotate(10deg)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "hue-rotate(10deg)"
Degrees float value converts to integer : hue-rotate(10.0deg)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "hue-rotate(10deg)"
Radians value : hue-rotate(10rad)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "hue-rotate(572.9577951308232deg)"
Gradians value : hue-rotate(10grad)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "hue-rotate(9deg)"
Turns value : hue-rotate(0.5turn)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "hue-rotate(180deg)"
Zero value : hue-rotate(0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "hue-rotate(0deg)"
No values : hue-rotate()
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "hue-rotate(0deg)"
Rule combinations : hue-rotate(10deg) grayscale(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "hue-rotate(10deg)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.25)"
Integer value : invert(1)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "invert(1)"
Float value converts to integer : invert(1.0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "invert(1)"
Zero value : invert(0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "invert(0)"
No values : invert()
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "invert(1)"
Multiple values : invert(0.5) invert(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "invert(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "invert(0.25)"
Rule combinations : invert(0.5) grayscale(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "invert(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.25)"
Integer value : opacity(1)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "opacity(1)"
Float value converts to integer : opacity(1.0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "opacity(1)"
Zero value : opacity(0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "opacity(0)"
No values : opacity()
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "opacity(1)"
Multiple values : opacity(0.5) opacity(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "opacity(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "opacity(0.25)"
Rule combinations : opacity(0.5) grayscale(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "opacity(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.25)"
Integer value : brightness(1)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "brightness(1)"
Float value converts to integer : brightness(1.0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "brightness(1)"
Zero value : brightness(0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "brightness(0)"
No values : brightness()
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "brightness(1)"
Multiple values : brightness(0.5) brightness(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "brightness(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "brightness(0.25)"
Rule combinations : brightness(0.5) grayscale(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "brightness(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.25)"
Integer value : contrast(1)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "contrast(1)"
Value greater than 1 : contrast(2)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "contrast(2)"
Float value converts to integer : contrast(1.0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "contrast(1)"
Zero value : contrast(0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "contrast(0)"
No values : contrast()
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "contrast(1)"
Multiple values : contrast(0.5) contrast(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "contrast(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "contrast(0.25)"
Rule combinations : contrast(0.5) grayscale(0.25)
PASS filterStyle.length is 2
PASS subRule.cssText is "contrast(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.25)"
One zero to px : blur(0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "blur(0px)"
One length : blur(2em)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "blur(32px)"
One length : blur(5px)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "blur(5px)"
No values : blur()
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "blur(0px)"
Color then three values : drop-shadow(red 1px 2px 3px)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "drop-shadow(rgb(255, 0, 0) 1px 2px 3px)"
Three values then color : drop-shadow(1px 2px 3px red)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "drop-shadow(rgb(255, 0, 0) 1px 2px 3px)"
Color then three values with zero length : drop-shadow(#abc 0 0 0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "drop-shadow(rgb(170, 187, 204) 0px 0px 0px)"
Three values with zero length : drop-shadow(0 0 0)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "drop-shadow(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0px 0px 0px)"
Two values no color : drop-shadow(1px 2px)
PASS filterStyle.length is 1
PASS subRule.cssText is "drop-shadow(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 1px 2px 0px)"
Multiple operations : grayscale(0.5) sepia(0.25) saturate(0.75) hue-rotate(35deg) invert(0.2) opacity(0.9) blur(5px)
PASS filterStyle.length is 7
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "sepia(0.25)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "saturate(0.75)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "hue-rotate(35deg)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "invert(0.2)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "opacity(0.9)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "blur(5px)"
Percentage values : grayscale(50%) sepia(25%) saturate(75%) invert(20%) opacity(90%) brightness(60%) contrast(30%)
PASS filterStyle.length is 7
PASS subRule.cssText is "grayscale(0.5)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "sepia(0.25)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "saturate(0.75)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "invert(0.2)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "opacity(0.9)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "brightness(0.6)"
PASS subRule.cssText is "contrast(0.3)"
PASS successfullyParsed is true