blob: 30f85567940990439b8ced2e57b2fd50b1133ae8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Rob Buis <>
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010-2011. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "Element.h"
#include "SVGAnimatedProperty.h"
#include "SVGAttributeToPropertyMap.h"
#include "SVGPropertyTraits.h"
#include <wtf/NeverDestroyed.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
namespace WebCore {
// SVGSynchronizableAnimatedProperty implementation
template<typename PropertyType>
struct SVGSynchronizableAnimatedProperty {
: value(SVGPropertyTraits<PropertyType>::initialValue())
, shouldSynchronize(false)
, isValid(false)
template<typename ConstructorParameter1>
SVGSynchronizableAnimatedProperty(const ConstructorParameter1& value1)
: value(value1)
, shouldSynchronize(false)
, isValid(false)
template<typename ConstructorParameter1, typename ConstructorParameter2>
SVGSynchronizableAnimatedProperty(const ConstructorParameter1& value1, const ConstructorParameter2& value2)
: value(value1, value2)
, shouldSynchronize(false)
, isValid(false)
void synchronize(Element* ownerElement, const QualifiedName& attrName, const AtomicString& value)
ownerElement->setSynchronizedLazyAttribute(attrName, value);
PropertyType value;
bool shouldSynchronize : 1;
bool isValid : 1;
// Property registration helpers
SVGAttributeToPropertyMap& OwnerType::attributeToPropertyMap() \
{ \
static NeverDestroyed<SVGAttributeToPropertyMap> map; \
return map; \
} \
static void registerAnimatedPropertiesFor##OwnerType() \
{ \
auto& map = OwnerType::attributeToPropertyMap(); \
if (!map.isEmpty()) \
return; \
typedef OwnerType UseOwnerType;
#define REGISTER_LOCAL_ANIMATED_PROPERTY(LowerProperty) map.addProperty(*UseOwnerType::LowerProperty##PropertyInfo());
#define REGISTER_PARENT_ANIMATED_PROPERTIES(ClassName) map.addProperties(ClassName::attributeToPropertyMap());
// Property definition helpers (used in SVG*.cpp files)
#define DEFINE_ANIMATED_PROPERTY(AnimatedPropertyTypeEnum, OwnerType, DOMAttribute, SVGDOMAttributeIdentifier, UpperProperty, LowerProperty) \
const SVGPropertyInfo* OwnerType::LowerProperty##PropertyInfo() { \
static NeverDestroyed<const SVGPropertyInfo> s_propertyInfo = SVGPropertyInfo \
(AnimatedPropertyTypeEnum, \
PropertyIsReadWrite, \
DOMAttribute, \
SVGDOMAttributeIdentifier, \
&OwnerType::synchronize##UpperProperty, \
&OwnerType::lookupOrCreate##UpperProperty##Wrapper); \
return &s_propertyInfo.get(); \
// Property declaration helpers (used in SVG*.h files)
public: \
static SVGAttributeToPropertyMap& attributeToPropertyMap(); \
virtual SVGAttributeToPropertyMap& localAttributeToPropertyMap() \
{ \
return attributeToPropertyMap(); \
} \
typedef OwnerType UseOwnerType;
public: \
static SVGAttributeToPropertyMap& attributeToPropertyMap(); \
SVGAttributeToPropertyMap& localAttributeToPropertyMap() override \
{ \
return attributeToPropertyMap(); \
} \
typedef OwnerType UseOwnerType;
#define DECLARE_ANIMATED_PROPERTY(TearOffType, PropertyType, UpperProperty, LowerProperty, OverrideSpecifier) \
public: \
static const SVGPropertyInfo* LowerProperty##PropertyInfo(); \
PropertyType& LowerProperty() const \
{ \
if (auto wrapper = SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupWrapper<UseOwnerType, TearOffType>(this, LowerProperty##PropertyInfo())) { \
if (wrapper->isAnimating()) \
return wrapper->currentAnimatedValue(); \
} \
return m_##LowerProperty.value; \
} \
PropertyType& LowerProperty##BaseValue() const OverrideSpecifier \
{ \
return m_##LowerProperty.value; \
} \
void set##UpperProperty##BaseValue(const PropertyType& type, const bool validValue = true) OverrideSpecifier \
{ \
m_##LowerProperty.value = type; \
m_##LowerProperty.isValid = validValue; \
} \
Ref<TearOffType> LowerProperty##Animated() \
{ \
m_##LowerProperty.shouldSynchronize = true; \
return static_reference_cast<TearOffType>(lookupOrCreate##UpperProperty##Wrapper(this)); \
} \
bool LowerProperty##IsValid() const \
{ \
return m_##LowerProperty.isValid; \
} \
private: \
void synchronize##UpperProperty() \
{ \
if (!m_##LowerProperty.shouldSynchronize) \
return; \
AtomicString value(SVGPropertyTraits<PropertyType>::toString(m_##LowerProperty.value)); \
m_##LowerProperty.synchronize(this, LowerProperty##PropertyInfo()->attributeName, value); \
} \
static Ref<SVGAnimatedProperty> lookupOrCreate##UpperProperty##Wrapper(SVGElement* maskedOwnerType) \
{ \
ASSERT(maskedOwnerType); \
UseOwnerType* ownerType = static_cast<UseOwnerType*>(maskedOwnerType); \
return SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupOrCreateWrapper<UseOwnerType, TearOffType, PropertyType>(ownerType, LowerProperty##PropertyInfo(), ownerType->m_##LowerProperty.value); \
} \
static void synchronize##UpperProperty(SVGElement* maskedOwnerType) \
{ \
ASSERT(maskedOwnerType); \
UseOwnerType* ownerType = static_cast<UseOwnerType*>(maskedOwnerType); \
ownerType->synchronize##UpperProperty(); \
} \
mutable SVGSynchronizableAnimatedProperty<PropertyType> m_##LowerProperty;
// List specific definition/declaration helpers
#define DECLARE_ANIMATED_LIST_PROPERTY(TearOffType, PropertyType, UpperProperty, LowerProperty) \
DECLARE_ANIMATED_PROPERTY(TearOffType, PropertyType, UpperProperty, LowerProperty, ) \
void detachAnimated##UpperProperty##ListWrappers(unsigned newListSize) \
{ \
if (auto wrapper = SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupWrapper<UseOwnerType, TearOffType>(this, LowerProperty##PropertyInfo())) \
wrapper->detachListWrappers(newListSize); \
} // namespace WebCore