blob: a8e3270a79b93ecaf214bf5176caf6ca04cd25a7 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS setLocalDescription with valid offer should succeed
FAIL setLocalDescription with type offer and null sdp should use lastOffer generated from createOffer promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "OperationError: Expect line: v="
FAIL setLocalDescription() with offer not created by own createOffer() should reject with InvalidModificationError assert_throws: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "OperationError: Failed to set local offer sdp: Failed to push down transport description for data: Local fingerprint does not match identity. Expected: sha-256 0D:E8:6D:13:47:D3:0D:40:43:17:84:0B:34:55:1C:15:97:4A:46:FE:8A:F2:6E:3B:0A:A2:CC:6A:70:BC:14:1D Got: sha-256 3D:F2:4E:C4:C0:AC:A1:04:C5:D3:3A:19:C4:92:8F:98:AA:E0:52:9E:05:84:20:19:71:76:EC:C4:02:45:27:21" that is not a DOMException InvalidModificationError: property "code" is equal to 0, expected 13
FAIL Set created offer other than last offer should reject with InvalidModificationError assert_false: Expect both session descriptions to have different count of media lines expected false got true
FAIL Creating and setting offer multiple times should succeed assert_not_equals: Expect session description to be defined got disallowed value undefined
PASS Test onsignalingstatechange event for setLocalDescription with valid offer should succeed
PASS Test onsignalingstatechange event for Creating and setting offer multiple times should succeed