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<title>RTCIceCandidate constructor</title>
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'use strict';
const candidateString = 'candidate:1905690388 1 udp 2113937151 58041 typ host generation 0 ufrag thC8 network-cost 50';
const arbitraryString = '<arbitrary string[0] content>;';
test(t => {
// The argument for RTCIceCandidateInit is optional (w3c/webrtc-pc #1153 #1166),
// but the constructor throws because both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex are null by default.
// Note that current browsers pass this test but may throw TypeError for
// different reason, i.e. they don't accept empty argument.
// Further tests below are used to differentiate the errors.
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new RTCIceCandidate());
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate()');
test(t => {
// All fields in RTCIceCandidateInit are optional,
// but the constructor throws because both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex are null by default.
// Note that current browsers pass this test but may throw TypeError for
// different reason, i.e. they don't allow undefined candidate string.
// Further tests below are used to differentiate the errors.
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => new RTCIceCandidate({}));
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({})');
test(t => {
// Checks that manually filling the default values for RTCIceCandidateInit
// still throws because both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex are null
assert_throws(new TypeError(),
() => new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: '',
sdpMid: null,
sdpMLineIndex: null,
ufrag: undefined
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({ ... }) with manually filled default values');
test(t => {
// Checks that explicitly setting both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex null should throw
assert_throws(new TypeError(),
() => new RTCIceCandidate({
sdpMid: null,
sdpMLineIndex: null
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: null, sdpMLineIndex: null })');
test(t => {
// Throws because both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex are null by default
assert_throws(new TypeError(),
() => new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: ''
}, `new RTCIceCandidate({ candidate: '' })`);
test(t => {
// Throws because the candidate field is not nullable
assert_throws(new TypeError(),
() => new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: null
}, `new RTCIceCandidate({ candidate: null })`);
test(t => {
// Throws because both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex are null by default
assert_throws(new TypeError(),
() => new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: candidateString
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({ ... }) with valid candidate string only');
test(t => {
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 'audio' });
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, '');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, 'audio');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, null);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, null);
}, `new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 'audio' })`);
test(t => {
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMLineIndex: 0 });
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, '');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, null);
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, 0);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, null);
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMLineIndex: 0 })');
test(t => {
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
sdpMid: 'audio',
sdpMLineIndex: 0
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, '');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, 'audio');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, 0);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, null);
}, `new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 'audio', sdpMLineIndex: 0 })`);
test(t => {
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: '',
sdpMid: 'audio'
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, '');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, 'audio');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, null);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, null);
}, `new RTCIceCandidate({ candidate: '', sdpMid: 'audio' }`);
test(t => {
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: '',
sdpMLineIndex: 0
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, '');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, null);
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, 0);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, null);
}, `new RTCIceCandidate({ candidate: '', sdpMLineIndex: 0 }`);
test(t => {
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: candidateString,
sdpMid: 'audio'
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, candidateString);
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, 'audio');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, null);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, null);
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({ ... }) with valid candidate string and sdpMid');
test(t =>{
// candidate string is not validated in RTCIceCandidate
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: arbitraryString,
sdpMid: 'audio'
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, arbitraryString);
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, 'audio');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, null);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, null);
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({ ... }) with invalid candidate string and sdpMid');
test(t => {
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: candidateString,
sdpMid: 'video',
sdpMLineIndex: 1,
ufrag: 'test'
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, candidateString);
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, 'video');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, 1);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, 'test');
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({ ... }) with non default value for all fields');
test(t => {
// sdpMid is not validated in RTCIceCandidate
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
sdpMid: arbitraryString
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, '');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, arbitraryString);
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, null);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, null);
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({ ... }) with invalid sdpMid');
test(t => {
// Some arbitrary large out of bound line index that practically
// do not reference any m= line in SDP.
// However sdpMLineIndex is not validated in RTCIceCandidate
// and it has no knowledge of the SDP it is associated with.
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
sdpMLineIndex: 65535
assert_equals(candidate.candidate, '');
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMid, null);
assert_equals(candidate.sdpMLineIndex, 65535);
assert_equals(candidate.ufrag, null);
}, 'new RTCIceCandidate({ ... }) with invalid sdpMLineIndex');