blob: 9dde02f33795aa86ad279d3ac84c990e3c40fc1a [file] [log] [blame]
IndexedDB IDL tests
PASS IndexedDB IDL tests
FAIL Window interface: attribute indexedDB assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "indexedDB" expected true got false
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for indexedDB property on Window
PASS IDBRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBRequest interface object length
PASS IDBRequest interface object name
PASS IDBRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBRequest interface: attribute result
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for result property on IDBRequest
PASS IDBRequest interface: attribute error
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for error property on IDBRequest
PASS IDBRequest interface: attribute source
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for source property on IDBRequest
PASS IDBRequest interface: attribute transaction
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for transaction property on IDBRequest
PASS IDBRequest interface: attribute readyState
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for readyState property on IDBRequest
PASS IDBRequest interface: attribute onsuccess
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onsuccess property on IDBRequest
PASS IDBRequest interface: attribute onerror
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onerror property on IDBRequest
PASS IDBOpenDBRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBOpenDBRequest interface object length
PASS IDBOpenDBRequest interface object name
PASS IDBOpenDBRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBOpenDBRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBOpenDBRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBOpenDBRequest interface: attribute onblocked
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onblocked property on IDBOpenDBRequest
PASS IDBOpenDBRequest interface: attribute onupgradeneeded
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onupgradeneeded property on IDBOpenDBRequest
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface object length
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface object name
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface: attribute oldVersion
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for oldVersion property on IDBVersionChangeEvent
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface: attribute newVersion
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for newVersion property on IDBVersionChangeEvent
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent must be primary interface of new IDBVersionChangeEvent('foo')
PASS Stringification of new IDBVersionChangeEvent('foo')
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface: new IDBVersionChangeEvent('foo') must inherit property "oldVersion" with the proper type
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent interface: new IDBVersionChangeEvent('foo') must inherit property "newVersion" with the proper type
PASS IDBFactory interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBFactory interface object length
PASS IDBFactory interface object name
PASS IDBFactory interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBFactory interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBFactory interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBFactory interface: operation open(DOMString, unsigned long long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for open(DOMString, unsigned long long) on IDBFactory
PASS IDBFactory interface: operation deleteDatabase(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for deleteDatabase(DOMString) on IDBFactory
PASS IDBFactory interface: operation cmp(any, any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for cmp(any, any) on IDBFactory
PASS IDBFactory must be primary interface of window.indexedDB
PASS Stringification of window.indexedDB
PASS IDBFactory interface: window.indexedDB must inherit property "open(DOMString, unsigned long long)" with the proper type
PASS IDBFactory interface: calling open(DOMString, unsigned long long) on window.indexedDB with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS IDBFactory interface: window.indexedDB must inherit property "deleteDatabase(DOMString)" with the proper type
PASS IDBFactory interface: calling deleteDatabase(DOMString) on window.indexedDB with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS IDBFactory interface: window.indexedDB must inherit property "cmp(any, any)" with the proper type
PASS IDBFactory interface: calling cmp(any, any) on window.indexedDB with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS IDBDatabase interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBDatabase interface object length
PASS IDBDatabase interface object name
PASS IDBDatabase interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBDatabase interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBDatabase interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute name
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for name property on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute version
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for version property on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute objectStoreNames
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for objectStoreNames property on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: operation transaction([object Object],[object Object], IDBTransactionMode)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for transaction([object Object],[object Object], IDBTransactionMode) on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: operation close()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for close() on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: operation createObjectStore(DOMString, IDBObjectStoreParameters)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createObjectStore(DOMString, IDBObjectStoreParameters) on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: operation deleteObjectStore(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for deleteObjectStore(DOMString) on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onabort
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onabort property on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onclose
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onclose property on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onerror
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onerror property on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBDatabase interface: attribute onversionchange
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onversionchange property on IDBDatabase
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBObjectStore interface object length
PASS IDBObjectStore interface object name
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute name
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for name property on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute keyPath
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for keyPath property on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute indexNames
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for indexNames property on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute transaction
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for transaction property on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: attribute autoIncrement
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for autoIncrement property on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation put(any, any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for put(any, any) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation add(any, any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for add(any, any) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation delete(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for delete(any) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation clear()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for clear() on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation get(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for get(any) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation getKey(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getKey(any) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation getAll(any, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getAll(any, unsigned long) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation getAllKeys(any, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getAllKeys(any, unsigned long) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation count(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for count(any) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation openCursor(any, IDBCursorDirection)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for openCursor(any, IDBCursorDirection) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation openKeyCursor(any, IDBCursorDirection)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for openKeyCursor(any, IDBCursorDirection) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation index(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for index(DOMString) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation createIndex(DOMString, [object Object],[object Object], IDBIndexParameters)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for createIndex(DOMString, [object Object],[object Object], IDBIndexParameters) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBObjectStore interface: operation deleteIndex(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for deleteIndex(DOMString) on IDBObjectStore
PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBIndex interface object length
PASS IDBIndex interface object name
PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBIndex interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute name
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for name property on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute objectStore
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for objectStore property on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute keyPath
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for keyPath property on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute multiEntry
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for multiEntry property on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: attribute unique
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for unique property on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: operation get(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for get(any) on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: operation getKey(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getKey(any) on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: operation getAll(any, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getAll(any, unsigned long) on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: operation getAllKeys(any, unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for getAllKeys(any, unsigned long) on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: operation count(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for count(any) on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openCursor(any, IDBCursorDirection)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for openCursor(any, IDBCursorDirection) on IDBIndex
PASS IDBIndex interface: operation openKeyCursor(any, IDBCursorDirection)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for openKeyCursor(any, IDBCursorDirection) on IDBIndex
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBKeyRange interface object length
PASS IDBKeyRange interface object name
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lower
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lower property on IDBKeyRange
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute upper
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for upper property on IDBKeyRange
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute lowerOpen
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lowerOpen property on IDBKeyRange
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: attribute upperOpen
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for upperOpen property on IDBKeyRange
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: operation only(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for only(any) on IDBKeyRange
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: operation lowerBound(any, boolean)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for lowerBound(any, boolean) on IDBKeyRange
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: operation upperBound(any, boolean)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for upperBound(any, boolean) on IDBKeyRange
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: operation bound(any, any, boolean, boolean)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for bound(any, any, boolean, boolean) on IDBKeyRange
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: operation includes(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for includes(any) on IDBKeyRange
PASS IDBKeyRange must be primary interface of IDBKeyRange.only(0)
PASS Stringification of IDBKeyRange.only(0)
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: IDBKeyRange.only(0) must inherit property "lower" with the proper type
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: IDBKeyRange.only(0) must inherit property "upper" with the proper type
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: IDBKeyRange.only(0) must inherit property "lowerOpen" with the proper type
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: IDBKeyRange.only(0) must inherit property "upperOpen" with the proper type
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: IDBKeyRange.only(0) must inherit property "only(any)" with the proper type
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: calling only(any) on IDBKeyRange.only(0) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: IDBKeyRange.only(0) must inherit property "lowerBound(any, boolean)" with the proper type
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: calling lowerBound(any, boolean) on IDBKeyRange.only(0) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: IDBKeyRange.only(0) must inherit property "upperBound(any, boolean)" with the proper type
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: calling upperBound(any, boolean) on IDBKeyRange.only(0) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: IDBKeyRange.only(0) must inherit property "bound(any, any, boolean, boolean)" with the proper type
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: calling bound(any, any, boolean, boolean) on IDBKeyRange.only(0) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: IDBKeyRange.only(0) must inherit property "includes(any)" with the proper type
PASS IDBKeyRange interface: calling includes(any) on IDBKeyRange.only(0) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS IDBCursor interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBCursor interface object length
PASS IDBCursor interface object name
PASS IDBCursor interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBCursor interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBCursor interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBCursor interface: attribute source
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for source property on IDBCursor
PASS IDBCursor interface: attribute direction
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for direction property on IDBCursor
PASS IDBCursor interface: attribute key
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for key property on IDBCursor
PASS IDBCursor interface: attribute primaryKey
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for primaryKey property on IDBCursor
PASS IDBCursor interface: operation advance(unsigned long)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for advance(unsigned long) on IDBCursor
PASS IDBCursor interface: operation continue(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for continue(any) on IDBCursor
PASS IDBCursor interface: operation continuePrimaryKey(any, any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for continuePrimaryKey(any, any) on IDBCursor
PASS IDBCursor interface: operation update(any)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for update(any) on IDBCursor
PASS IDBCursor interface: operation delete()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for delete() on IDBCursor
PASS IDBCursorWithValue interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBCursorWithValue interface object length
PASS IDBCursorWithValue interface object name
PASS IDBCursorWithValue interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBCursorWithValue interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBCursorWithValue interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBCursorWithValue interface: attribute value
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for value property on IDBCursorWithValue
PASS IDBTransaction interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS IDBTransaction interface object length
PASS IDBTransaction interface object name
PASS IDBTransaction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS IDBTransaction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS IDBTransaction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute objectStoreNames
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for objectStoreNames property on IDBTransaction
PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute mode
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for mode property on IDBTransaction
PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute db
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for db property on IDBTransaction
PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute error
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for error property on IDBTransaction
PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation objectStore(DOMString)
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for objectStore(DOMString) on IDBTransaction
PASS IDBTransaction interface: operation abort()
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for abort() on IDBTransaction
PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onabort
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onabort property on IDBTransaction
PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute oncomplete
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for oncomplete property on IDBTransaction
PASS IDBTransaction interface: attribute onerror
PASS Unscopable handled correctly for onerror property on IDBTransaction