blob: ca645e77e627d61a0e66f8f66144a22c59eafd83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// Unit test framework. The one API that can be used by unit tests.
// Usage:
// How to import UTF -- add the following to the beginning of your test:
// /// <reference path="../UnitTestFramework/UnitTestFramework.js" />
// if (this.WScript && this.WScript.LoadScriptFile) { // Check for running in ch
// this.WScript.LoadScriptFile("..\\UnitTestFramework\\UnitTestFramework.js");
// }
// How to define and run tests:
// var tests = [ { name: "test name 1", body: function () {} }, ...];
// How to output "pass" only if run passes so that we can skip baseline:
//, {verbose: false});
// Or do this only when "summary" is given on command line:
// jshost -args summary -endargs
//, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });
// How to use assert:
// assert.areEqual(expected, actual, "those two should be equal");
// assert.areNotEqual(expected, actual, "those two should NOT be equal");
// assert.throws(function, SyntaxError);
// assert.doesNotThrow(function, "this function should not throw anything");
// Some useful helpers:
// helpers.writeln("works in both", "console", "and", "browser);
// helpers.printObject(WScript);
// var isInBrowser = helpers.isInBrowser();
var helpers = function helpers() {
var undefinedAsString = "undefined";
var isWScriptAvailable = this.WScript;
if (isWScriptAvailable && !this.WScript.LoadModuleFile) {
WScript.LoadModuleFile = function (fileName) {
WScript.LoadScriptFile(fileName, "module");
return {
isInBrowser: function isInBrowser() {
return typeof (document) !== undefinedAsString;
// TODO: instead of this hack consider exposing this/ScriptConfiguration through WScript.
get isCompatVersion9() {
return (typeof (ArrayBuffer) == undefinedAsString);
get isVersion10OrLater() {
return !this.isCompatVersion9;
// If propName is provided, thedummy object would have 1 property with name = propName, value = 0.
getDummyObject: function getDummyObject(propName) {
var dummy = this.isInBrowser() ? document : {};
//var dummy = {};
if (propName != undefined) {
dummy[propName] = 0;
return dummy;
writeln: function writeln() {
var line = "", i;
for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
line = line.concat(arguments[i])
if (!this.isInBrowser() || isWScriptAvailable) {
} else {
printObject: function printObject(o) {
var name;
for (name in o) {
this.writeln(name, o.hasOwnProperty(name) ? "" : " (inherited)", ": ", o[name]);
withPropertyDeleted: function withPropertyDeleted(object, propertyName, callback) {
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, propertyName);
try {
delete object[propertyName];
} finally {
Object.defineProperty(object, propertyName, descriptor);
}(); // helpers module.
var testRunner = function testRunner() {
var executedTestCount = 0;
var passedTestCount = 0;
var objectType = "object";
var _verbose = true; // If false, try to output "pass" only for passed run so we can skip baseline.
return {
runTests: function runTests(testsToRun, options) {
///<summary>Runs provided tests.<br/>
/// The 'testsToRun' is an object that has enumerable properties,<br/>
/// each property is an object that has 'name' and 'body' properties.
if (options && options.hasOwnProperty("verbose")) {
_verbose = options.verbose;
for (var i in testsToRun) {
var isRunnable = typeof testsToRun[i] === objectType;
if (isRunnable) {
this.runTest(i, testsToRun[i].name, testsToRun[i].body);
if (_verbose || executedTestCount != passedTestCount) {
helpers.writeln("Summary of tests: total executed: ", executedTestCount,
"; passed: ", passedTestCount, "; failed: ", executedTestCount - passedTestCount);
} else {
run: function run(tests, options) {
this.runTests(tests, options);
runTest: function runTest(testIndex, testName, testBody) {
///<summary>Runs test body catching all exceptions.<br/>
/// Result: prints PASSED/FAILED to the output.
function logTestNameIf(b) {
if (b) {
helpers.writeln("*** Running test #", executedTestCount + 1, " (", testIndex, "): ", testName);
var isSuccess = true;
try {
} catch (ex) {
var message = ex.stack || ex.message || ex;
helpers.writeln("Test threw exception: ", message);
isSuccess = false;
if (isSuccess) {
if (_verbose) {
} else {
}(); // testRunner.
var assert = function assert() {
// private
var isObject = function isObject(x) {
return x instanceof Object && typeof x !== "function";
var isNaN = function isNaN(x) {
return x !== x;
// returns true on success, and error message on failure
var compare = function compare(expected, actual) {
if (expected === actual) {
return true;
} else if (isObject(expected)) {
if (!isObject(actual)) return "actual is not an object";
var expectedFieldCount = 0, actualFieldCount = 0;
for (var i in expected) {
var compareResult = compare(expected[i], actual[i]);
if (compareResult !== true) return compareResult;
for (var i in actual) {
if (expectedFieldCount !== actualFieldCount) {
return "actual has different number of fields than expected";
return true;
} else {
if (isObject(actual)) return "actual is an object";
if (isNaN(expected) && isNaN(actual)) return true;
return "expected: " + expected + " actual: " + actual;
var epsilon = (function () {
var next, result;
for (next = 1; 1 + next !== 1; next = next / 2) {
result = next;
return result;
var compareAlmostEqualRelative = function compareAlmostEqualRelative(expected, actual) {
if (typeof expected !== "number" || typeof actual !== "number") {
return compare(expected, actual);
} else {
var diff = Math.abs(expected - actual);
var absExpected = Math.abs(expected);
var absActual = Math.abs(actual);
var largest = (absExpected > absActual) ? absExpected : absActual;
var maxRelDiff = epsilon * 5;
if (diff <= largest * maxRelDiff) {
return true;
} else {
return "expected almost: " + expected + " actual: " + actual + " difference: " + diff;
var validate = function validate(result, assertType, message) {
if (result !== true) {
var exMessage = addMessage("assert." + assertType + " failed: " + result);
exMessage = addMessage(exMessage, message);
throw exMessage;
var addMessage = function addMessage(baseMessage, message) {
if (message !== undefined) {
baseMessage += ": " + message;
return baseMessage;
return {
areEqual: function areEqual(expected, actual, message) {
/// <summary>
/// IMPORTANT: NaN compares equal.<br/>
/// IMPORTANT: for objects, assert.AreEqual checks the fields.<br/>
/// So, for 'var obj1={}, obj2={}' areEqual would be success, although in Javascript obj1 != obj2.<br/><br/>
/// Performs deep comparison of arguments.<br/>
/// This works for objects and simple types.<br/><br/>
/// TODO: account for other types?<br/>
/// TODO: account for missing vs undefined fields.
/// </summary>
validate(compare(expected, actual), "areEqual", message);
areNotEqual: function areNotEqual(expected, actual, message) {
validate(compare(expected, actual) !== true, "areNotEqual", message);
areAlmostEqual: function areAlmostEqual(expected, actual, message) {
/// <summary>
/// Compares numbers with an almost equal relative epsilon comparison.
/// Useful for verifying math functions.
/// </summary>
validate(compareAlmostEqualRelative(expected, actual), "areAlmostEqual", message);
isTrue: function isTrue(actual, message) {
validate(compare(true, actual), "isTrue", message);
isFalse: function isFalse(actual, message) {
validate(compare(false, actual), "isFalse", message);
isUndefined: function isUndefined(actual, message) {
validate(compare(undefined, actual), "isUndefined", message);
isNotUndefined: function isUndefined(actual, message) {
validate(compare(undefined, actual) !== true, "isNotUndefined", message);
throws: function throws(testFunction, expectedException, message, expectedErrorMessage) {
/// <summary>
/// Makes sure that the function specified by the 'testFunction' parameter
/// throws the exception specified by the 'expectedException' parameter.<br/><br/>
/// expectedException: A specific exception type, e.g. TypeError.
/// if undefined, this will pass if testFunction throws any exception.<br/>
/// message: Test-provided explanation of why this particular exception should be thrown.<br/>
/// expectedErrorMessage: If specified, verifies the thrown Error has expected message.<br/>
/// You only need to specify this if you are looking for a specific error message.<br/>
/// Does not require the prefix of e.g. "TypeError:" that would be printed by the host.<br/><br/>
/// Example:<br/>
/// assert.throws(function() { eval("{"); }, SyntaxError, "expected SyntaxError")<br/>
/// assert.throws(function() { eval("{"); }) // -- use this when you don't care which exception is thrown.<br/>
/// assert.throws(function() { eval("{"); }, SyntaxError, "expected SyntaxError with message about expected semicolon.", "Expected ';'")
/// </summary>
var noException = {}; // Some unique object which will not be equal to anything else.
var exception = noException; // Set default value.
try {
} catch (ex) {
exception = ex;
if (expectedException === undefined && exception !== noException) {
return; // Any exception thrown is OK.
var validationPart = exception;
if (exception !== noException && exception instanceof Object) {
validationPart = exception.constructor;
var validationErrorMessage = exception instanceof Error ? exception.message : undefined;
// Remap Chakra exception expectations to JSC exception expectations.
var jscReplacements = [
regexp: /Use before declaration/,
replStr: "Cannot access uninitialized variable."
regexp: /Assignment to const/,
replStr: "Attempted to assign to readonly property."
regexp: /'(\w+)' is undefined/,
replStr: "Can't find variable: $1"
regexp: /Object.prototype.__proto__: 'this' is not an Object/,
replStr: "Can't convert undefined or null to object"
regexp: /Object.setPrototypeOf: argument is not an Object and is not null/,
replStr: "Type error"
regexp: /Object.setPrototypeOf: argument is not an Object/,
replStr: "Type error"
regexp: /Cannot modify non-writable property '(\w+)'/,
replStr: "Attempted to assign to readonly property."
regexp: /'(\w+)' is not a constructor/,
replStr: "Reflect.construct requires the third argument be a constructor if present"
regexp: /The rest parameter must be the last parameter in a formals list\./,
replStr: "Unexpected token ','. Rest parameter should be the last parameter in a function declaration."
regexp: /Expected identifier/,
replStr: "Unexpected token ','. Expected a parameter pattern or a ')' in parameter list."
regexp: /Invalid unary operator on the left hand side of exponentiation \(\*\*\) operator/,
replStr: "Unexpected token '**'. Amiguous unary expression in the left hand side of the exponentiation expression; parenthesis must be used to disambiguate the expression."
regexp: /Assignment to read-only properties is not allowed in strict mode/,
replStr: "Attempted to assign to readonly property."
regexp: /(Array|Map|Set|String).prototype.(entries|find|findIndex|keys|repeat|values): 'this' is null or undefined/,
replStr: "$1.prototype.$2 requires that |this| not be null or undefined"
regexp: /(Array|Map|Set|String).prototype.entries: 'this' is not a \1 object/,
replStr: "Cannot create a $1 entry iterator for a non-$1 object."
regexp: /(Array|Map|Set|String).prototype.keys: 'this' is not a \1 object/,
replStr: "Cannot create a $1 key iterator for a non-$1 object."
regexp: /(Array|Map|Set|String).prototype.values: 'this' is not a \1 object/,
replStr: "Cannot create a $1 value iterator for a non-$1 object."
regexp: /(Map|Set) 'this' is not a \1 Iterator object/,
replStr: "Cannot call $ on a non-$1Iterator object"
regexp: /(Array) 'this' is not an \1 Iterator object/,
replStr: "%$ requires that |this| be an $1 Iterator instance"
regexp: /(Map|String) 'this' is not a \1 Iterator object/,
replStr: "%$ requires that |this| be a $1 Iterator instance"
regexp: /String.prototype\[Symbol.iterator\]: 'this' is null or undefined/,
replStr: "Type error" // String.prototype[Symbol.iterator] throws if this is null"
regexp: /Promise: cannot be called without the new keyword/,
replStr: "calling Promise constructor without new is invalid"
regexp: /Promise: argument is not a Function object/,
replStr: "Promise constructor takes a function argument"
regexp: /Promise.prototype.then: 'this' is not a Promise object/,
replStr: "|this| is not a object"
regexp: /Promise.resolve: 'this' is not an Object/,
replStr: "|this| is not a object"
regexp: /Promise.reject: 'this' is not an Object/,
replStr: "|this| is not a object"
regexp: /Proxy trap `setPrototypeOf` returned false/,
replStr: "Proxy 'setPrototypeOf' returned false indicating it could not set the prototype value. The operation was expected to succeed"
for (let idx = 0; idx < jscReplacements.length; idx++) {
if (jscReplacements[idx].regexp.test(expectedErrorMessage)) {
expectedErrorMessage = expectedErrorMessage.replace(jscReplacements[idx].regexp, jscReplacements[idx].replStr);
if (validationPart !== expectedException || (expectedErrorMessage && validationErrorMessage !== expectedErrorMessage)) {
var expectedString = expectedException !== undefined ?
expectedException.toString().replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/.*function (.*)\(.*/g, "$1") :
"<any exception>";
if (expectedErrorMessage) {
expectedString += " " + expectedErrorMessage;
var actual = exception !== noException ? exception : "<no exception>";
throw addMessage("assert.throws failed: expected: " + expectedString + ", actual: " + actual, message);
doesNotThrow: function doesNotThrow(testFunction, message) {
var noException = {};
var exception = noException;
try {
} catch (ex) {
exception = ex;
if (exception === noException) {
throw addMessage("assert.doesNotThrow failed: expected: <no exception>, actual: " + exception, message);
fail: function fail(message) {
///<summary>Can be used to fail the test.</summary>
throw message;
}(); // assert.