| layer at (0,0) size 480x360 |
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| RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 330x14 |
| chunk 1 text run 1 at (40.00,36.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 64 width 329.70: "This tests id selectors: <rect id=\"one\" /> and the selector #one" |
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| RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 259x14 |
| chunk 1 text run 1 at (40.00,14.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 51 width 258.14: "Circle should be red not green; rectangle still red" |
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| RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 317x14 |
| chunk 1 text run 1 at (40.00,36.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 63 width 316.96: "This tests attribute selectors: <circle transform=\"scale(2)\" />" |
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| RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 205x14 |
| chunk 1 text run 1 at (40.00,58.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 39 width 204.28: "and the selector [transform=\"scale(2)\"]" |
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| RenderSVGInlineText {#text} at (0,0) size 264x45 |
| chunk 1 text run 1 at (10.00,340.00) startOffset 0 endOffset 16 width 263.34: "$Revision: 1.4 $" |
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