blob: 4edb98150379155ac39df5b0bad2093213b882f9 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a test of the simple SVGPointList API parts.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 4
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(2)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(3)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100"
Creating point x=200 y=100
PASS (point = svg.createSVGPoint()).toString() is "[object SVGPoint]"
PASS point.x = 200 is 200
PASS point.y = 100 is 100
Test uncommon arguments for initialize()
PASS poly1.points.initialize(point) is point
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 1
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=200 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "200 100"
PASS poly1.points.initialize(poly1) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.initialize(0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.initialize('aString') threw exception TypeError: Type error.
Reset points attribute to 0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100
PASS poly1.setAttribute('points', '0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100') is undefined.
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 4
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(2)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(3)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100"
Test uncommon arguments for getItem()
PASS poly1.points.getItem(30) threw exception Error: INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1.
PASS poly1.points.getItem('aString') is poly1.points.getItem(0)
PASS poly1.points.getItem(poly1) is poly1.points.getItem(0)
PASS poly1.points.getItem(null) is poly1.points.getItem(0)
Test uncommon arguments for insertItemBefore()
PASS poly1.points.insertItemBefore(30) threw exception SyntaxError: Not enough arguments.
PASS poly1.points.insertItemBefore('aString') threw exception SyntaxError: Not enough arguments.
PASS poly1.points.insertItemBefore(poly1) threw exception SyntaxError: Not enough arguments.
PASS poly1.points.insertItemBefore(null) threw exception SyntaxError: Not enough arguments.
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.insertItemBefore(poly1.points.getItem(1), 'aString')) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 4
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(2)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(3)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "100 0 0 0 100 100 0 100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.insertItemBefore(poly1.points.getItem(1), poly1)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 4
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(2)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(3)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.insertItemBefore(poly1.points.getItem(1), null)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 4
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(2)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "100 0 0 0 100 100 0 100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.insertItemBefore(poly1.points.getItem(1), 0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 4
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(2)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(3)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100"
PASS poly1.points.insertItemBefore(30, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.insertItemBefore('aString', 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.insertItemBefore(poly1, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.insertItemBefore(null, 0) threw exception Error: SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: DOM SVG Exception 0.
Test uncommon arguments for replaceItem()
PASS poly1.points.replaceItem(30) threw exception SyntaxError: Not enough arguments.
PASS poly1.points.replaceItem('aString') threw exception SyntaxError: Not enough arguments.
PASS poly1.points.replaceItem(poly1) threw exception SyntaxError: Not enough arguments.
PASS poly1.points.replaceItem(null, 0) threw exception Error: SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: DOM SVG Exception 0.
PASS poly1.points.replaceItem('aString', 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.replaceItem(poly1, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.replaceItem(1, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
Test uncommon arguments for replaceItem() and xml-dom synchronization
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 4
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(2)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(3)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.replaceItem(poly1.points.getItem(0), 0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 3
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(2)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 0 100 100 0 100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.replaceItem(poly1.points.getItem(0), 'aString')) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 2
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 0 0 100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.replaceItem(poly1.points.getItem(0), poly1)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 1
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 0"
PASS poly1.points.replaceItem(poly1.points.getItem(0), null) threw exception Error: INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1.
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 0
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points') is ""
Reset points attribute to 0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100
PASS poly1.setAttribute('points', '0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100') is undefined.
Test uncommon arguments for removeItem()
PASS poly1.points.removeItem(30) threw exception Error: INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1.
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.removeItem('aString')) is "x=0 y=0"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 3
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "100 0 100 100 0 100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.removeItem(poly1)) is "x=100 y=0"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 2
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "100 100 0 100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.removeItem(null)) is "x=100 y=100"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 1
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 100"
Test uncommon arguments for appendItem()
PASS poly1.points.appendItem(30) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.appendItem('aString') threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.appendItem(poly1) threw exception TypeError: Type error.
PASS poly1.points.appendItem(null) threw exception Error: SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR: DOM SVG Exception 0.
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.appendItem(point)) is "x=200 y=100"
PASS poly1.points.numberOfItems is 2
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(0)) is "x=0 y=100"
PASS dumpPoint(poly1.points.getItem(1)) is "x=200 y=100"
PASS poly1.getAttribute('points').formatPointsAttribute() is "0 100 200 100"
PASS successfullyParsed is true